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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

Sources on this?
Also it makes no sense to even mention this. Whites are the majority. It like asking her to defend Japanese men making up like 90% of the sexual assaults in Japan.
What does this have to do with Gayle’s disrespect of a dead man over allegations that weren’t true?

Fam. Please tell you you didn’t defend R. Kelly in any form or fashion?
i did.

i cant say shit about the first case. guilty but he got off.
yet here we are talking about kobe...but he got off.

one on film and one not.

i dont know enough about the new rkelly case to say hes guilty...so until then i can not call a black man guilty because of past actions.
otherwise kobe should be guilty.

we need to be consistent in if you got acquitted ...respect it.
this aint about protecting rapist or pedos.

are we on code or is it situational?
Sources on this?
Also it makes no sense to even mention this. Whites are the majority. It like asking her to defend Japanese men making up like 90% of the sexual assaults in Japan.

Lol at whites men being the majority. They only make up 31% of the population. And what in the fuck fo Japanese men have to do with anything? Fohwtbs. Try again sambo.
The feminist movement rejected black women on day one. Not only were the needs of black women never fought for they were never even considered. While white women were out burning their bras and pretending to be oppressed, black women were standing shoulder to shoulder with their men, fighting for their families and raising their children in the face of the greatest oppression humanity has seen.

Somewhere along the line black women bought into this faux-feminism bullshit that was never meant to benefit them. After decades of begging to join a group of people that wanted nothing to do with them white feminist and these man hating acceptance seeking black chicks cut a deal. White feminist allowed black women to finally join their movement if they would turn their back on and relentlessly vilify the black man. Black women made that deal and somewhere between the 80s and 2000s "niggas ain't shit" and "men are dogs" became the motto.

The bond between black men and black women has literally stood the test of time. White feminist targeted that bond and enough black women went along with it that the black family unit that has existed since the dawn of humanity is now on the brink of collapse. And the worst part of it is that the masses of black women have little to nothing to show for it. The little trinkets that white feminist and the broader white society gave them doesn't compare to what they have lost and may never be able to regain. For every Oprah Winfrey there are countless numbers of Sandra Blands. And when Sandra Bland was hanging in that jail cell how many white feminist came to her defense???

SMH at black feminist

“I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.” Susan B. Anthony

This is absolutely ridiculous and shame on all you guys cosignin' it
Where's the lie?

First up, white women were oppressed. Wasn't any pretendin'. Did they have it as hard as blacks? No, but that doesn't mean they weren't oppressed.

Two, black women were standin' shoulder to shoulder with black men coz blacks were targeted together, not because there was no sexism in the black community. There was and still is sexism.

Second paragraph is imo quite sad and not worthy of response at all.

Last paragraph too what are you even on about. What have black women lost by bein' feminists?
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First up, white women were oppressed. Wasn't any pretendin'. Did they have it as hard as blacks? No, but that doesn't mean they weren't oppressed.

Two, black women were standin' shoulder to shoulder with black men coz blacks were targeted together, not because there was no sexism in the black community. There was and still is sexism.

Second paragraph is imo quite sad and not worthy of response at all.

Last paragraph too what are you even on about. What have black women lost by bein' feminists?

Stopped reading after the bolded. Lol at white women were oppressed. An entire system of oppression was created to ensure that white women WERE NOT oppressed. Slavery was instituted in part to uphold the myth of the gentile and pristine white Southern Belle. Black people, both male and female were the burden barriers of the white southern Belle.

The bodies of black women were used to care for and feed white children that would grow up to become their masters so that white women wouldn't have to. Black women were raped and sexually assualted at will by white men b/c outside of the numbers of slave children they could produce their bodies held absolutely no value. Meanwhile the white woman was the epitome of perfection and was never to be touched.



White women were served by black women. White women had the power to split black women from their children and sell their offspring whenever they choose. How many "oppressed" white women stood on that auction block?




It's obvious you don't know wtf you're talking about. Your ignorance speaks for itself. So since you have no clue what you're talking about let me recommend a book for you. Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl was written by Harriet Ann Jacobs who was born into slavery to serve the poor oppressed white women that you are so concerned about. One of the many horrors she recounts is the difficulty of being born an attractive young slave girl and dealing with the unwanted sexual abuses of the master and the jealousy, envy and hatred of the mistress, or "oppressed" white woman as you like to call them.

