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Tipping At A Restaurant

You ever watch "Welcome to Sweetie Pie's"???

Robbie Montgomery flosses her whips all the time. Nothing less than a Benz and IIRC this last season she was pimpin a Bentley.

folk.....you too old for this.....a reality TV show????

Maybe you didn't read the part about all of us not having an issue with tipping for good service.

Dunno... maybe you missed it... yeah, that has to be the case.

I read your professional recommendation requirements for a tip

while we both have opinions, run this thread by anybody who's ever worked in the service industry and the response is, you suck lol

This is hustling backwards 101.

You're giving extra to get good service, not giving extra because you got good service. That ain't a tip, that's a bribe. That's paying for "the hookup".

and you're so right in the literal sense....the thing is, I just understand and consider that this person didnt get up to make my day today....they came in to make money....I came in to be served.....lets work this out

I'd much rather jump shit off right and set the tone...but I get there's prin-ci-pali-ties in this for some

its cool lol
I used to bar back and bust tables when I was like 19-22

The bars would pay me under the table and the bartenders would hook me up too....

That shit goes so far..I ain't make that much at first, so I would just be slinging shit.... Then one night we was real busy at this one bar, an I was busting my ass, normally at the end of the shift the bartenders give us like 20-30 bucks.... But that one night it was like 100

They were busy, I kept their area clean, they got some nice tips, so they spread the love...

It's a trickle effect.

The best bartenders typically had the best customers, who always tipped the best. They also always had the cleanest bars, best stock, fresh ice, cleanest floors, if they customers orderd food they always got it on time. Like every thing was better off of them tips....

People just don't see how far it goes if they not there

changes the whooole morale of the place when people just tip

the people that come in after you gone have a better experience off that
folk.....you too old for this.....a reality TV show????

I read your professional recommendation requirements for a tip

while we both have opinions, run this thread by anybody who's ever worked in the service industry and the response is, you suck lol

and you're so right in the literal sense....the thing is, I just understand and consider that this person didnt get up to make my day today....they came in to make money....I came in to be served.....lets work this out

I'd much rather jump shit off right and set the tone...but I get there's prin-ci-pali-ties in this for some

its cool lol

Ok, bet: I've worked in the service industry myself in restaurants and got paid with tips and I'm in this thread. Now what?
Ok, bet: I've worked in the service industry myself in restaurants and got paid with tips and I'm in this thread. Now what?


the textual equivalent of the guy that punches himself to get charged for a fight...."come at me bro"

so you were aallll good with being dedicated to excellent service whether you got a tip or not?

how does young server you feel about "ill consider after I evaluate your work" you?

the textual equivalent of the guy that punches himself to get charged for a fight...."come at me bro"

so you were aallll good with being dedicated to excellent service whether you got a tip or not?

how does young server you feel about "ill consider after I evaluate your work" you?

Because I made a habit of getting people to give my installers tips when they go the extra mile, I expected tips if I did the same. Why do you think I wrote all of that? I approached waiting tables the same way I did with commissioned sales. I got to know the product backwards and forwards so when a customer came looking to buy something I could make good recommendations. Anything less is just doing the job you're paid to do. And you get tips based on the service provided... past tense... which is why you make sure the customer is happy with all aspects of the dining experience.

To the last thing you said:

We order shit from Postmates, Instacart, and the like all the time. We don't tip until after we get the food and make sure it's 100% on point or, if it's not, the person delivering has a solid explanation as to what happened (and my wife is in constant communication with them when there's substitutions so there's usually no confusion).

About three weeks ago we decided to order out for dinner and when dude showed up with our food he was aggravated talmbout "You know, we do this for tips, so when you order and you don't give us a tip it's like we're doing this for free" before handing me my food.


I took the food and damned near cussed his ass out. How the fuck you gonna demand a tip for shit you ain't even do yet? What if you fucked up the order (which he did) and I've already given you a nice tip? You gonna fix that shit? Told him that any chance he had of getting a tip was out the window because of his fucked up ass attitude, then complained about him to whatever service we used, who in turn sent another driver out with the shit missing from my order.

That person got tipped.
you tough old school

tip them people

just for the fuck of it one time
Because I made a habit of getting people to give my installers tips when they go the extra mile, I expected tips if I did the same. Why do you think I wrote all of that? I approached waiting tables the same way I did with commissioned sales. I got to know the product backwards and forwards so when a customer came looking to buy something I could make good recommendations. Anything less is just doing the job you're paid to do. And you get tips based on the service provided... past tense... which is why you make sure the customer is happy with all aspects of the dining experience.

To the last thing you said:

We order shit from Postmates, Instacart, and the like all the time. We don't tip until after we get the food and make sure it's 100% on point or, if it's not, the person delivering has a solid explanation as to what happened (and my wife is in constant communication with them when there's substitutions so there's usually no confusion).

