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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

What is he going to do this time around? I'm just asking, I don't care who gets in, but I hear this statement a lot, we can't let Trump get in etc etc, but dude was in 2016 and we made it to 2024?

I'm just curious to understand what happens if he wins. The only answer I get is Project 2025, he's going to do this and let the cops do that (as if the cops are not already doing this and that and have been doing this and that for x years) and then I asked back, well can the president that's not named Trump, take advantage of project 2025?

It goes back to Trump's past from 20 years ago, never an answer from my question about can another president not named Trump use the Project 2025 layout
1 million+ ppl didn't make it to 2024 because of what was supposed to be a standard coronavirus outbreak... and that was just the one hurdle we had to get thru in those 4 years. We now have a weakened and divided gov't, a fragile economy caused by said gov't incompetence, 3 major geopolitical catastrophes potentially boiling over to WW3 and an increasingly volatile border situation that only gets used as a talking point every 4 years. Someone's past can come back to haunt him if their behavior hasn't changed... and I don't trust a man that bought ass with campaign money, kept classified documents in his bedroom and talked his supporters into rioting over a lost election (all within the 4 years he was president) to be able to handle anything we're about to go thru in the next 4 years if he;s the same POS he was even 7 years ago. His VP wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 founder's book... you don't have to understand the voting process nor be educated on the candidates' policies to see history repeating itself.
It's funny bc before Kamala stepped in, from my POV at least (tell me if I'm wrong), it seems the Republicans had a lil window for a great opportunity to garner more support from black ppl than theyve had in my lifetime.

And they did absolutely nothing with it.

Kamala came in and shut the window.

So the question is, and I think there is more than one answer, why aren't the Republicans capable?

No they absolutely did and they dropped the ball. It wouldn't have been support for Trump as much as disgust with the Democratic Party. Switching to Kamala gave an energy boost to the image of the Dems being too old and out of touch. It's basically Clinton 2.0. But their racism and bigotry always overrides their desire to connect with people outside their immediate base. The things they base their outreach on are just old outdated racist imagery and language that will never garner the support of Black folks in the numbers they want
Question for anyone who reads this and cares to answer: what are the issues that matter most to you?
It's funny bc before Kamala stepped in, from my POV at least (tell me if I'm wrong), it seems the Republicans had a lil window for a great opportunity to garner more support from black ppl than theyve had in my lifetime.

And they did absolutely nothing with it.

Kamala came in and shut the window.

So the question is, and I think there is more than one answer, why aren't the Republicans capable?
I remember after Obama won his second term Republicans were making real outreach efforts to people of color. They made Michael Steele head of the RNC, propped up Bobby Jindal, etc.

Then Trump came along and took the position of uniting the base behind a populist and white centric agenda and he revealed a large population of folks that agreed with him and he won.

Ever since then they’ve abandoned any effort to draw in people of color other than those that will lick their boots and overlook their racist tendencies.

Only way they have proper outreach is to abandon a large portion of the MAGA base and they can’t afford to do that at this point. If they ever try they’ll lose elections for at least a decade.
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I remember after Obama won his second term Republicans were making real outreach efforts to people of color. They made Michael Steele head of the RNC, propped up Bobby Jindal, etc.

Then Trump came along and took the position of uniting the base behind a socialist and white centric agenda and he revealed a large population of folks that agreed with him and he won.

Ever since then they’ve abandoned any effort to draw in people of color other than those that will lick their boots and overlook their racist tendencies.

Only way they have proper outreach is to abandon a large portion of the MAGA base and they can’t afford to do that at this point. If they ever try they’ll lose elections for at least a decade.
Trump with a socialist agenda? Trust that the Cubans down here would not vote for him if that was the case lol
1 million+ ppl didn't make it to 2024 because of what was supposed to be a standard coronavirus outbreak... and that was just the one hurdle we had to get thru in those 4 years. We now have a weakened and divided gov't, a fragile economy caused by said gov't incompetence, 3 major geopolitical catastrophes potentially boiling over to WW3 and an increasingly volatile border situation that only gets used as a talking point every 4 years. Someone's past can come back to haunt him if their behavior hasn't changed... and I don't trust a man that bought ass with campaign money, kept classified documents in his bedroom and talked his supporters into rioting over a lost election (all within the 4 years he was president) to be able to handle anything we're about to go thru in the next 4 years if he;s the same POS he was even 7 years ago. His VP wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 founder's book... you don't have to understand the voting process nor be educated on the candidates' policies to see history repeating itself.