Please read this book. You are stuck in complete and total ignorance. You know nothing of what you speak. Your ignorance and lack of knowledge is so astounding that I'm willing to buy this book for you. I've read it multiple times and there's plenty of information in it that you are in desperate need of. Send me your email address and I'll send you the book. Your complete ignorance and total lack of knowledge is a threat to us all.
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Stopped reading after the bolded. Lol at white women were oppressed. An entire system of oppression was created to ensure that white women WERE NOT oppressed. Slavery was instituted in part to uphold the myth of the gentile and pristine white Southern Belle. Black people, both male and female were the burden barriers of the white southern Belle.

The bodies of black women were used to care for and feed white children that would grow up to become their masters so that white women wouldn't have to. Black women were raped and sexually assualted at will by white men b/c outside of the numbers of slave children they could produce their bodies held absolutely no value. Meanwhile the white woman was the epitome of perfection and was never to be touched.



White women were served by black women. White women had the power to split black women from their children and sell their offspring whenever they choose. How many "oppressed" white women stood on that auction block?




It's obvious you don't know wtf you're talking about. Your ignorance speaks for itself. So since you have no clue what you're talking about let me recommend a book for you. Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl was written by Harriet Ann Jacobs who was born into slavery to serve the poor oppressed white women that you are so concerned about. One of the many horrors she recounts is the difficulty of being born an attractive young slave girl and dealing with the unwanted sexual abuses of the master and the jealousy, envy and hatred of the mistress, or "oppressed" white woman as you like to call them.

Please read this book. You are stuck in complete and total ignorance. You know nothing of what you speak. Your ignorance and lack of knowledge is so astounding that I'm willing to buy this book for you. I've read it multiple times and there's plenty of information in it that you are in desperate need of. Send me your email address and I'll send you the book. Your complete ignorance and total lack of knowledge is a threat to us all.

That black people were below white women in the social pecking order does not mean they weren't* oppressed. Obviously.

White women couldn't own or inherit property. They couldn't educate themselves past readin'. They were intentionally kept from participatin' in the economy which means they were oppressed.

Again, that the oppression of white women didn't lead to white hoe ghettos and white children born impoverished it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
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That black people were below white women in the social pecking order does not mean they were oppressed. Obviously.

White women couldn't own or inherit property. They couldn't educate themselves past readin'. They were intentionally kept from participatin' in the economy which means they were oppressed.

Again, that the oppression of white women didn't lead to white hoe ghettos and white children born impoverished it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Martha Custis inherited 300 slaves and over 17,000 acres of land after her first husband died in 1757. All of that inherited wealth came in handy when she married her second husband George...Washington. and ftr Salem College, the oldest women's college in the nation, opened it's doors in 1772.

You have no clue wtf you're talking about. Your ignorance is astounding. My offer still stands. Send me your email address and I'll send you the book. You need as much help as you can get stat.
Martha Custis inherited 300 slaves and over 17,000 acres of land after her first husband died in 1757. All of that inherited wealth came in handy when she married her second husband George...Washington. and ftr Salem College, the oldest women's college in the nation, opened it's doors in 1772.

You have no clue wtf you're talking about. Your ignorance is astounding. My offer still stands. Send me your email address and I'll send you the book. You need as much help as you can get stat.

Lol mate you ignorin' the facts of my post to focus on this one specific example. Take it if you want but my point still remains, its ridiculous to claim white women have never been oppressed.

Plus, a quick Wiki search tells me that Custis was left that wealth after her first husband died. Not that its really pertinent, mind you
so, we've reached the segment of the thread where now all the same points from the first 20 or so pages are just being repackaged into different posts

i dont think, as a whole, we got anywhere on this topic and sadly, with some interesting posts (earlier in the thread) from both sides of the discussion, we've reached the counterproductive stage in the convo.

the ability to have a healthy debate seems to have been lost and turned into who has the most energy to prove who is more right vs who is more wrong.

we've been at each other's throats for the better part of what, 4 days now? Everybody go to some other threads and take a breather for a min.
