Popular character.
They'll probably bring him back as a Lance from another Earth, or write it so that he faked his own death to protect Laurel.
Or maybe Laurel and Sarah were in on it.
lol if he ends up on Legends next season.
He's doing another show on NBC
Weird cause I feel like most preferred the season with Prometheus than last yearYea Arrow made a come back last season and looks to be continuing.
After 5 months, we know the new Arrow can't be Oliver or THANK GOD his kid. That being said, the season looks to take it back to the brutality. Didn't the comic arc where he went to jail see a more brutal Oliver Queen come out the other side? Interest renewed.
best story is oliver's jail story......
they some jack asses on the outside....time to nix this show......it's had it's run....
just let them be reoccurring characters in other shows