The way covid affected Black men specifically...anybody following the lead of the idiot who told people to drink bleach as a cure should not be someone who you follow behind
At this point, you're not trying to see any perspective that doesn't align with your confirmed bias.

I just told you Louisiana has had more registered Democrats than Republicans.

The state will never turn blue if they continue to stay at home. The last time Louisiana had more Democrats vote for president than the Republicans was 96.

Again, we have a two party system where one happens to align mostly with what I subscribe to. I keep voting for my interests so that I can be documented I was part of the process and didn't just sit around complaining about shit.

I cant do shit about some motherfucka in Ruston or some backwoods town in La that still don't have high speed Internet but I can do something about the issues that impact me and my family.

This ain't no "well I don't like coke or Pepsi, so I'ma drink water" situation. Could you just not drink soda at all? Sure, but if water isn't a viable option, you're gonna need something to drink at some point. Which one are you going to choose

The point you’re making and the logic you’re using also works against you. I’ll take your word for it that there are more registered Democrats than republicans in Louisiana. If they all voted then the state could flip blue.

In America there are more independents than Democrats or Republicans. If they didn’t have the belief that Democrats or Republicans were the only viable options, third parties could be in play that actually speak to the interests of more people. But because people reflexively say “we have a two party system these are our only choices” , then it’s self-fulfilling.
1 million+ ppl didn't make it to 2024 because of what was supposed to be a standard coronavirus outbreak... and that was just the one hurdle we had to get thru in those 4 years. We now have a weakened and divided gov't, a fragile economy caused by said gov't incompetence, 3 major geopolitical catastrophes potentially boiling over to WW3 and an increasingly volatile border situation that only gets used as a talking point every 4 years. Someone's past can come back to haunt him if their behavior hasn't changed... and I don't trust a man that bought ass with campaign money, kept classified documents in his bedroom and talked his supporters into rioting over a lost election (all within the 4 years he was president) to be able to handle anything we're about to go thru in the next 4 years if he;s the same POS he was even 7 years ago. His VP wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 founder's book... you don't have to understand the voting process nor be educated on the candidates' policies to see history repeating itself.
Trump very much shouldn't get away with any criticism regarding covid. But there was no way to stop it. Once it got here, which was before any of us even understood it, it was already too late.

Before u go there, the country that did best as far as excess deaths, Sweden, was a country that didn't enforce lock downs.

And aside from the convo of covid response, is covid origins. And when he was calling out China it was a conspiracy theory that would get u banned off social media.

And is now very much just as likely a possibility as any other.

Add to that, less deaths happened during Trump's one year of covid pre vaccines, than Biden's first year, with vaccines.

And in that year that trump was pushing operation warp speed, Biden and Kamala were telling ppl not to trust it

They should not be let off the hook for that.
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1 million+ ppl didn't make it to 2024 because of what was supposed to be a standard coronavirus outbreak... and that was just the one hurdle we had to get thru in those 4 years. We now have a weakened and divided gov't, a fragile economy caused by said gov't incompetence, 3 major geopolitical catastrophes potentially boiling over to WW3 and an increasingly volatile border situation that only gets used as a talking point every 4 years. Someone's past can come back to haunt him if their behavior hasn't changed... and I don't trust a man that bought ass with campaign money, kept classified documents in his bedroom and talked his supporters into rioting over a lost election (all within the 4 years he was president) to be able to handle anything we're about to go thru in the next 4 years if he;s the same POS he was even 7 years ago. His VP wrote the foreword to the Project 2025 founder's book... you don't have to understand the voting process nor be educated on the candidates' policies to see history repeating itself.


Thanks for answering my question.
Honestly, nevermind lol

Good luck