As I stated though, Louisiana will be Red after you vote. Louisiana has always been red since you been voting.
Why do you continue to get excited to vote for the President?
I believe in my heart if the republican had 7 items and the Democrats had 2 that suited your needs, you would find a reason to vote Democrats because of feelings and not logic that some black folks refuse to use or even both parties had 0 vs 0. That's a sermon for a different Sunday though.
Would you continue to drive your car down a street with nails or heavy traffic, this street been like this all your life. Before your life even, but yet every day would you continue to drive down this street knowing that your tire will get a flat or somehow crazy will happen
I'll say that you wouldn't, you know the results but when it comes to Presidential voting and Louisiana being a red state, yet you vote and you know the results
Does that make sense to you?