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Tipping At A Restaurant

Maybe ima grumpy asshole...but i dont want some 37 year old camel smokn broad tryna act nice to get a tip..bring me my food u sarah connor lookn cac

Waitresses are stripper with clothes and dignity
I tip my barber good (gets me out the way if theres a line on weekends)

I tip my bartender good (for stronger drinks or sometimes no bill)

Waitresses depends on service
Do it yourself, problem solved
Yup...I cut my hair and my boys...I used to go to a barber and missed almost two months because I was growing my shit out but was shaping it up myself...when i finally went to him for a temp fade this nigga lectured me for 30 minutes BEFORE the clippers touched my head on how black people need to help other black people out and keep the money in the community...I told him from day one I knew how to cut my own shit but sometimes I'm too busy to cut my shit AND my kids so I would go to him from time to time and the nigga wasnt that good anyway so only I've been cutting my shit for the last two years
Gabi tired of ya'lls shit LMAO
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Tell me I'm wrong tho???? Niggas watched reservoir dogs and thought they had a legit argument against tipping. No. You don't. Leave the money under the glass and let's go.

i'm with you Gabi dear lol

smoke with you...i dont want
Tip your servers people.

I use to wait tables. Hourly wage was 2.50 so we depended on them tips, resturants dont pay busboys either, we pay them out of our tips.

If your server did a great job and made your dining experience enjoyable then tip them.

It's really quite simple, servers prep plates, make salads, assist with kitchen prep and other duties for 2.50 an hour. Job is more than slinging plates and pagentry.
some of you niggas in here sounding broke and pitiful af

ya'll trying to make people do everything except suck ya dicks for a $5 tip

if you aint got it, then keep ya broke asses at home and cook ya own shit.
fuck all that.

Give a solid reason why somebody HAS to tip just because. Not because the people who work in these profession say so bullshit. If that's reason enough, then we all need to start campaigning for tips. The job is what it is and you knew that going in. Do we tip the school janitor who scrapes your bad ass child's gum from under the desk and cleans up the bathrooms they leave shitty? Nope and nobody give a shit. How about tipping the chef who did the most important fucking part?

Like I said before, all that bitching people are doing over tips, well when folks slow down on going out then what? Americans are entitled fucks. They do the bare minimum and expect above average rewards (think everybody gets a trophy).

Every other country I visit, when I tip, even the smallest amount, the server is surprised and grateful as fuck. See most of them do their fucking job and do it well, I know what a concept. When you acknowledge their hard work they actually appreciate it, they don't expect it, but they appreciate it.

Again, I tip all the time, because as a large angry looking black man, I rarely get bad service. When it's black folks, I'm puttin extra on it. But stop bitchin and expecting the shit. You ain't making enough and it bothers you THAT bad, go find another job.
some of you niggas in here sounding broke and pitiful af

ya'll trying to make people do everything except suck ya dicks for a $5 tip

if you aint got it, then keep ya broke asses at home and cook ya own shit.

Deflection based on fake flossy shit. You stuntin off tips?

I'm far from broke my nigga. I just with tipping being the expectation. That's all.

Now as far as the people who really don't have it like that to tip. Well guess what, they still came to your establishment which employs your ass. Now if they take your advice and restaurant sales drop, so do jobs AND how much the management is willing to pay people.
Deflection based on fake flossy shit. You stuntin off tips?

I'm far from broke my nigga. I just with tipping being the expectation. That's all.

Now as far as the people who really don't have it like that to tip. Well guess what, they still came to your establishment which employs your ass. Now if they take your advice and restaurant sales drop, so do jobs AND how much the management is willing to pay people.

my comment was mainly for the people who go in and expect to be serviced hand and foot. Again, if its an issue, then just cook your own food, cut your own hair, etc...

You do these things out of convenience...well, convenience often has a cost associated with it.

But trying to justify nickel and diming people is such a load of shit

you have to be pretty terrible for me to reduce the amount of tip i was going to get, and I mean, im talking about what people would deem pretty standard for service.

There have been a couple of times where the waitress/server was so overwhelmed due to things that actually werent their fault, and I didnt penalize them by withholding a tip. I personally thanked them for their service and gave them the tip in their hands instead of leaving it on the table