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Tipping At A Restaurant

I ain't reading all this shite
Tipping is an option

Tip if y'all fuckin want. Anybody tryna say it's a must tell them and the servers get another fuckin job
my comment was mainly for the people who go in and expect to be serviced hand and foot. Again, if its an issue, then just cook your own food, cut your own hair, etc...

You do these things out of convenience...well, convenience often has a cost associated with it.

But trying to justify nickel and diming people is such a load of shit

you have to be pretty terrible for me to reduce the amount of tip i was going to get, and I mean, im talking about what people would deem pretty standard for service.

There have been a couple of times where the waitress/server was so overwhelmed due to things that actually werent their fault, and I didnt penalize them by withholding a tip. I personally thanked them for their service and gave them the tip in their hands instead of leaving it on the table

Ok, I can agree with that. I'm a fairly easy going customer. I do hate seeing other people act like assholes to staff
Tip your servers people.

I use to wait tables. Hourly wage was 2.50 so we depended on them tips, resturants dont pay busboys either, we pay them out of our tips.

If your server did a great job and made your dining experience enjoyable then tip them.

It's really quite simple, servers prep plates, make salads, assist with kitchen prep and other duties for 2.50 an hour. Job is more than slinging plates and pagentry.
This is the point most people are missing. Hourly wage is $2.50 so those tips go towards their pay.

I don't tip at car washes cause them niggas getting at least minimum wage or more [edit: unless they hooking me up with some free tire shine or something]. Same for pizza delivery. They getting a proper hourly wage and waitresses/waiters are not.

I can see not tipping barbers too, but I do cause we regulars and I want to look out for him.
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nB4, "but they chose that job"


my comment was mainly for the people who go in and expect to be serviced hand and foot. Again, if its an issue, then just cook your own food, cut your own hair, etc...

You do these things out of convenience...well, convenience often has a cost associated with it.

But trying to justify nickel and diming people is such a load of shit

you have to be pretty terrible for me to reduce the amount of tip i was going to get, and I mean, im talking about what people would deem pretty standard for service.

There have been a couple of times where the waitress/server was so overwhelmed due to things that actually werent their fault, and I didnt penalize them by withholding a tip. I personally thanked them for their service and gave them the tip in their hands instead of leaving it on the table

But it ain't the patrons that's nickel and diming these people, it's their employers. Restaurant owners could actually pay their wait staff a decent wage but they choose not to and justify it by saying "well, they get tips..." which is utter bullshit. Pay a fair wage and no one is dependent on tips just to hit minimum wage. That they get tipped shouldn't even be a consideration for their hourly wage anyways because, if anything, a server getting a lot in tips every night indicates that person giving exceptional service to the customers, which would mean repeat business and recommendations to check out the establishment, thus increasing the restaurant's bottom line.
nB4, "but they chose that job"




You don't walk into any job and expect people to give you extra money just because you did your job, so why is it that we're expected to do it with this one?

They did choose that job, and they know exactly what's at stake. Pretty sure there's other jobs out there that pay better than $2.50/hr.

You don't walk into any job and expect people to give you extra money just because you did your job, so why is it that we're expected to do it with this one?

They did choose that job, and they know exactly what's at stake. Pretty sure there's other jobs out there that pay better than $2.50/hr.
is it someone in the service industry?

How is this different from someone who has a low base pay but thrives off commission?
is it someone in the service industry?

How is this different from someone who has a low base pay but thrives off commission?

Do you have any clue as to how many positions fall under the "service industry" category? And of those, only waitstaff get paid this shitty and expect tips to make up the rest of their pay.

I worked in commissioned sales for 8 years out of high school. At no time was my base pay less than minimum wage. In fact, every sales job I held down, except my first one, paid significantly more than minimum. When I worked as a car audio installer at Best Buy we got commission based on what we did and if we sold any extras while their car was in the bay and we got $9.50/hr as a base pay. If I hadn't gotten fired from there I was on my way to seeing over $30K/yr, a lot for a cat with no college degree that wasn't working in a plant back in 1994. And commissioned sales is significantly different: It's based on how much money you're making for your employer and the employer splitting that money with you.

Being in the "service industry" is no excuse for accepting less than minimum wage. Restaurant owners have basically fooled everyone into paying their employee's salaries for them for decades. It's about time for that shit to stop.
I've worked in the service industry most of my adult life.

