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Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years for 2020 Shooting of Megan Thee Stallion

Now I’m confused.

She go shot out the car and they just stood out there until the police arrived

Or she got shot out the car and then got back in the car and then police pulled them over and told them to exit the vehicle?
Now I’m confused.

She go shot out the car and they just stood out there until the police arrived

Or she got shot out the car and then got back in the car and then police pulled them over and told them to exit the vehicle?

No idea

But if she lied about anything the ball is now in Tory’s court
The decision not to tell the police initially makes sense. Not the smartest decision but i can understand it.

TELLING THE WORLD THAT SHE DID SO NOW IS STUPID AS FUCK. Admitting to obstruction of justice to a global audience is crazy. Especially since there is an ongoing investigation.

I hope Meg gets the healing she needs, and not just in her feet. Should she have to prove she got shot, no. Her priorties seem to be skewed here. As serious as this is, nothing on social media should be more important than the integrity of the case.

Fuck tory but this inconsistency with talking and not talking is gonna hurt her and her case. All this does is cast more doubt and kill the 'support' shes looking for.
No idea

But if she lied about anything the ball is now in Tory’s court

It looks like they got pulled over and told to exit the car.

don’t know what the fuck going on. She got back in the whip with a nigga that just shot her.


It looks like they got pulled over and told to exit the car.

don’t know what the fuck going on. She got back in the whip with a nigga that just shot her.


Crazy to say this but

Being who they are you gotta go hash the shit out somewhere else if you not planning to call police. Disarm the nigga then you fleeing TMZ cameras as much as police. I’m sure they was driving her to the hospital.
For the "she's online talking about everything but the shooting" you dont think maybe her legal team advised her not to go around saying "Tory shot me" and giving her version of what happened?

Was she supposed to go radio silent and not post anything on social media at all? She still got her daily life to live
You jumped the gun with the last part. I didnt mean give up all social media. I was speaking on her talking about it, while trying not to talk on it. My stance was to say 100% nothing about the incident until you're ready, or talk about it 100%. Dont be online saying 15% or 20% of what happened then stop. To me thats like when people randomly bring up a topic that has everyone ears perk up, just for them to go, "yea but I cant tell you about it".
Society operates on many social codes people abide by whether you realize it or not. Sometimes people explicitly tell you these things other times life experiences and/or observation inform them. I can tell you for a fact not only have I heard women who were being abused say they didnt call the police for fear of escalation and not sending another Black man to jail but I've heard niggas flat out say they know they're able to do certain shit because people wont tell because we dont trust the police to do right by the victim or the accused.

As you get older you realize some of that shit doesnt make sense at all but trying to play naive to the fact that these ideas exist or why just makes you look stupid.
There's a reason why you won't answer my question.

Now the same people complaining about the condition cosign you but avoid responding to me directly.

So let me say this on behalf of Black men who actually give a damn: Those of you who find comfort in complaining about your plight but actively hide, run, and deflect from the solution are thereby complicit in your own demise. You aren't an angel because you don't call the police on a man shooting you or knocking your teeth out.

When we establish our own nation as Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, and Elijah Muhammad advocated for, we will make woman beaters WISH they were in a white man's jail cell. We're not going to waste time pretending to rehabilitate you while systemically oppressing you. No, we will beat your ass and if the grievance is great enough, we will kill you. And the woman who thinks she's going to protect you will have no choice but to choose a man who will treat her like a queen and not a bitch because those other men will be nowhere to be found.
Makes perfect sense she'd be scared of getting shot again. Cops pulled the over with their guns out ordering everyone out the car. But after Tory was already in custody and she was at the hospital, she could of said what happened. But thats just my stupid opinion.

People saying going to the police is dumb because it will harm a black man, BUT are advocating for street justice on Tory. You do know the person who will possibly carry out the street juice, will most likely be a black man, and could possibly do more time than Tory would of done, whether he succeeds or not.

But now that its officially out, lets see how long this Tory Boycott lasts, cuz i have no faith in it tbh.

Now I’m confused.

She go shot out the car and they just stood out there until the police arrived

Or she got shot out the car and then got back in the car and then police pulled them over and told them to exit the vehicle?
Neighbors reported gun shots or w/e. Guess she jumped back in the SUV and they sped off. They found the truck and ordered everyone out and on the ground with their guns drawn. Theres video on worldstar.