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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Trump very much shouldn't get away with any criticism regarding covid. But there was no way to stop it. Once it got here, which was before any of us even understood it, it was already too late.

Before u go there, the country that did best as far as excess deaths, Sweden, was a country that didn't enforce lock downs.

And aside from the convo of covid response, is covid origins. And when he was calling out China it was a conspiracy theory that would get u banned off social media.

And is now very much just as likely a possibility than any other.

Add to that, less deaths happened during Trump's one year of covid pre vaccines, than Biden's first year, with vaccines.

And in that year that trump was pushing operation warp speed, Biden and Kamala were telling ppl not to trust it

They should not be let off the hook for that.

I wanted to poke holes in his response but it wasn't worth it

I hear more boggey man talk from black folks, black men than anything smh lol. Like dayum man.

Both parties don't give a shit about us.

Cops will still kill innocent black people. Have done it under every President, won't stop. But yet we are fearing Trump??

You got immigrants getting more money and these folks are not residents lol.

We put too much energy into this as black folks. Seriously
I wanted to poke holes in his response but it wasn't worth it

I hear more boggey man talk from black folks, black men than anything smh lol. Like dayum man.

Both parties don't give a shit about us.

Cops will still kill innocent black people. Have done it under every President, won't stop. But yet we are fearing Trump??

You got immigrants getting more money and these folks are not residents lol.

We put too much energy into this as black folks. Seriously
Before a cop could kill a black man in cold blood and nothing happen. Could beat up a black man and not get fired.

Now they are immediately charged with murder or fired and held accountable.

Trump would undo that progress.

Of course you’re never going to stop it, just like you’ll never stop active shooters, but you have to do what you can to limit it and hold those responsible accountable

I’m beginning to think some of y’all only care about things that happen to you personally.
Before a cop could kill a black man in cold blood and nothing happen. Could beat up a black man and not get fired.

Now they are immediately charged with murder or fired and held accountable.

Trump would undo that progress.

Of course you’re never going to stop it, just like you’ll never stop active shooters, but you have to do what you can to limit it and hold those responsible accountable

I’m beginning to think some of y’all only care about things that happen to you personally.

So every cop that has killed a black man or woman been charged with murder and is serving time?

If you kill a black innocent man, guess what happens to you, so are you saying the same thing has been happening to these cops? In the last 20 years? Going back to the Obama administration? Every single one?
Because I can only think of 2, one was charged because the whole world had to shutdown for him to get charged and booked.

I think some of yall forget that shit still fucked up out here for black folks and shit will continue to be this way regardless of whose president

I think someone yall think shit will be better of KH gets in.

Nah, shit still will be the same
Question for anyone who reads this and cares to answer: what are the issues that matter most to you?
Education reform, reparations and universal health care including mental health services. Trump/P25/GOP wants to shut down the Dept of Education, we're not gonna have a serious discussion about reparations and pharmaceutical companies pay the White House's electric bill. #CouchGang2024
I wanted to poke holes in his response but it wasn't worth it

I hear more boggey man talk from black folks, black men than anything smh lol. Like dayum man.

Both parties don't give a shit about us.

Cops will still kill innocent black people. Have done it under every President, won't stop. But yet we are fearing Trump??

You got immigrants getting more money and these folks are not residents lol.

We put too much energy into this as black folks. Seriously
He aint Black......
So every cop that has killed a black man or woman been charged with murder and is serving time?

If you kill a black innocent man, guess what happens to you, so are you saying the same thing has been happening to these cops? In the last 20 years? Going back to the Obama administration? Every single one?
Because I can only think of 2, one was charged because the whole world had to shutdown for him to get charged and booked.

I think some of yall forget that shit still fucked up out here for black folks and shit will continue to be this way regardless of whose president

I think someone yall think shit will be better of KH gets in.

Nah, shit still will be the same
Why the hell you bringing up 20 years ago? Stay focused. We’re talking about Trump and post Trump. Sonya Massey was just murdered and the cop was immediately charged. Black dude was punched in the mouth and the cop was immediately fired. These things just happened.

Put Trump back in and both of those cops are getting off because they’ll have immunity against prosecution for acts done while on the job.
Trump very much shouldn't get away with any criticism regarding covid. But there was no way to stop it. Once it got here, which was before any of us even understood it, it was already too late.

