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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread


Your and Race whole viewpoint is shaped by white people and void of common sense

Save the psycho babble, those niggas have everything to lose, they aren't stupid to throw it away like that

Yall keep applying all these rapist attributes to an innocent fucking man.

Why are yall like this??? Why do white people have more influence over you than common sense does??


bruh I’m not even talking about Kobe. You just used the whole “I can get any pussy I want why would I rape somebody defense?” Grow up. Darren Sharper was hall of fame DB with money and raped several women and got convicted. That’s not a good anti rape defense bro. You all off
bruh I’m not even talking about Kobe. You just used the whole “I can get any pussy I want why would I rape somebody defense?” Grow up. Darren Sharper was hall of fame DB with money and raped several women and got convicted. That’s not a good anti rape defense bro. You all off
No fuck that. I AM talking about Kobe. What you're saying is moot. Save it for a thread about a rapist. This aint one
idk your thoughts on various topics pertaining to Black ppl and those in socioeconomic excluded areas have been downright awful.

im actually surprised youre doing this kind of work. happy but surprised love
not sure why you are surprised.

i state it often and have reached out to people for help because i cant do it all.
even tried to do a home for abused women an children. but cant moral go against things i preach...so im stuck on that one.

while philly is my home....i see black people in worse conditions and would like to make some sort of connection.
we can all help each other where we are weak.
dont know how....but thats my goal.

i often speak shitty to people because at times its a lonely fight and for some people to think they are owed and entitled drives me crazy.
we have all we need but alot of dudes are just fucking lazy. its stand up dudes as well but they are too few and must hold up alot.
i just know my lane and use it to fund my overall dream.
whether its helping fund businesses, scholarships or speaking shitty spanish to people with no hope.

but i must say i am stuck in a place where.....i dont want freeloading ass people benefiting off my hard work. and i hate a street nigga who goes against what i stand for.
this is something i struggle with.
this is why i took a stepback. long story short.....i embarrassed myself in front of kids by pulling a dudes card who questioned my character.
so i know i must outsource speaking to kids. it aint my thing. i can admit that.

im not afraid to ask for help when i see potential that can help the end goal.
its really not about me. its about the help i need to help us.

but thats enough of honest real world Dos.

back to my regular abw self.
evening cheese plate and wine from the alsace region of france.

f u @AP21
@King Freeman imma beat dat ass when i touch down. protect your liver.
@Race Jones stop being angry. ill pull up on a chick too.
I asked because you keep deflecting from white supremacy. As if that's not 99% of the reason why we're having this debate.

A white bitch lied

The white media perpetuates that lie

Foolish easily manipulated negroes run with that lie...

And the pookie thing is a sarcastic reference to an Obama speech. He said that years back

Again, i respect your commitment to your neighborhood but I think it's giving you a myopic world view. It's to the point you're painting every black man the exact same way, even an overachiever like Kobe.

youre not reading my words and therein lies the problem. i dont need to deflect from white supremacy because i live in an anti-Black society, its in the air i breathe, its always the “elephant in the room”, its show up early and stays late. I am fully aware of how white supremacy works. I understand how mass media works as well.

reality is, i dont watch the news, if that was the case i wouldnt have moved to philly or travel to baltimore or visit friends in east ny because mass media has worked overtime in shaping this narrative that po’ Blacks are dangerous and inherently violent. I truly understand how mass media shapes ppls unconscious biases when it comes to race, gender and class.

this is the information age and i dont have to subscribe to certain narratives spurned by national news cycles, i can read articles that are more well rounded/versed in their ideas.

kobe was in colorado, he had encounter with a white woman, and at the very least, cheated on his wife. these are the facts.

kobe was later accused of rape and whether or not the sexual encounter was consensual— is still a national conservation that is being weighed and debated.

mass media didnt implant this thought in my head erroneously, it happened and ppl have the free range to subscribe to whatever narrative they see fit.

again, I dont need kobe to be a saint to still mourn his death. I dont know anybody that didnt feel sick to their stomach when kobe died, including ppl that have experienced sexual violence.

ppl seem to think that if folks buy into this idea that he raped a woman, it takes away from him as a person and it doesnt.

thats the beautiful thing about this entire shit
that no matter what side of the aisle you sit on, you can still respect kobe for the man that he is.

why is that such a bad thing?
No fuck that. I AM talking about Kobe. What you're saying is moot. Save it for a thread about a rapist. This aint one

it was literal response to that thing you said. You can’t really believe that in other situations. I never even said Kobe did it I ain’t even defended Gayle idk wtf it is you mad bout
i hit a nerve its ok.

if you tell me where you live, ill be happy to point you to some organizations in your area, that you can join, so youre not spending all your free time sitting on abw collecting social media tokens.

