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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

now who gonna lie and say they knew all that shit that happened in Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia

i'll wait

So what if some of us did?
Most of this stuff is available to public if you care to look.
It's a personal choice to not take interest in history.
Nobody to blame but yourselves.
And that's why black people are always playing catch up on their own history.
Ya'll really have to stop talking about white people as if they are a monolith. The shit is counterproductive. Like if you don't give a shit about white people, that's cool. Then just stop talking about them altogether.

However, if you're concerned about the affect that white people have on the black community then you need to be more intelligent about how you assess shit. It's fair to not trust any of them. I don't unless they actually prove to me they can be trusted, and outside of work related shit, that's rare. But it is worthwhile to understand how they operate. They all might have some racial prejudice, but they aren't all card carrying members of the KKK.

It doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't know about Tulsa. That's not something that's widely taught in schools, and even when it is, it's just talked as if it was a typical race riot. They don't actually mention that the government actually had a part in bombing the town. But the stuff in the article in the OP is more important. I feel like that stuff should be taught to everybody in this country period. Part of the reason that whites always bring up slavery when we talk about racism is because they really only know about slavery and Jim Crowe. They don't know about all the other shit. Let's be real most of us don't even know. I thought I was up on shit and I didn't even know a lot of the stuff in that article. This country has a very fucked up history especially when it comes to the treatment of blacks and most of its citizens regardless of race are oblivious.
So what if some of us did?
Most of this stuff is available to public if you care to look.
It's a personal choice to not take interest in history.
Nobody to blame but yourselves.
And that's why black people are always playing catch up on their own history.
Don't do this

First off, it was meant to be tongue in cheek. I won't ever downplay someone else experiences by trying to belittle them for not knowing. There are a myriad of reasons why this can be the case.

Second, I challenge you to take each opportunity like this one and teach your fellow brothas and sistas in the same struggle so that they can do the same to someone else. If you're currently doing this then props, but your pov could be taken as a sign of you turning your nose up at folks beside they don't know. It's one thing if you were in here dropping knowledge and I'm like "man ain't nobody trying to hear that", but that's not happening. Neo doesn't get unplugged from the matrix without Morpheus being unplugged before him.

I'm not apologizing for white people, I'm not making excuses either. All I'm saying is, our energy can be better spent educating and pointing out additional resources vs trying to mock someone for not knowing because you were fortunate to have been exposed to this information.
Ya'll really have to stop talking about white people as if they are a monolith. The shit is counterproductive. Like if you don't give a shit about white people, that's cool. Then just stop talking about them altogether.

However, if you're concerned about the affect that white people have on the black community then you need to be more intelligent about how you assess shit. It's fair to not trust any of them. I don't unless they actually prove to me they can be trusted, and outside of work related shit, that's rare. But it is worthwhile to understand how they operate. They all might have some racial prejudice, but they aren't all card carrying members of the KKK.

It doesn't surprise me at all that they didn't know about Tulsa. That's not something that's widely taught in schools, and even when it is, it's just talked as if it was a typical race riot. They don't actually mention that the government actually had a part in bombing the town. But the stuff in the article in the OP is more important. I feel like that stuff should be taught to everybody in this country period. Part of the reason that whites always bring up slavery when we talk about racism is because they really only know about slavery and Jim Crowe. They don't know about all the other shit. Let's be real most of us don't even know. I thought I was up on shit and I didn't even know a lot of the stuff in that article. This country has a very fucked up history especially when it comes to the treatment of blacks and most of its citizens regardless of race are oblivious.
Dope post fam
Don't do this

First off, it was meant to be tongue in cheek. I won't ever downplay someone else experiences by trying to belittle them for not knowing. There are a myriad of reasons why this can be the case.

Second, I challenge you to take each opportunity like this one and teach your fellow brothas and sistas in the same struggle so that they can do the same to someone else. If you're currently doing this then props, but your pov could be taken as a sign of you turning your nose up at folks beside they don't know. It's one thing if you were in here dropping knowledge and I'm like "man ain't nobody trying to hear that", but that's not happening. Neo doesn't get unplugged from the matrix without Morpheus being unplugged before him.

