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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

as i stated in a pervious thread. i dont ID as feminist due to its historical contexts.
I like womanist theory but because all these labels are rigged, I try not to subscribe or aspire to them if that makes sense???

although it should be noted that womanism and Black feminism are not interchangeable.
Lol at your word salad of bullshit. Talking all that shit and still can't explain why it's our fault that WHITE MEN are by far the worst sexual abusers in the country. Fohwtbs
again, you arent reading what i wrote. just trying to prove me wrong on a particular subject you havent even studied in depth.

lmao @ word salad

thats a loose translation for i cant understand academic jargon.

google is free baby
again, you arent reading what i wrote. just trying to prove me wrong on a particular subject you havent even studied in depth.

lmao @ word salad

thats a loose translation for i cant understand academic jargon.

google is free baby
You studied a class that taught you to blame and scapegoat black men for the crimes of WHITE MEN. You enrolled yourself in a self hate class that was called feminist theory. You are the absolute last person to tell me anything about academic jargon. Take that bullshit elsewhere.

Stripped of her halo, Elizabeth Stanton, the campaign’s principal philosopher, is exposed as a classic liberal racist who embraced fairness in the abstract while publicly enunciating bigoted views of African-American men, whom she characterized as “Sambos” and incipient rapists in the period just after the war. The suffrage struggle itself took on a similar flavor, acquiescing to white supremacy — and selling out the interests of African-American women — when it became politically expedient to do so. This betrayal of trust opened a rift between black and white feminists that persists to this day.

Sound familiar @Race Jones ? Did they teach you this in your feminist theory class???

SMH at this bullshit being a near exact word for word repitition of all the crap you've been saying in this thread for the past few days. At least now we all know where it came from. Lol at you worshipping at the feet of ppl who hate your freaking guts and sold you out in the first hour of the first day. Smmfh.
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at the end of the day, im more well versed and more pragmatic than you think. you men only see life thru a race based lens because you are cishetero Black men, its expected. some Black men have taken the proper steps to learn about intersectionality and broaden their thinking in hopes of making our communities more viable and safe for EVERYONE, not just Black men.

whereas you guys do little to no work in the community.

since you hate the white man so much why do you work for him? i mean surely this level of hatred of yt ppl would cause one to branch out on their own and figure out how to uproot their ppl out of amerikkka, right?

except you men have done nothing but sit in a thread and bash gayle, oprah and me. you been in here all day complaining about the white man while using their internet, their phones, and get this* their logic, their way of thinking and behaving and even their fragility when confronted with certain topics.

you all arent as revolutionary as you think. matter of fact you arent revolutionaries at all. just another faceless Black man shouting into the void.

i have no respect for Black ppl that complain about the white man and do nothing to help their ppl but slip 10c in the donation box at mcdonalds.
in the famous words of fred hampton:

“ theory's cool, but theory with no practice ain't shit”
So being taught feminist theory by a bunch of white feminist who never factored you into the theory isn't bad enough now you want to misappropriate the great Fred Hampton's quote and actually practice the self hate that these overtly racist white women taught you. Smmfgdh.

SMH at using Fred Hampton to blame black men for the crimes of WHITE MEN. Self hate is real. You sold your soul to white feminist who never gave a single solitary fuck about you. You serve no useful purpose to your people and are as disgrace to our ancestors. You are a complete and total waste of melanin.
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These are the people black men should be intersectional with. Btw we’ve allowed them to change the narrative good job...
theres nuance in all things....im not reading further. its clear you havent studied the subject and i refuse to discuss something with someone that doesnt have the range.

I have, for decades, and every time I pick up a book on feminism I end up rolling my eyes so much they hurt. The shit is such contrived drivel that even old guard feminists are turning on it.

I'm not the average cat you run into. I actually take the time to read... A lot. I can't even begin to tell you how many books I've read and the subject matter is all over the place. Right now I'm on a philosophy kick, so it's works by Kierkegaard (Fear and Trembling is on my coffee table as I type this), Plato, Descartes, Artistotle, Marx (though I read quite a bit of Marx's writings as a child), Confucius, and Rousseau (read The Social Contract if you haven't). Before this it was physics, particularly string theory and quantum mechanics. When I was working as an engineer, I read a ton about RF engineering and amplifier design to help with my job. I'm completely self taught in all aspects of IT. I've learned music theory on my own.

I read for the sake of knowledge. Not for debating, not to show off, but simply to know.
in the famous words of fred hampton:

“ theory's cool, but theory with no practice ain't shit”
Fred Hampton was assignated by the CPD as he lay in his bed next to his eight month pregnant fiance. She literally stood by his side until the very last moment of his life. Deborah Johnson dedicated herself to the struggle. She choose to come face to face an execution squad rather than turn her back on her black man. And ftr Deborah Johnson was a Panther and not a feminist.

If you're going to speak on the great Fred Hampton I would suggest you at least know wtf you're talking about first.
“When women, because they are women, are hunted down through the cities of New York and New Orleans; when they are dragged from their houses and hung upon lampposts; when their children are torn from their arms and their brains dashed out upon the pavement; when they are objects of insult and outrage at every turn; when they are in danger of having their homes burnt down over their heads; when their children are not allowed to enter schools; then they will have an urgency to obtain the ballot equal to our own.” FrederickDouglass

@Race Jones
at the end of the day, im more well versed and more pragmatic than you think. you men only see life thru a race based lens because you are cishetero Black men, its expected. some Black men have taken the proper steps to learn about intersectionality and broaden their thinking in hopes of making our communities more viable and safe for EVERYONE, not just Black men.

whereas you guys do little to no work in the community.

since you hate the white man so much why do you work for him? i mean surely this level of hatred of yt ppl would cause one to branch out on their own and figure out how to uproot their ppl out of amerikkka, right?

except you men have done nothing but sit in a thread and bash gayle, oprah and me. you been in here all day complaining about the white man while using their internet, their phones, and get this* their logic, their way of thinking and behaving and even their fragility when confronted with certain topics.

you all arent as revolutionary as you think. matter of fact you arent revolutionaries at all. just another faceless Black man shouting into the void.

i have no respect for Black ppl that complain about the white man and do nothing to help their ppl but slip 10c in the donation box at mcdonalds.

Gyal, I've done more in the community by 16 than you have in your entire life. I grew up in the struggle in the early 70's, I'm from a family of activists not just for the Black community, but for the Native community (since I'm also a Tribal man myself). While I'm no longer a part of organized activism, I still help the people any way I can. I stay trying to bring us up, largely in the same way that @Duwop does; face to face, one on one, man to man.
I would think real misogyny is worse than racism since it’s hurts the bonds between men and women within their own race. While racism is a natural phenomenon. You are suppose to play for your community. In history not following that simple instinct led to your people being conquered. Nobody benefits from misogyny.

western feminism though is complete trash.
Talking all that bullshit but @Race Jones still has not addressed the indisputable FACT that WHITE MEN commit 57% of all sexual assaults and 50% of all child molestations in the US. I guess they conveniently forgot to address that in her feminist theory class.
Sources on this?
Also it makes no sense to even mention this. Whites are the majority. It like asking her to defend Japanese men making up like 90% of the sexual assaults in Japan.