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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

Lol mate you ignorin' the facts of my post to focus on this one specific example. Take it if you want but my point still remains, its ridiculous to claim white women have never been oppressed.

Plus, a quick Wiki search tells me that Custis was left that wealth after her first husband died. Not that its really pertinent, mind you


Isn't that what I just said??? Isn't that what an inheritance is???

Just a second ago you told me that women couldn't inherit property. I gave you the first of countless examples that came to mind and proved that you were wrong. Then you you recite my own example back to me as if I wasn't the one who gave you this information in the first place. Then you turn around and describe the inheritance that she recievied two post after claiming that white women couldn't receive inheritance. Not to mention the fact that you said absolutely nothing about womens colleges existing in this country since the 18th century after claiming that white women had been denied access to education. You are completely and totally lost. You have no fucking clue Wtf you are talking about???
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Isn't that what I just said??? Isn't that what an inheritance is???

Just a second ago you told me that women couldn't inherit property. I gave you the first of countless examples that came to mind and proved that you were wrong. Then you you recite my own example back to me as if I wasn't the one who gave you this information in the first place then you turn around and describe the inheritance that she recievied in total contradiction to your previous post. Wtf are you talking about???

No you didn't give me countless examples you gave a single example of an extremely prominent woman receivin' special privileges. But, like I said, you can have that.

It's factually incorrect to assert that white women have not been oppressed

Lol at whites men being the majority. They only make up 31% of the population. And what in the fuck fo Japanese men have to do with anything? Fohwtbs. Try again sambo.
You’re not really good at math/statistics huh? White men are 31% of the total population. How much are they of the men population in America. You comparing it as though white men, black men, and Hispanic have the same population. Black men if I had to guess makes up about 20% or less of the male population in America but make up 27% of the rape cases from your sources. That is why we are looked at the way we are. If you can’t understand that simple concept is pointless
Not oppression when the men that they lay with, procreate with, their fathers, brothers, grandfathers, etc. control that economy till this day and that white women continue to benefit from daily from then up till now.

They do and have but as shills, as mothers, as property.

You guys choosin' to take a very particular understandin' of the term oppression and there is absolutely no need for it.

No one here is sayin' that white women are oppressed like black people. Disputin' blatant facts is a waste of time
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No you didn't give me countless examples you gave a single example of an extremely prominent woman receivin' special privileges. But, like I said, you can have that.

It's factually incorrect to assert that white women have not been oppressed
You know what forget the book. Reading comprehension is a skill that you clearly don't have. You are a lost cause.

Not only is it factually incorrect but it's MORALLY incorrect to mention the so called oppression of white women in the context of the struggle for freedom, justice and equally that black people have been waging for centuries. These same "oppressed" white women that are you so concerned about didn't give one flying fuck when your ancestors were hanging from trees. White women and their lies were the main reasons our forefathers were hanging from those trees in the first place foh.

I would recommend some books to you about Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton so you could read what they had to say about you. But that would require reading comprehension and we've already established that isn't a strength of yours. So good luck in your quest to free the oppressed and downtrodden masses of white women who don't give a shit about your black ass. I'll be right here taking care of me and mine.
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I would never say white women have been oppressed. They have been inconvenienced about a few things they wanted but never oppressed IMO.

Black people have been and are being oppressed.
This so much. White women are destroying their own men with feminism. The sad thing is black women follow white women so much they unknowingly do the same to black men
You know what forget the book. Reading comprehension is a skill that you clearly don't have. You are a lost cause.

Not only is it factually incorrect but it's MORALLY incorrect to mention the so called oppression of white women in the context of the struggle for freedom, justice and equally that black people have been waging for centuries. These same "oppressed" white women that are you so concerned about didn't give one flying fuck when your ancestors were hanging from trees. White women and their lies were the main reasons of forefathers were hanging from those trees in the first place foh.

I would recommend some books to you about Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton so you could read what they had to say about you. But that would require reading comprehension and we'll already established that isn't a strength of yours. So good luck in your quest to free the oppressed and downtrodden masses of white women who don't give a shit about your black ass. I'll be right here taking care of me and mine.

Lol bro you insult yourself. You're the one denyin' facts and ignorin' my arguments.
aint no point in debating with the majority of these niggas. they cant think further than the white man and only view life from a race based lens. its pathetic.

save your breath
They do and have but only and shills, as mothers, as property.

You guys choosin' have take a very particular understandin' of the term oppression and there is absolutely no need for it.

No one here is sayin' that white women are oppressed like black people. Disputin' blatant facts is a waste of time

Black people don't have nothing to do with me saying white women haven't been oppressed. It's a dumb comparison to try and make what black people went and are going through to that of anything white women have been inconvenienced with.

Black people = oppressed

white women = inconvenienced

Nothing to compare between black and white.
so, we've reached the segment of the thread where now all the same points from the first 20 or so pages are just being repackaged into different posts

i dont think, as a whole, we got anywhere on this topic and sadly, with some interesting posts (earlier in the thread) from both sides of the discussion, we've reached the counterproductive stage in the convo.

the ability to have a healthy debate seems to have been lost and turned into who has the most energy to prove who is more right vs who is more wrong.

we've been at each other's throats for the better part of what, 4 days now? Everybody go to some other threads and take a breather for a min.


So 1 man disagreed with what 1 woman said using some colorful language and they turned into an all men hate all women debate, all black men trying to silence all black women. Why couldn't it remain what it was? A disagreement between 2 ppl and not a gender/race war? Snoop voiced his discontent and they twisted it all types a way that the original message was lost.
They turned into an attack on the messenger and ignored the msg to point that the perpetrator of the original attack is now the victim. They called it an attack on women when and turned around and did the same thing to Snoop.
It is quite clearly an attempt to silence black men. Snoop can't voice his opinion? He can't speak for his dead friend who was wronged? Gale did some foul shit and was called out on it. We can't call out our own when they do foul shit? We supposed to give her a pass because she's a woman? Because she's black? What happened to equality that feminist/women been fighting for all these years? You can't have equality and special treatment.

All this is saying is that black men can't have an opinion. Black men can't speak up for their own. Or they will be silenced by... black women