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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

White folks really don't know history like some of yall think. Especially considering most people education outside of school in certain subjects is where their knowledge begins and ends on most subjects. And there's been fights over information being removed from text books for decades now so that clouds shit even more ie Texas amd them trying to rename slavery in their text books So yeah it's not shocking there's folks claiming to have never learned of this when the history people are taught is already skewed as fuck
And to act like none of them are smart enough to know the game that they openly benefit from is just as crazy. Like they are the majority and they act like it. Feigning ignorance is what they do. They anti black because they want to be not because of just stupidity

This post is funny considering Rosewood was mentioned and the incident is based on white folks being dumb enough to be led to violence based on their own ignorance and ignoring of facts right in their face. In other words...some of them ain't faking. They really are that fucking dumb
Added nothing to convo. You say this on like every debate and you been on the internet for 15 years relax
fam, you show very little balance in every discussion. You either one extreme or the other which i think has the tendency to be counterproductive

I'm all for teaching my daughter about the history i wasnt, but she 6 and that's hardly age appropriate discussions to have with a person still trying to wrap her mind around what it is she wants to eat when hungry.

A lot of ya'll on this "WELL I KNOW IT!!! WHY DONT YOU" shit and its tired b/c that energy as i've stated before could easily be spent on saying "if you interested, i read an article/book titled _____ that gives some nice background about this topic"

Again, you rather be more right to prove your blackness.

and I'll say the most obvious thing that apparently is lost on you and some others that share your extremist povs. Simply put, my mother wasnt taught the shit in school that I now know as an adult which i was introduced to by some of my peers, who had very similar upbringings. My mom was born the year MLK died so she didnt experience the civil rights movement at his peak.

Its exhausting at this point b/c ya'll make every rebuttal to ya'lls points some "oh he a coon" shit or "ya'll stay thinking about what white people think" when NONE of that shit has happened in this thread.

and i mean this in the most sincere way possible. If you had/have parents/grandparents who taught you about these things, props to you and them, but that's not the reality for a lot of black people growing up
White folks really don't know history like some of yall think. Especially considering most people education outside of school in certain subjects is where their knowledge begins and ends on most subjects. And there's been fights over information being removed from text books for decades now so that clouds shit even more ie Texas amd them trying to rename slavery in their text books So yeah it's not shocking there's folks claiming to have never learned of this when the history people are taught is already skewed as fuck
They do something called, playing dumb...
Find me a single post in here that said that or suggested that

“Ya'll really have to stop talking about white people as if they are a monolith.”

“Bruh, I got what you said just fine. You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.”
White ppl are too dumb, gullible to be racists black folks, This can't be coming out of a black man's mouth to even have a thought like this.

We really need to start verifying these posters who speak of things like this to see if they are black themselves or just know somebody black
“Ya'll really have to stop talking about white people as if they are a monolith.”

“Bruh, I got what you said just fine. You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.”
are black people in your opinion a monolith?

As for the second post you quoted, i take that to be a misinterpretation of his thoughts, but i dont want to speak for that man. I just know i took his response differently from you and i didnt think he was saying not all white people are bad.
Where the fuck did you get this from?

"White people have voted against their own interests for decades because of fear of the black boogeyman. You think they do that because they are geniuses. No it's because most of them are gullible and easily led to being savage".
Where the fuck did you get this from?
i forget who said something to this effect, but again, i think its a misinterpretation of their thoughts, but i could be wrong
Where the fuck did you get this from?
“Bruh, I got what you said just fine. You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.”
"White people have voted against their own interests for decades because of fear of the black boogeyman. You think they do that because they are geniuses. No it's because most of them are gullible and easily led to being savage".
didnt theloniousmonk say this?

why not just quote his entire post so people know who you referring to
They do something called, playing dumb...

That's just it. They ain't playing dumb. They really are that stupid and you can see it in how easily the majority are and have been manipulated to hold the viewpoints that do which in the long run has done more damage than good to everybody on the planet including themselves. Again using Rosewood there's a line in the movie where a white man tells another white man the only thing he has going for him over a black man is that he's white. No more no less. They've used that ideal to trick white folks into going against their own best interest and it still works today.
You're pretty clearly claiming white people look at what they did and take pride in it. I'm saying you are way overestimating how much they care about us. Most of them don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights.”

White folks are not that vested in the evil shit that they've done, we as black folks are making a big deal out of it, white folks, most, majoirty don't put nearly that much thought in us or our plights,

Most are not racists, because they don't care about our struggle, Most gone about their day