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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

Stopped reading here because you didn't get anything I just said. I also ain't about to explain it cause it was quite clear.

Bruh, I got what you said just fine. You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.
Bruh, I got what you said just fine. You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.

Still completely wrong. Just let it go.
A small minority of group doesn't run the country, let's stop sharing this false narrative. If that was such a true statement, that small group would have been killed off a long time ago. White supremacy runs the world

White folks know about their history and ours, this is why our the history is either never mentioned or is hidden, just because it's not talked about or put into our faces, doesn't mean that they don't know about it.

Black folks are the ones that don't know their history. The Devil's Punch Bowl. As a poster stated, it's there for us to go and search, we don't challenge ourselves nor our kids to learn about our history.

I refuse to believe many whites didn't know about Tulsa. White folks lie, deceive, deflect, murder, etc. That's there job, to make you think that they don't know anything.

If you're a black man or woman, at this point in your life, shit shouldn't surprise you about certain acts committed to us by white folks and their word should be a lie to your ears.

You are the fool to believe the things white folks say, when they have been doing shit for the last 500 years to black folks.
A small minority of group doesn't run the country, let's stop sharing this false narrative. If that was such a true statement, that small group would have been killed off a long time ago.

White folks know about their history and ours, this is why our the history is either never mentioned or is hidden, just because it's not talked about or put into our faces, doesn't mean that they don't know about it.

Black folks are the ones that don't know their history. The Devil's Punch Bowl. As a poster stated, it's there for us to go and search, we don't challenge ourselves nor our kids to learn about our history.

I refuse to believe many whites didn't know about Tulsa. White folks lie, deceive, deflect, murder, etc. That's there job, to make you think that they don't know anything.

If you're a black man or woman, at this point in your life, shit shouldn't surprise you about certain acts committed to us by white folks and their word should be a lie to your ears.

You are the fool to believe the things white folks say, when they have been doing shit for the last 500 years to black folks.

How you figure?
:imsayin:Some people don't get nuance or context

thats why convos like these are tough to have b/c at some point, it just ends up with people trying to be "more right" than the other people instead of actually trying to see the pov the opposition (us here debating with each other, not white people) is coming from

no one is saying we all gonna agree but got damn people be reaching and grasping for shit that's not there
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I don't understand how anyone that lives in this country and knows anything about this country asks a question like this. This country is run by a small powerful minority. They know what they are doing when it comes to manipulating shit. Does that mean that the average grunt out their doing their bidding understands anything? Of course not. White people have voted against their own interests for decades because of fear of the black boogeyman. You think they do that because they are geniuses. No it's because most of them are gullible and easily led to being savage.

And to act like none of them are smart enough to know the game that they openly benefit from is just as crazy. Like they are the majority and they act like it. Feigning ignorance is what they do. They anti black because they want to be not because of just stupidity
Ya'll really have to stop talking about white people as if they are a monolith. The shit is counterproductive. Like if you don't give a shit about white people, that's cool. Then just stop talking about them altogether.

However, if you're concerned about the affect that white people have on the black community then you need to be more intelligent about how you assess shit. It's fair to not trust any of them. I don't unless they actually prove to me they can be trusted, and outside of work related shit, that's rare. But it is worthwhile to understand how they operate. They all might have some racial prejudice, but they aren't all card carrying members of the KKK.

It doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't know about Tulsa. That's not something that's widely taught in schools, and even when it is, it's just talked as if it was a typical race riot. They don't actually mention that the government actually had a part in bombing the town. But the stuff in the article in the OP is more important. I feel like that stuff should be taught to everybody in this country period. Part of the reason that whites always bring up slavery when we talk about racism is because they really only know about slavery and Jim Crowe. They don't know about all the other shit. Let's be real most of us don't even know. I thought I was up on shit and I didn't even know a lot of the stuff in that article. This country has a very fucked up history especially when it comes to the treatment of blacks and most of its citizens regardless of race are oblivious.

How do you stop talking about white folks when they are the ones committing acts towards black folks?? White folks bother black folks, White folks need to leave black folks alone is what should be your narrative. They sit up and talk about us all day in their homes, and our movements, we can do the same too.

This is the problem I have with these safe ass black folks, the only black friend, coon ass niggas:

White folks are not all carrying members of the KKK, but yet that white lady that works at the library who is serving on the jury for a case, will convict your son who is innocent of a crime just because he's black, or she will not convict a cop or any white person/non black that has killed a black person. That same white 5th grade teacher will call the police on a black girl, or call the police on black boys who are just walking down the street.

That's the problem I have with these type of black folks, thinking that all white folks have to be card carrying KKK members to not do evil shit to us.

If the shit is not taught in school, why is it not taught at home?? Why you as a black father or mother not teaching these things to your kids or to yourself?? You're expecting white ppl to teach you your history?? Stop relying on white folks to do and show you shit.

You're just as foolish as them to expect them to teach you about your history and teach you about their evil ways, That's asking the Nazi's to teach the Holocaust. Black ppl stop being so dayum lazy.

White folks know about every spec of history in this dayum country, stop falling for these white excuses and sympathy. They didn't know smh. Man they know about everything.
In other words what y’all saying is the majority of white folks are too stupid to know they benefit from white supremacy across the world? It’s like saying not all white folks are racist or something

thats why convos like these are tough to have b/c at some point, it just ends up with people trying to be "more right" than the other people instead of actually trying to see the pov the opposition (us here debating with each other, not white people) is coming from

no one is saying we all gonna agree but got damn people be reaching and grasping for shit that's not there

Added nothing to convo. You say this on like every debate and you been on the internet for 15 years relax
And to act like none of them are smart enough to know the game that they openly benefit from is just as crazy. Like they are the majority and they act like it. Feigning ignorance is what they do. They anti black because they want to be not because of just stupidity

I wouldn't say none, but you are giving a lot of them way more credit than they deserve. Racism is and has always been a tool used for the rich to keep their power. If whites really understood shit as much as you think, they wouldn't be down with it because most of them are hurt by it. Again, they hate because they are told to. When you ask them why (and I have), they can't even give you an answer. Does that sound intelligent to you?