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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

they are also saying kids cant get it.....

then kids got it

and we as americans have the weaker system of most black people. ours is not build for nature...its build to take medicine to strengthen it which weakens it because we become dependent on help to fight shit off.

hell we need shots to go to africa

I thought he loved me, though. Am I not his creation? Was I not made in his image? I thought the deal was that I get eternal salvation in exchange for a smidgen of genuflection. Otherwise, even though he loves me so much - eternal damnation.

Also, we aren't talking about anything logical, right now. it's all based on feelings and anecdotal evidence, guess where they fall on the spectrum of logic and truth. Spoilers: You won't like it.

If anything, I'm simply holding a mirror up to you. I'm just playing by your rules, friend.

For the record, I think religion is largely beautiful and has been the inspiration for many great people and things in this world. I have friends of different faiths, been in relationships with religious women. Most of the time it's fine with me.

My issue is when the proselytization begins. When the fear mongering starts. We're in the midst of a global crisis, people are scared and mfs are out here trying to convert people at their weakest. You know what that is? That's predatory behavior, and it's fucked up.

You're assuming I'm religious which is false.

I believe in a creator. I don't subscribe to any religion or expectations of someone in the sky because of what some niggas wrote in a book.

You guys will curse god when bad shit happens and forget about him when something good happens.

I'm holding the mirror to you.

This isn't the thread tho.
Not anytime soon no

I hope you really didn’t think It was gonna be over and things were gonna be normal by April

Summer gone be off the hook and I can see that happening already. I say this crisis probably won't get solved until June at the earliest. We're in the middle of March and folks already trippin'.
if you read the rest of that page you posted, the "Wuhan-400" only affects humans and it can't survive outside for longer than a minute

Covd killed 2 dogs and it survives for days.

the "around 2020" picture doesn't come from the same book. thats from "End of Days"
and let 2020 play out before we start believing psychics who told parents that their child died when the child was alive in captivity