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COMMUNITY The Price of Platonic Friendships

Heres my thing, us as men, right. There are a couple rules when dealing with women. Yea we would not like to not have to deal with them, but the consequences are reality.

1.Dont invite women you've just met to your home
2.Dont introduce women you just met to your family and children
3.Dont meet women you just met at a hotel
4.Pick her up at her spot, dont go chill at her spot if you just met.
5.If you pay attention when you first meet a woman, you know how public a place the first date should be.

These are things that you have to be aware of, cause....you could end up, yung Berger, pop smoke, or many of the examples out here that are available that give reason to these rules.

Alot of women out here...ALOT of them..dont follow any protocol at all...

When I first met my kids mother, she unknowingly to me had her friend hit her phone a few minutes into the meet just in case.

We had conversed for a full month by phone before we met in person..and still..yall know me..I undoubtedly said some shit that had her antenna up

As men, it's cool for us to have compassion for these situations..at what point do women take responsibility for their level of awareness and precaution?

I recently conversed with a female..I told her I'm not giving her my number cause ion know her. We can commune through Instagram where I have an ability to block her if necessary and theres not much personal info..

Peep it..she said that's cool, gave me her Instagram ...dat shit was a burner


I loved that energy..here I am being cautious cause ion know you. And she on some..ion know u neither
Social media is partly to blame for this too.

More women presenting themselves only as sexual objects..........leads to more men seeing women only as sexual objects.

lol uh bruh you forgot the whole course of human history. Women just got rights 100 years ago
Heres my thing, us as men, right. There are a couple rules when dealing with women. Yea we would not like to not have to deal with them, but the consequences are reality.

1.Dont invite women you've just met to your home
2.Dont introduce women you just met to your family and children
3.Dont meet women you just met at a hotel
4.Pick her up at her spot, dont go chill at her spot if you just met.
5.If you pay attention when you first meet a woman, you know how public a place the first date should be.

These are things that you have to be aware of, cause....you could end up, yung Berger, pop smoke, or many of the examples out here that are available that give reason to these rules.

Alot of women out here...ALOT of them..dont follow any protocol at all...

When I first met my kids mother, she unknowingly to me had her friend hit her phone a few minutes into the meet just in case.

We had conversed for a full month by phone before we met in person..and still..yall know me..I undoubtedly said some shit that had her antenna up

As men, it's cool for us to have compassion for these situations..at what point do women take responsibility for their level of awareness and precaution?

I recently conversed with a female..I told her I'm not giving her my number cause ion know her. We can commune through Instagram where I have an ability to block her if necessary and theres not much personal info..

Peep it..she said that's cool, gave me her Instagram ...dat shit was a burner

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I loved that energy..here I am being cautious cause ion know you. And she on some..ion know u neither

When women go out together they definitely have a slew of rules
lol uh bruh you forgot the whole course of human history. Women just got rights 100 years ago

Putin gif.gif

That just proves my point even more.

Meaning, women now have the freedom to present themselves as sexual objects without being judged and ostracized to the same degree as they would have been 100 years ago.

As a result of women having more latitude to express themselves, more men are starting to change their previous perceptions of women as well.

Simply a matter of cause and effect.

How one action........or set of actions..........leads to another.
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Idk, I get homie's first point. Check it.....

I was just listening the latest ABW podcast and @Duwop mentions his homegirl was on a date with a nigga, nigga starts acting all weird, maybe high on some shit and homegirl got uncomfortable, homegirl calls Du for the rescue, Du tells his wife, daps her up and puts on the cape and go save his homegirl.

Me, personally. I wouldn't walk into this situation cause you dont know what you're walking into. I have a family who needs me. I don't know what can happen if I leave out that door. I'm pose to risk that cause my homegirl is having a bad tinder date? Its that toxic? Is that really bitch nigga shit?

I've seen threads on here where niggas won't even jump in domestic disputes to save a black woman from getting her ass beat.

So idk.

I've always said everything ain't for everybody and help how you can. Theres niggas like Du who will jump into situations like that and there's others who won't. If you won't do it there's no judgement but to say it shouldn't be done at all is the issue. To condone the idea that Black women aren't entitled to be protected by anyone they're not related to is an idea I cant cosign. Niggas talk community building the time. You ain't related to everybody in your community by blood...so you cant hold those 2 ideas at once. You cant be for protecting the Black community but limit it to only people you know and say you still for all Black people. If you only for you and yours just say that and get out the way for the people who are about protecting the entire community.
Is it really bullshit though?

It's actually consistent with what you're saying.........albeit for different reasons.


At what point does a person take responsibility for their own view on shit? Like we're at the point that we're blaming SOCIAL MEDIA for how women depict THEMSELVES because it determines how WE view them. We are now TWO steps removed from any responsibility of our own.
And here's the thing...YOU CURATE YOUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA. You choose who to follow and and when to follow them. And there is a WIDE variety of women on social media. Some of whom target themselves as sex objects exclusively...some who don't. But how you curate that list of women is on YOU.

Our social media follows really seeks more about US than THEM.
Heres my thing, us as men, right. There are a couple rules when dealing with women. Yea we would not like to not have to deal with them, but the consequences are reality.

1.Dont invite women you've just met to your home
2.Dont introduce women you just met to your family and children
3.Dont meet women you just met at a hotel
4.Pick her up at her spot, dont go chill at her spot if you just met.
5.If you pay attention when you first meet a woman, you know how public a place the first date should be.

These are things that you have to be aware of, cause....you could end up, yung Berger, pop smoke, or many of the examples out here that are available that give reason to these rules.

Alot of women out here...ALOT of them..dont follow any protocol at all...

