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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

It’s kinda foul for Gayle to shit on a dead man especially right when he died and people are still grieving and then tried to use Lisa Leslie to shit on Kobe only for it to not work. Gayle deserves all the backlash.

Gayle next time....
It’s kinda foul for Gayle to shit on a dead man especially right when he died and people are still grieving and then tried to use Lisa Leslie to shit on Kobe only for it to not work. Gayle deserves all the backlash.

Gayle next time....

thats not what happened
and it was easier for snoop to check a Black woman because he knew she wouldnt be protected instead of checking “da white media” you love hollering about....
This ain't about snoop. Simple minds are easily distracted tho....


Why were Becky's white friends willing to testify against her?
Yeah, it is. It's not about power or dominance like a lot of y'all like to believe. Some muhfuckas just think the only way they'll get pussy or dick is to forcibly take it. What form that takes is immaterial, the belief that they can't get it any other way, or that their odds of getting it any other way is slim to none, is really the driving force behind it. In some cases it about a self-centered person getting whatever it is that they want and it just so happens to be the dick or pussy of someone they're eyeballing.

Whatever the perps's reason, power or dominance is not the real issue; that's an old antiquated (1975) feminist paradigm that simply doesn't fit anymore because back then rape was defined as a male forcibly penetrating a female with nothing about a female perp in the mix whatsoever. The book that pushed this on us was "Against Our Will" by feminist Susan Brownmiller and it's been that book that has defined "rape as power" ever since.

"Arguing that rape is not about sex is akin to asserting that gun violence is not about guns."

Gayle bringing up sexual assault allegations that Kobe was acquitted of based on evidence is shitting on a dead man Race Jones.

he wasnt acquitted, it never went to trial.
again, the trial was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, she was being dragged through the mud for other men she had slept with, and lots of rape survivors don't like to testify because they don't want to relive the attack. kobe also stated that no money was paid to her.

all old paradigm. It makes you look like an old racist that still believes "niggers are only 3/5 human". It's time to grow and evolve, @Race Jones. Sometimes it's ok to let go of long held beliefs. I had to let go of the belief that white people were devils as I got older, you can let go of the myth that rape is about power.

The fact of the matter is "rape is power" is an old feminist battle cry. I didn't have to google anything other than articles because I actually read the book in question at... I wanna say 8 or 9 years old right along with "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung", "The Art of War", "Monopoly Capital" and many other books we had on our bookshelves. My mother had it because she WAS (keyword there) a feminist back in the 70's but abandoned that whole shit because of how damaging it was becoming.
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he wasnt acquitted, it never went to trial.
again, the trial was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, she was being dragged through the mud for other men she had slept with, and lots of rape survivors don't like to testify because they don't want to relive the attack. kobe also stated that no money was paid to her.
Why were Becky's white friends willing to testify against her?

I don't do organized efforts like y'all...

I just talk to the young generation as I'm moving.

Had like a 30 minute conversation about how niggaz need to get health insurance so go see doctors about blood pressure and diabetes cuz that shit hits our people hard and our lifestyles heavily contribute with all the food we eat, an other shit we put in our bodies......

But I'm literally having this conversation while buying and smoking weed with these niggaz while we on the strip out the shopping center....
an your message can reach people that i would have a problem talking to. if im honest.

not being scared but perception.

nigga think im running a scam or a narc or its the setup or just plain ole....you here to look down on us shit.

i never understood how someone can think someone is looking down on them for believing they are better than where they think they are comfortable.

i say think they are comfortable...because alot of people i run into dont know who they truly are and are afraid to try new shit out of fear the hood will question their blackness.

quick story. i think i told it here once.
was in miami airport on my way back to philly.
some philly dude loud as hell on facetime or whatever.
dude was happy as hell to be calling home to share his trip. seems like dudes first trip outside philly or to a beach or miami.
but anywy...you can tell dude was happy. he was telling this story about being in the ocean an not knowing how to swim....but he said he didnt know he didnt know how to swim until he was in the water thinking he was swimming.....and when he stood up to see how far he went...his homie told him he was going in circles,.......backwards.

shit was hella funny.
but the dude on the other end kinda skipped over the story to ask him if he saw the hoods in miami.

you can just see the air slowly leave dudes body..like wtf.

i got legit mad for dude. like homie on the beach living his best life an his mans wanna bring up the hood.
its like people cant dream or be happy to see more. or niggas want to bring misery to the beach.

alot of people cant escape that type shit....so they settle to not rock the boat at home.
he wasnt acquitted, it never went to trial.
again, the trial was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, she was being dragged through the mud for other men she had slept with, and lots of rape survivors don't like to testify because they don't want to relive the attack. kobe also stated that no money was paid to her.
Nope wrong. She was bragging about sleeping with Kobe and talking about his privates and what she’ll do with the money and she was sleeping with other men. What rape victim is bragging about fucking their attacker?
he wasnt acquitted, it never went to trial.
again, the trial was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, she was being dragged through the mud for other men she had slept with, and lots of rape survivors don't like to testify because they don't want to relive the attack. kobe also stated that no money was paid to her.

because they didn't have a case.

C'mon Race, you really believe that prosecutors wouldn't have tried their hardest to convict Kobe??? Big scary nigger man defiling a delicate white snow queen??? You can't be this naive. I know you're smarter than this. The prosecutors would have built their careers on putting Kobe away so for them to drop it means there was no case. Even if she asked them to drop it, they're under no obligation to do so if they believe a crime had been committed and the evidence is strong enough to convict him for said crime.

They walked away because they knew there was no case.
Nope wrong. She was bragging about sleeping with Kobe and talking about his privates and what she’ll do with the money and she was sleeping with other men. What rape victim is bragging about fucking their attacker?
It takes leaps of logic to be able to answer this question instead of just believing the white woman is a liar