Before u go there, the country that did best as far as excess deaths, Sweden, was a country that didn't enforce lock downs.

And aside from the convo of covid response, is covid origins. And when he was calling out China it was a conspiracy theory that would get u banned off social media.

And is now very much just as likely a possibility as any other.

Add to that, less deaths happened during Trump's one year of covid pre vaccines, than Biden's first year, with vaccines.

And in that year that trump was pushing operation warp speed, Biden and Kamala were telling ppl not to trust it

They should not be let off the hook for that.

This has been discussed before but Trump himself is to blame for why folks were hesitant to agree with him on the origins. Maybe if he hadn't been cloaking it in racism more would've taken him seriously but he couldn't help himself. The one moment he could've actually done the right thing he still fucked it up
Question...do ya'll hold local mayors, city counsel members, county sheriffs accountable for police brutality/ shootings or just the president?
I certainly do. Especially whoever is in charge of vetting and hiring these cops.

I think the federal response matters too though because federal laws can be enforced to keep the cops accountable (or unaccountable depending on who’s in office).
I wanted to poke holes in his response but it wasn't worth it

I hear more boggey man talk from black folks, black men than anything smh lol. Like dayum man.

Both parties don't give a shit about us.

Cops will still kill innocent black people. Have done it under every President, won't stop. But yet we are fearing Trump??

You got immigrants getting more money and these folks are not residents lol.

We put too much energy into this as black folks. Seriously
If anything I said was historically or politically inaccurate, call it out... I don't mind being educated. But I'm not over here with a Harris '24 sign on my patio either, fuck both of those bums. I only stated my case against Trump, tho I don't have too much to say about Harris other than I didn't like what she said about reparations (Biden ain't shit either). These politicians are all the same... all they do is talk us to death and move around us through weak ass "bipartisan" legislation. I'm not wasting any energy on November 5th on anything not involving going to work and rolling my blunt. I don't need a legally liable sex offender or a pandering prosecutor to tell me how to follow my country's laws.

And as far as cops killing Black ppl under Trump... c'mon fam. At least cops under other administrations would have to go to trial before being found not guilty. He wants to eliminate that due process altogether. We literally just heard him say he didn't know about the Sonya Massey case... this nigga values a fictional movie character over our own ppl. Fuck him.
The point you’re making and the logic you’re using also works against you. I’ll take your word for it that there are more registered Democrats than republicans in Louisiana. If they all voted then the state could flip blue.

In America there are more independents than Democrats or Republicans. If they didn’t have the belief that Democrats or Republicans were the only viable options, third parties could be in play that actually speak to the interests of more people. But because people reflexively say “we have a two party system these are our only choices” , then it’s self-fulfilling.
I agree with you

Louisiana is a two party state. When you register to vote, you have to check Democrat or Republican here.

I want a viable 3rd party candidate. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime as there is just too much corporate money in politics and with my limited understanding, don't 3rd party candidates have to also meet some sort of financial threshold to be considered on the ballot?
This has been discussed before but Trump himself is to blame for why folks were hesitant to agree with him on the origins. Maybe if he hadn't been cloaking it in racism more would've taken him seriously but he couldn't help himself. The one moment he could've actually done the right thing he still fucked it up
And that’s why the person in the office matters and the messenger matters.
Question...do ya'll hold local mayors, city counsel members, county sheriffs accountable for police brutality/ shootings or just the president?
Hell yeah. I personally want police reform across the nation, including better physical training and psychological evaluations.
Question...do ya'll hold local mayors, city counsel members, county sheriffs accountable for police brutality/ shootings or just the president?

They're all accountable on different levels but your sherif and other local officials have much more direct impact on hiring practices and other policies implemented and enforced.
This has been discussed before but Trump himself is to blame for why folks were hesitant to agree with him on the origins. Maybe if he hadn't been cloaking it in racism more would've taken him seriously but he couldn't help himself. The one moment he could've actually done the right thing he still fucked it up
That's why I opened by saying he deserves criticism. But most ppl find fault only on one side, blind to others and always along their political bias.
I hate the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils, but we can’t let Trump get in office.
The goal is to get trump out the way! I figure if Kamala wins, trump old ass will probably be in diapers and should be out the way in the next 4 years, then we can focus on making the Democrats and republicans earn our vote…