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Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years for 2020 Shooting of Megan Thee Stallion

Unless they going to put this nigga in jail or somebody going to beat his ass ain’t no reason to talking about it anymore they both took a L just another thing to add to the list of fucked up situations in 2020.
Cowards can stand aside, sit down, and shut up while we build toward our goal.

If you're waiting around for some imaginary nation, government, organization, or group without flaws, faults, or failures, you will die waiting. But if you're going to sidetrack us with rumors that you don't have any proof of, and I know you don't, I think it's best you stick to what you know and not what you heard somewhere.

Nigga there are books documenting what some NOI members have done. And I know you not about to say every one of them are law abiding citizens who don't harm the community. The shit ain't rumors. There's proof of everything I put in that post easily available to you. I'm not waiting on some group w/o flaws but you're up here trying to ignore the flaws that directly contradict with the goals you're say you want to achieve. That won't work out how you think it will
Nigga there are books documenting what some NOI members have done. And I know you not about to say every one of them are law abiding citizens who don't harm the community. The shit ain't rumors. There's proof of everything I put in that post easily available to you. I'm not waiting on some group w/o flaws but you're up here trying to ignore the flaws that directly contradict with the goals you're say you want to achieve. That won't work out how you think it will

Show us proof of what you allege.
im really worried if all these ...idk what to call it, but these certain voices that make some "point" and a few people latch onto it initially then somehow it gets picked up by too many people

i think we can all agree there are some aint shit ass dudes out here. But i find it unsettling that this seems to be echoed over and over like every black man you run into aint shit. I feel sorry for a female who really thinks that all black women arent protected by black men and that all black women protect black men.

I'm not gonna call every female i deal with a bitch based on the experiences with a handful in my lifetime.

still talking nonsense
Nigga there are books documenting what some NOI members have done. And I know you not about to say every one of them are law abiding citizens who don't harm the community. The shit ain't rumors. There's proof of everything I put in that post easily available to you. I'm not waiting on some group w/o flaws but you're up here trying to ignore the flaws that directly contradict with the goals you're say you want to achieve. That won't work out how you think it will

What members of the NOI committed crimes after joining?
Just some names or whatever these books are is cool.
I won't sidetrack this thread with another post about it.