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The Official 2016-2017 NBA Thread

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You're right, winning means nothing. Thank you AP. Enjoy your weekend sir.

goldie, seriously, what is the point you are trying to make?

i honestly dont know what KD not having won a title has anything to do with why i think he is better than Steph Curry
man somebody get in here and try to decipher goldie's post...he trippin lol
Lebron was still considered the best in the game before he won anything. KD been doing what he's doing now for the last 5 years, if dude isn't #2 than who is cause it's not Curry.
Lebron was considered that by lil niggas who didn't know any better. Kobe was still the best in the league while lil niggas was jumpin on the lebron wagon. Can't be the best in the league and getting washed in the playoffs. Makes 0 sense.

Yall got it tho
So titles are won by only one person huh?

If kobe was so great, how come he didn't do shit with that smush Parker roster? I think you keep forgetting that Kobe wanted to be traded to Chicago at one point. Stop with the Kobe humping
You gon explain how that relates to what we're talking about or nah
When you stop acting like winning has nothing to do with grading a player
Because it doesn't lol

Is Charles Barkley not one of the 50 greatest players ever because he didn't win a ring? It's a team sport brah
You're talking 50 lol

If barkley had rings he'd be in the top 5 convo. You see how that works?
lmaoooo Curry got Lebron, who's about 6 inches taller lookin ridiculous out there on the one on one
Are yall seeing this shit? smh @ the curry/durant comparison


both of them had 3o+ pts

KD shot 59%, Curry shot 41%

KD had 6 assists, 3 TOs, 3STL, 5 blocks...4/8 from 3
Steph had 11 assists and 8 TOs, 1 STL and NO Blocks...4/11 from 3

brah...Curry only ended up with that amount of points b/c he was 14/14 from the FT line

KD is clearly the best player on THIS years team, but i will say he is better than Steph overall b/c of all the other things he contributes that steph just cant

you acting like im calling Steph a bum or something...im not, he's just not better than durant

both of them had 3o+ pts

KD shot 59%, Curry shot 41%

KD had 6 assists, 3 TOs, 3STL, 5 blocks...4/8 from 3
Steph had 11 assists and 8 TOs, 1 STL and NO Blocks...4/11 from 3

brah...Curry only ended up with that amount of points b/c he was 14/14 from the FT line

KD is clearly the best player on THIS years team, but i will say he is better than Steph overall b/c of all the other things he contributes that steph just cant

you acting like im calling Steph a bum or something...im not, he's just not better than durant

Again, he came to a team that had the best record of alltime, I could've went there and looked like a legend. It's a big difference when you're carrying a team and most of the pressure's on you (where we seen durant fold everytime) and when you're now just another part of an already built system that was fine without you. Again, I don't think yall know ball man.
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