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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Wrong again. I expect nothing from someone or something I do not understand. I simply acknowledge the existence of a creator/god, and just find the energy some of you keep about it to be ridiculous.

We don't expect shit from God coz we don't believe in it. Was just correctin' your assertion that atheists blame God when shit goes wrong (we don't) tho' it is true we don't thank God when sutten good happens.
Neither of you are indoctrinated/brainwashed like a large segment of negroes are and that's all that matters. Same page. Yall good
Its transmitted through mouth, eyes and genitals. So yes it does actually matter. No one should be fucking right now.
I know. Im saying not eating ass most likely wouldn't matter. I doubt anyone could come out of a sexual encounter with infected ppl unscathed even if they refrain from oral
This is getting stupid.

States doing one thing, feds doing another, we're chasing our tails.

The fed gov needs to step up and say look until we get this under control yall asses will stay home (excluding emergencies) and nobody is coming back in. They need to pay us citizens like they bailout these billion dollar corps. They got it.