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COMMUNITY Toxic Femininity vs Healthy Femininity

Feminism has been around since the late 1800, so your time line is way off.

The founders of the feminist movement in this country were also staunchly racist to the core. Susan B Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Carrie Chapman Catt, Rebecca Ann Latimer were all terribly racist.

Susan B. Anthony was quoted as saying “I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.” as well as:

“What words can express her (the white woman’s) humiliation when, at the close of this long conflict, the government which she had served so faithfully held her unworthy of a voice in its councils, while it recognized as the political superiors of all the noble women of the nation the negro men just emerged from slavery, and not only totally illiterate, but also densely ignorant of every public question.”


“The old anti-slavery school says women must stand back and wait until the negroes shall be recognized. But we say, if you will not give the whole loaf of suffrage to the entire people, give it to the most intelligent first. If intelligence, justice, and morality are to have precedence in the government, let the question of the woman be brought up first and that of the negro last.”

Elizabeth Stanton stated "We educated, virtuous white women are more worthy of the vote." when the question of the 15th amendment came up giving the vote and citizenship to Black Men. She claimed to be an abolitionist but only when it served her. As with Anthony, when it came time to give Black men the vote, their true colors showed through with shit like this:

"What will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers?"

“White supremacy will be strengthened, not weakened, by women’s suffrage.” - Carrie Chapman Catt, founder of the League of Women Voters

“I do not want to see a negro man walk to the polls and vote on who should handle my tax money, while I myself cannot vote at all.” - Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton, first female Senator and last member of either house of Congress to be a slave owner.

Feminism is divisive because it was created for the interests of white women first and foremost, and with the current wave of feminism it's decidedly anti-man. The current crop of feminists is so anti-man that the remaining "old guard" of feminists don't even fuck with them and, in fact, oppose their vitriolic rhetoric being thrown about.

Feminism is so divisive that it's divided itself.

80 years, 100, 120 you get my gist. If feminism has issues to work on with itself how is that any different from any other movement?

I feel like yall havent spoke with black women the ones yall call feminists anyway about why black women feel how they feel. Its trying to just refute what they say.

Many women from civil rights movement said they had a slew of issues within the movement but it was put on the back burner. Now niggas mad and dont know why
Harvey Weinstein, That Standford boy who raped a woman and got like 3q

Healthy masculinity to me is simple. Its the provide and protect type of thing, the friendly comeperition and shit talking type of thing, knowing qhen and how and where to get physical or keep the peace.
if we assume we need to provide and protect women ...are we thinking less of them?
if them type of women want to be equal...can i lay in the bed while she goes to find out what the noise was that sounded like a broken window?

or would i be a bitch nigga and non toxic?
cant have it both ways
if we assume we need to provide and protect women ...are we thinking less of them?
if them type of women want to be equal...can i lay in the bed while she goes to find out what the noise was that sounded like a broken window?

or would i be a bitch nigga and non toxic?
cant have it both ways

So you equate women wanting equality as that they should do everything males can or should do? I mean i figure its more equity than equality
So you equate women wanting equality as that they should do everything males can or should do? I mean i figure its more equity than equality
i often remember some chicks saying they can do the same job as a man.

but i dont see much diversity in the trash collecting business,.
This has nothing to do with being angry at or attacking women. I've never harbored such feelings.
It's been 6 pages and these chicks have been mostly trolling. Whatever this high level of communication skill you have is, it's failed this thread so far. I assume these women are intelligent and can offer insight. So let's cut the shit and get to it. But if this doesn't work, that's cool too. I'll back out and let y'all have at it.

Did you ever think to consider why the women on this site, and some women in general, feel like discussing these issues with and/or among men is pointless and thus they resort to smart ass statements and trolling tactics? I would say this on the IC alot but from some of the shit niggas say it's kind of clear that some never actually have these discussions with women.
Do you see alot of men nurses? Even though nurses get paid pretty decent.

actually, yes. My wife's doctors and nurses all come to the house and of all of the nurses she's had, a hair less than half of them were men.

Whenever we've had to go to the hospital in Phoenix and here in Vegas, a lot of the nurses were men. Before he detoured into IT one of my boys went to school for nursing, that was back in '93 and there were men getting into it back then.
Harvey Weinstein, That Standford boy who raped a woman and got like 3q

Healthy masculinity to me is simple. Its the provide and protect type of thing, the friendly comeperition and shit talking type of thing, knowing qhen and how and where to get physical or keep the peace.

A feminist would tell you to your face that they don't need or want your benevolent sexist ideology that makes you think that they need you to provide for them or protect them, then call you a myriad of names before organizing a march, burning you in effigy and all that malarkey.

Ok they MIGHT not go that far, but they'll definitely tell you where you can go with all of that "provide and protect" garbage.

With that attitude, they'll quickly consider you an enemy of feminism.
the next thread should be about accountability and solutions with no blaming allowed.

we dont speak about solutions enough nor do we take accountability enough.

hell even when i say men need to be leaders in our community since its our fault the shit is the way it is.....niggas come at my neck.

but damn it im ready......

i aint got no problem with fighting ina thread all alone on my own side against the while ABW.