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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

yesterday, i had to take some stuff to one of the hospitals over here. man that shit looks like a movie. that big ass quarantine tent outside. they REALLY not tryna let anybody in that mf...ambulances flying in and out of the er parking lot nonstop...i feel like alot of it is mfs overreacting tho. little neighborhood clinics have people lined down the sidewalk because they think their cough is that shit...
yesterday, i had to take some stuff to one of the hospitals over here. man that shit looks like a movie. that big ass quarantine tent outside. they REALLY not tryna let anybody in that mf...ambulances flying in and out of the er parking lot nonstop...i feel like alot of it is mfs overreacting tho. little neighborhood clinics have people lined down the sidewalk because they think their cough is that shit...
And they pretty much kicking ppl out if they shit isn’t some immediate life threatening stuff
And they pretty much kicking ppl out if they shit isn’t some immediate life threatening stuff

theyre basically going down the checklist of ALL the symptoms. if you have less than like 17 outta 19 of em, theyre saying to just stay home isolate and hydrate..

to be honest its prob better like that. most people arent getting pneumonia from this. theyre getting the same symptoms theyd have if they had a cold or the flu. that virus isnt necessarily a death sentence.

idk how it is now (no kids post) but 20-30 years ago, mfs were setting their kids up to get fkn chickenpox. im still saying that the media helped blow this up waaaaay more than it needed to be.
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theyre basically going down the checklist of ALL the symptoms. if you have less than like 17 outta 19 of em, theyre saying to just stay home isolate and hydrate..
My mother in law was posed to get a stem cell transplant on Monday ....long story short the doctor was like we don’t wanna take the chance of doing it while this corona shit going on....so u can go home and wait til we reschedule
Question, if I say I accept Jesus as my lord and savior, do I actually have to believe it to get in? Also, what happens to all of the rest of people around that planet that subscribe to other religions? Also, if the big guy up stairs loves me and you and the rest of his children, why wouldn't he put us through this? Will it ever stop? This isn't the first time he's wiped out humanity, right? So what's the deal? Is god incompetent or malevolent to constantly treat humanity this way?

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1. Yes, you must believe. You can't fool God. He knows your heart and sees right through it.
2. Jesus is the only way. All other paths lead to hell. The road to heaven is narrow and only a few people find it. Amen.
3. We are not all His children, we are all His creation. We only become children of God by being born again. If you are not born again you are a bastard child of the devil doomed to the lake of fire forever. Amen.
4. This world is fallen, thus in this world, we will have tribulation. But if you know Jesus we are to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world!
5. Yes, it will come to a stop when Jesus returns. Sin, evil, death, fear, the devil, and all things that offend will be brought to an end when the Kingdom comes! Glory Hallelujah!
6. The first time God wiped out humanity with a flood, this time He will do it with fire. Amen.
7. The deal with God is that He is holy and sin must be punished. This brief period of time of rebellion will never be remembered by those who know Jesus. We will live forever with Him in a new world that is filled with joy, peace, and love! God invites you to join Him and rule with Him forever! But the only way is to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. He is God manifest in the flesh who died in our place on the cross and rose from the dead! Place your faith in Him and you will be saved. John 3:16

He's coming! Amen!
My mother in law was posed to get a stem cell transplant on Monday ....long story short the doctor was like we don’t wanna take the chance of doing it while this corona shit going on....so u can go home and wait til we reschedule
if thats for cancer, its def for the best tho...if she needs that transplant she really shouldnt be takin the chance of gettin exposed to this shit, because thats whos gettin taken out.
These dirty, lifeless, worthless inbred bastards are truly the devil.

The greatest trick ever played was the white man convincing the world that we are the enemy. They're singlehandedly responsible for more death and destruction than any group of people but the black man is the one that needs to be killed and thrown in jail? Foh! These people are evil.

The intelligence brief, marked for official use only, noted the white supremacists “suggested targeting … law enforcement and minority communities, with some mention of public places in general.” According to the document, the extremists discussed a number of methods for coronavirus attacks, such spending time in public with perceived enemies, leaving “saliva on door handles” at local FBI offices, spitting on elevator buttons and spreading coronavirus germs in “nonwhite neighborhoods.”

"This possible threat can likely happen due to the fact that WRMVEs have been known to travel abroad to adapt foreign terrorists' tactics (FTOs)," the document reads. "It is likely that they would be willing to travel to China to bring the coronavirus back to the U.S."
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Those companies are state run. China censorship crazy and was probably canceling phones left and right I'm assuming that's the biggest reason for that number. Some died by corona, some of them by bullet for not staying in line.

The number of deaths at least 80k tho imo. China never been forthcoming about shit.

She gaslighting tho.
You're assuming I'm religious which is false.

I believe in a creator. I don't subscribe to any religion or expectations of someone in the sky because of what some niggas wrote in a book.

You guys will curse god when bad shit happens and forget about him when something good happens.

I'm holding the mirror to you.

This isn't the thread tho.

Nah G it's the other way around, you guys praise God when it's positive then blame humans when it's bad
Nah G it's the other way around, you guys praise God when it's positive then blame humans when it's bad

Wrong again. I expect nothing from someone or something I do not understand. I simply acknowledge the existence of a creator/god, and just find the energy some of you keep about it to be ridiculous.
Wrong again. I expect nothing from someone or something I do not understand. I simply acknowledge the existence of a creator/god, and just find the energy some of you keep about it to be ridiculous.

We don't expect shit from God coz we don't believe in it. Was just correctin' your assertion that atheists blame God when shit goes wrong (we don't) tho' it is true we don't thank God when sutten good happens.
We don't expect shit from God coz we don't believe in it. Was just correctin' your assertion that atheists blame God when shit goes wrong (we don't) tho' it is true we don't thank God when sutten good happens.

I didn't make any assertion about atheists. I responded directly to what someone in this thread said. Let's stop all the assuming. You 0-2.
"You guys will curse god when bad shit happens and forget about him when something good happens."

That's not an assertion about atheists just because YOU feel some type of way lol. Get over yourself. Wasn't even talking to you.