About three weeks ago we decided to order out for dinner and when dude showed up with our food he was aggravated talmbout "You know, we do this for tips, so when you order and you don't give us a tip it's like we're doing this for free" before handing me my food.


I took the food and damned near cussed his ass out. How the fuck you gonna demand a tip for shit you ain't even do yet? What if you fucked up the order (which he did) and I've already given you a nice tip? You gonna fix that shit? Told him that any chance he had of getting a tip was out the window because of his fucked up ass attitude, then complained about him to whatever service we used, who in turn sent another driver out with the shit missing from my order.

That person got tipped.

Hilarious. So the Uber eats guy took one look at you and knew you weren't a tipper?
Whats funny to me is the service people mad at people who don't tip.

Be mad at your coworkers who give shitty service causing ppl not to tip. Or maybe the ppl complaining are the ones giving the shitty service.

Hilarious. So the Uber eats guy took one look at you and knew you weren't a tipper?

No, I almost want to say it was Instacart that time, but which ever one it was in the app when you place the order it asks you for a tip up front but you have the option of not paying it until after the food is delivered.

And just in case y'all niggas still wanna try to say I ain't never done this work...

I'm STILL a driver for Postmates.
Man that nigga deserved to get punched in his shit.

Good thing you wasn't on yo Detroit shit that day.

Bruuuuuuuuh! Do you know how hard it was not to sock his ass straight in his mouth? My one concern was he spoke with a Russian or Ukranian accent and the muhfucka obviously knows where I live. I ain't trying to have problems with them cats so I went the civil route.
I tip my barber when I'm running late for my appointment which regular for me. I'll tip the waitress but I'm not breaking them off a grip. They'll get what I think they deserve. I'm grading them soon as I sit down
non tippers are assholes....thats them folks income

at the same time, nobody could tell me my $5 aint no tip cuz I can get a pack of woods /w that

I typically start w/ 10 and your performance decides the rest
Lol..just cause this 1/2, when I read non tippers, I didn't even see "are assholes"..my mind went straight to..non tippers, non sippers, non snorters, non drinker..then in my head,the beat drop

Hilarious. So the Uber eats guy took one look at you and knew you weren't a tipper?

Bruuuuuuuuh! Do you know how hard it was not to sock his ass straight in his mouth? My one concern was he spoke with a Russian or Ukranian accent and the muhfucka obviously knows where I live. I ain't trying to have problems with them cats so I went the civil route.

I feel that. You woulda had to call in two more Eastside niggas like 3 westside niggas and a chicago nigga for good measure lol
I feel that. You woulda had to call in two more Eastside niggas like 3 westside niggas and a chicago nigga for good measure lol

quiet as it's kept, I could prolly find all of that plus a coupla dudes from the SW and maybe one or two from Inkster or Ecorse out here. Just gotta roll around blasting "Ass and Titties" out the van and they'll stop me sooner or later.

Not sure what it is, but there's a heavy ass Detroit presence out here in Vegas.
No, I almost want to say it was Instacart that time, but which ever one it was in the app when you place the order it asks you for a tip up front but you have the option of not paying it until after the food is delivered.

And just in case y'all niggas still wanna try to say I ain't never done this work...

I'm STILL a driver for Postmates.
What are you delivering in that purse?
I already laid it out in at least two previous posts. Exceptional service means going above and beyond what your job entails. If you're a waiter or waitress make good recommendations for each part of the meal based on conversation you have with the customer. That means engaging the customer outside of handing them a menu and saying "I'll give you a moment to decide what you want" and walking away. Each time a customer sits down you need to treat that as an opportunity to make their visit a good one. After handing them a menu ask questions like what they like to eat and if they've ever tried certain things before. Treat each one like a sale. Engage them and make them feel like you're really interested in giving them the best dining experience possible.

That's exceptional service. Everything else is simply doing your job like you're supposed to. I've had waiters like that before, and I had no issue with tipping them quite well because it was well deserved. Everything from the appetizer through to dessert was a recommendation by the waiter and the shit was good as fuck. I had one where dinner was something like $180 and I laid $50 on dude because he made it a good experience. A lot of the better restaurants I've been to are like that so I have no issue tipping, but tipping the waiter at Applebee's that gives no fucks about anything other than filling orders? Nah b.
This is exceptional service to you. I like waiters and waitresses to leave me the fuck alone and just keep my glass filled and bring the food hot.

So exceptional service is subjective and you should tip 0% poor service, 10% below average, 15% average, and 20% exceptional by your standards. But to not give anything at all for average is fucked up.

Now I do agree that waiters should be paid an hourly rate, but then you take away the incentive to provide great service. Just need the Chic Fil A training manual to keep them straight though.
7 pages in and not a single person made fun of Max using the wrong there in the title

I'm proud of ya'll