Welcome To aBlackWeb

The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Never forget, our black people went from

“Everybody getting it but us. We immune!”


“Our community getting hit the worst! Everyone go get vaxxed asap! The virus was created to target us, and they keeping the vaccine away from us because Every time we try to set up an appointment it’s booked!”


“You got the vaccine? Great on you! We are good now and don’t have to worry! We been preaching to yall to get it ever since we found out they was trying to target us through the virus!”


“Yall took the vaccine?? Why would you ever take that?! You going to turn into zombies! Oh you haven’t had no adverse effects….YET!”

All that in less than the span of 6 months.
I'm just glad I didn't get hustled🤷🏽‍♂️