When I first met my kids mother, she unknowingly to me had her friend hit her phone a few minutes into the meet just in case.

We had conversed for a full month by phone before we met in person..and still..yall know me..I undoubtedly said some shit that had her antenna up

As men, it's cool for us to have compassion for these situations..at what point do women take responsibility for their level of awareness and precaution?

I recently conversed with a female..I told her I'm not giving her my number cause ion know her. We can commune through Instagram where I have an ability to block her if necessary and theres not much personal info..

Peep it..she said that's cool, gave me her Instagram ...dat shit was a burner

View attachment 299347

I loved that energy..here I am being cautious cause ion know you. And she on some..ion know u neither

Have you never heard women talk about the shit they do before and while on a date to let certain people know if they may be in an uncomfortable situation? Taking pics of license plates and sending it to their friends...giving full description of the person they're with...where they're at...etc. women do take these precautions with men.
this is what is now called simping.

offering a lady any kinda help without wanting something in return......people think the guy is weak and being taken advantage of.

so no one wants to be that guy.

that in turn leaves those ladies out there alone or feeling like they dont have anyone to turn to.

but it IS simping tho.......or at least that is what we teach our sons in order to protect themselves

as much as I hate to be that guy..........too many in this thread are endorsing the "ideal" vs. acknowledging what's real

the problem is women are considered equal........until something happens where they are humbled to reality

then the other issue is that women rarely hold their end up when it comes to platonic relationships

too many take advantage and only use their "friends" w/o having the same sense of loyalty

it'd be great if men could treat women like true friends, but the problem is there are too many wolves out here (both male/female)

you out here living in a way where you have to rely on the protection of strangers but someone is not supposed to look at you like you are helpless.........

At what point does a person take responsibility for their own view on shit? Like we're at the point that we're blaming SOCIAL MEDIA for how women depict THEMSELVES because it determines how WE view them. We are now TWO steps removed from any responsibility of our own.
And here's the thing...YOU CURATE YOUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA. You choose who to follow and and when to follow them. And there is a WIDE variety of women on social media. Some of whom target themselves as sex objects exclusively...some who don't. But how you curate that list of women is on YOU.

Our social media follows really seeks more about US than THEM.

I agree.

However, to some degree, perception is reality.

Also, I didn't blame everything on social media.

I only said social media was partly to blame.

Even still, you can't dismiss social media as a mitigating factor.

At least not in this day and age.

Even if you take the social media aspect out of it, if more men are encountering women who only present themselves as sexual objects.........it's only natural for those men to start perceiving those women in the same manner that they're presenting themselves.

Again, for me anyway, this isn't about right or wrong.

It's about cause and effect.

At what point does a person take responsibility for their own view on shit? Like we're at the point that we're blaming SOCIAL MEDIA for how women depict THEMSELVES because it determines how WE view them. We are now TWO steps removed from any responsibility of our own.
And here's the thing...YOU CURATE YOUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA. You choose who to follow and and when to follow them. And there is a WIDE variety of women on social media. Some of whom target themselves as sex objects exclusively...some who don't. But how you curate that list of women is on YOU.

Our social media follows really seeks more about US than THEM.
I just be seeing shit ....I don't seek it out"riight"
Have you never heard women talk about the shit they do before and while on a date to let certain people know if they may be in an uncomfortable situation? Taking pics of license plates and sending it to their friends...giving full description of the person they're with...where they're at...etc. women do take these precautions with men.
Yea I know it happens, I'm saying it needs to happen more
I remember when that video of the dude in Jersey stepping in to stop the 2 young men from fighting in the street went viral and dude received universal praise for stepping and setting those 2 young men straight. What's the difference between doing that and pulling a young dude to the side in your community you may overhear say something you know is foul to a young lady?

There's a video right now going viral of some niggas literally tossing a young lady into a dumpster and bragging about it. There's no way some shit like that should even be tolerated by the people in that neighborhood but niggas wont say shit because "I ain't related to her".
I remember when that video of the dude in Jersey stepping in to stop the 2 young men from fighting in the street went viral and dude received universal praise for stepping and setting those 2 young men straight. What's the difference between doing that and pulling a young dude to the side in your community you may overhear say something you know is foul to a young lady?

There's a video right now going viral of some niggas literally tossing a young lady into a dumpster and bragging about it. There's no way some shit like that should even be tolerated by the people in that neighborhood but niggas wont say shit because "I ain't related to her".
This was a dope thread
I honestly feel like the root cause of shit like this and why threads like this need to be made is that there is a huge cross-section of the male population who really don't see any value in women, besides sex. Once niggas start viewing women as whole human beings with something to offer besides pussy, maybe shit will change.

I dunno, man.

Men and women don’t look at each other other than sex or money.

It’s not a man problem. It’s a man and woman problem that’s being pushed across all platforms.

shit like OF and IG making it worse and making the view of each other drift farther into the void
Men and women don’t look at each other other than sex or money.

It’s not a man problem. It’s a man and woman problem that’s being pushed across all platforms.

shit like OF and IG making it worse and making the view of each other drift farther into the void

this is false. And one came way before the other. Men viewed women as sex objects before women even had rights
Don’t matter what came first.

it’s the reality we are drifting into.
It absolutely does matter which came first in the context of this particular convo
It absolutely does matter which came first in the context of this particular convo

It doesn’t IMO. well not anymore.

A few men did look at women that way and then a few women looked at men that way. It was a small Minority but now it’s most. The chicken or the egg is irrelevant as of 03/08/2022. Fixing one will not fix the other so the blame and answer has to be shared among both. Unless your saying you fix the man part of the problem and the women will follow?

I have my reasons which contributed to it but one of them will not be well received around here.