I'm not apologizing for white people, I'm not making excuses either. All I'm saying is, our energy can be better spent educating and pointing out additional resources vs trying to mock someone for not knowing because you were fortunate to have been exposed to this information.

I'm just telling a truth.
If they are interested they should be looking things up regardless of how my post makes them feel

We've got Youtube, Amazon, the library, Museums, the internet...
There are real black historians, courses, and scholars a Google search away.
It's not mixing chemicals, it's just choosing what to do with your time.
I think more white people know about the terrible shit done to black people than they let on. The shit is like a badge of honor for them. Look at what we did to them, how we've conquered them and they haven't done shit about it. They know and it's one of the biggest reasons they have absolutely no respect for us. I would say over 50% of white people know about shit like the Tulsa bombing. They may not know of that specific incident but they know of similar incidents.

When your whole goal is to act like the moral authority of the world it makes sense to NEVER acknowledge your immoral acts.
I think more white people know about the terrible shit done to black people than they let on. The shit is like a badge of honor for them. Look at what we did to them, how we've conquered them and they haven't done shit about it. They know and it's one of the biggest reasons they have absolutely no respect for us. I would say over 50% of white people know about shit like the Tulsa bombing. They may not know of that specific incident but they know of similar incidents.

When your whole goal is to act like the moral authority of the world it makes sense to NEVER acknowledge your immoral acts.

That’s all I was trying to say.
I think more white people know about the terrible shit done to black people than they let on. The shit is like a badge of honor for them. Look at what we did to them, how we've conquered them and they haven't done shit about it. They know and it's one of the biggest reasons they have absolutely no respect for us. I would say over 50% of white people know about shit like the Tulsa bombing. They may not know of that specific incident but they know of similar incidents.

When your whole goal is to act like the moral authority of the world it makes sense to NEVER acknowledge your immoral acts.

Nah man... Way too high
I think more white people know about the terrible shit done to black people than they let on. The shit is like a badge of honor for them. Look at what we did to them, how we've conquered them and they haven't done shit about it. They know and it's one of the biggest reasons they have absolutely no respect for us. I would say over 50% of white people know about shit like the Tulsa bombing. They may not know of that specific incident but they know of similar incidents.

When your whole goal is to act like the moral authority of the world it makes sense to NEVER acknowledge your immoral acts.

You really overestimate how much thought the average white person puts into blacks, our history, and our lives. It isn't important to them. We aren't important to them. You're crazy if you think they know this shit. Half these white people don't even know their own history. Italians, Irish, Eastern Euros be on some racist shit right along with the WASPs. You think they'd be that gung ho if they realized the WASPs used to abuse them too?

They just aren't that smart or knowledgable. They hate us because they were told to, same reason they hate Muslims, same reason they hate immigrants. It's that simple.
You really overestimate how much thought the average white person puts into blacks, our history, and our lives. It isn't important to them. We aren't important to them. You're crazy if you think they know this shit. Half these white people don't even know their own history. Italians, Irish, Eastern Euros be on some racist shit right along with the WASPs. You think they'd be that gung ho if they realized the WASPs used to abuse them too?

They just aren't that smart or knowledgable. They hate us because they were told to, same reason they hate Muslims, same reason they hate immigrants. It's that simple.

Stopped reading here because you didn't get anything I just said. I also ain't about to explain it cause it was quite clear.
Idk why niggas continually think white people are as stupid as we want them to be. Like they literally took over the world in like 500 years they ain’t that dense

I don't understand how anyone that lives in this country and knows anything about this country asks a question like this. This country is run by a small powerful minority. They know what they are doing when it comes to manipulating shit. Does that mean that the average grunt out their doing their bidding understands anything? Of course not. White people have voted against their own interests for decades because of fear of the black boogeyman. You think they do that because they are geniuses. No it's because most of them are gullible and easily led to being savage.