Why does this read like you're an Army Recruiter?
kobe was later accused of rape and whether or not the sexual encounter was consensual— is still a national conservation that is being weighed and debated.
Weighed and debated by who? Whites.

Black people know better

We know about Emmitt Til

We know black men especially rich black men are targets

We are inherently skeptical of white finger pointing and we give our own the benefit of the doubt til proven otherwise.

It’s a power thing if it was just lack of sex those incel dudes would be doing rapes instead of shooting people. If it was just sex there are prostitutes in every city why rape when you can just pay some money and have a much less serious crime?

Yeah, it is. It's not about power or dominance like a lot of y'all like to believe. Some muhfuckas just think the only way they'll get pussy or dick is to forcibly take it. What form that takes is immaterial, the belief that they can't get it any other way, or that their odds of getting it any other way is slim to none, is really the driving force behind it. In some cases it about a self-centered person getting whatever it is that they want and it just so happens to be the dick or pussy of someone they're eyeballing.

Whatever the perps's reason, power or dominance is not the real issue; that's an old antiquated (1975) feminist paradigm that simply doesn't fit anymore because back then rape was defined as a male forcibly penetrating a female with nothing about a female perp in the mix whatsoever. The book that pushed this on us was "Against Our Will" by feminist Susan Brownmiller and it's been that book that has defined "rape as power" ever since.

"Arguing that rape is not about sex is akin to asserting that gun violence is not about guns."

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I don't do organized efforts like y'all...

I just talk to the young generation as I'm moving.

Had like a 30 minute conversation about how niggaz need to get health insurance so go see doctors about blood pressure and diabetes cuz that shit hits our people hard and our lifestyles heavily contribute with all the food we eat, an other shit we put in our bodies......

But I'm literally having this conversation while buying and smoking weed with these niggaz while we on the strip out the shopping center....
Weighed and debated by who? Whites.

Black people know better

no....do you know any Black ppl? wth lmaooo I dont talk to white ppl at this stage in my life. I have no white friends in my camp. I dont interact with them outside of social media. hell, i havent seen any white person discuss this topic, just us Blacks lmaooo so no, Black ppl are speaking about this case and having very real discussions on it as well.

ive never seen someone so obsessed with white ppl in my life. its off-putting
no....do you know any Black ppl? wth lmaooo I dont talk to white ppl at this stage in my life. I have no white friends in my camp. I dont interact them outside of social media. so no, Black ppl are speaking about this case and having very real discussions on it as well.

ive never seen someone so obsessed with white ppl in my life. its off-putting
I don't know a black person in real life who believes Kobe is a rapist. I only get that trash energy from the Internet.

You claim to not interact with white people and their media but amazingly have adopted and perpetuate their narrative. How Sway?? You're bending over backwards and jumping through hoops to make your homeboy a rapist instead of simply believing a human being with a vagina lied

Her friends were ready to testify AGAINST HER but you conveniently ignore that

There are more liars on Earth than there are rapists. Lying is a Trillion times more common than rape is, right? Right.
Yeah, it is. It's not about power or dominance like a lot of y'all like to believe. Some muhfuckas just think the only way they'll get pussy or dick is to forcibly take it. What form that takes is immaterial, the belief that they can't get it any other way, or that their odds of getting it any other way is slim to none, is really the driving force behind it. In some cases it about a self-centered person getting whatever it is that they want and it just so happens to be the dick or pussy of someone they're eyeballing.

Whatever the perps's reason, power or dominance is not the real issue; that's an old antiquated (1975) feminist paradigm that simply doesn't fit anymore because back then rape was defined as a male forcibly penetrating a female with nothing about a female perp in the mix whatsoever. The book that pushed this on us was "Against Our Will" by feminist Susan Brownmiller and it's been that book that has defined "rape as power" ever since.

"Arguing that rape is not about sex is akin to asserting that gun violence is not about guns."

oh good old fashioned confirmation biases. what did you type in google “rape is about sex” ???

lets look at more scholarly sources


Because it's easier and more cowardly to check snoop than to check the establishment

and it was easier for snoop to check a Black woman because he knew she wouldnt be protected instead of checking “da white media” you love hollering about....