Tip them people man.

The better the service, the better the tip.

If you don't want to tip then get your shit to go....

But if you want to be served and treated like valued guest then pay for that service. It's pretty simple
You have a certain group of people who hate the very idea of tipping even before they enter a sit-down restaurant. "Nobody ever gave me nothing so I'm not giving anything "type cheapos. They are the ones holding up their glass (not plastic cup) shaking it to round up the waitress every time they take a sip. She going to earn this buck fifty the hard way. Never mind the fact that she is taking care of 20 or so people with a smile on her face and never sitting down on a shift. Newsflash for the tightwads: Nobody is getting rich off waitressing. It's a low low paying job that people take when the chips are down. Most of them can't even afford to eat in the place they work. A tip is nothing more than a nice way of saying thanks for making my night out with my family or guests a pleasant one.

And seriously Koncept, what's up with this exceptional service. Does the poor girl have to stand beside you with the tea pitcher? What exactly do you demand out of a waitress?

Mixed up Du and Konocept
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I've worked in the service industry most of my adult life.

Tip them people man.

The better the service, the better the tip.

If you don't want to tip then get your shit to go....

But if you want to be served and treated like valued guest then pay for that service. It's pretty simple

Being served and treated like a valued guest is part of their job description. If you ain't doing that then you're the problem, not the customer that ain't tipping.

This is what not one of y'all seem to understand.
Saw a server get a 1,000 tip and immediately broke it with the whole squad... Bought everybody shots n everything. Bought my meal for the night.

Servers are really good people as a whole. They look out for people like none other

Our bar is essentially the " industry bar" of the community. Everyone comes to our spot when they get off... Nobody tips better than fellow bar tenders.... Those tips go a long way
You have a certain group of people who hate the very idea of tipping even before they enter a sit-down restaurant. "Nobody ever gave me nothing so I'm not giving anything "type cheapos. They are the ones holding up their glass (not plastic cup) shaking it to round up the waitress every time they take a sip. She going to earn this buck fifty the hard way. Never mind the fact that she is taking care of 20 or so people with a smile on her face and never sitting down on a shift. Newsflash for the tightwads: Nobody is getting rich off waitressing. It's a low low paying job that people take when the chips are down. Most of them can't even afford to eat in the place they work. A tip is nothing more than a nice way of saying thanks for making my night out with my family or guests a pleasant one.

And seriously Koncept, what's up with this exceptional service. Does the poor girl have to stand beside you with the tea pitcher? What exactly do you demand out of a waitress?

Mixed up Du and Konocept

I already laid it out in at least two previous posts. Exceptional service means going above and beyond what your job entails. If you're a waiter or waitress make good recommendations for each part of the meal based on conversation you have with the customer. That means engaging the customer outside of handing them a menu and saying "I'll give you a moment to decide what you want" and walking away. Each time a customer sits down you need to treat that as an opportunity to make their visit a good one. After handing them a menu ask questions like what they like to eat and if they've ever tried certain things before. Treat each one like a sale. Engage them and make them feel like you're really interested in giving them the best dining experience possible.

That's exceptional service. Everything else is simply doing your job like you're supposed to. I've had waiters like that before, and I had no issue with tipping them quite well because it was well deserved. Everything from the appetizer through to dessert was a recommendation by the waiter and the shit was good as fuck. I had one where dinner was something like $180 and I laid $50 on dude because he made it a good experience. A lot of the better restaurants I've been to are like that so I have no issue tipping, but tipping the waiter at Applebee's that gives no fucks about anything other than filling orders? Nah b.
Saw a server get a 1,000 tip and immediately broke it with the whole squad... Bought everybody shots n everything. Bought my meal for the night.

Servers are really good people as a whole. They look out for people like none other

Our bar is essentially the " industry bar" of the community. Everyone comes to our spot when they get off... Nobody tips better than fellow bar tenders.... Those tips go a long way


i got alotta "industry" friends, and they take care for sure. its almost like one of those things where they keep the money in the community. they hit the popular spot after their shifts and everybody is in there treating everybody. if they had a good shift...the next dude is about to have a good shift.

i mean idk how some of the smaller and maybe less touristy/popular spots work, but i can tell you that the industry people i know ARENT hurtin for money...