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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

Yeah. If I were to call you a fuck nigga midway through trying to make a point im certain you probably wouldn't hear anything past being called a fuck nigga

nah. this is just corny. if i can look past niggas calling me a dumb bitch, yall surely can look past fuck nigga.

lets stop the dramatics. we are grown
It was meant for you to see.

Fact is ...Your way of communicating is toxic even when your point is valid.

I agree with you on so many things.....But you see too much thru toxic glasses and your internalizing what you see an do with helping others an it comes out as who you are.
I'm not blind an I see you are not toxic.. you have a lot of potential....Focus damn it.
.You just feel you need to be that way because what your around, don't allow any other way to speak to people.

I get it.
Your message can be received by more if you tweak that `tude.

And if you listen more ...You would see the very thing you asking for is present. But maybe is not looking like what you think it should look like.


nah my way of debating holds ground because of the ppl im communicating with. this entire thread is filled with men calling women bitches, nappy headed hoes and other slanderous names. calling the victim a slut etc etc. i truly believe you cant have meaningful conversations with the majority ppl up here so i speak in a way that reads the room.

you may not like how i come at you but the message is the same and im not going to play nice with niggas that jump out the bando saying some real harmful shit, including yourself.

the anger, aggression is warranted and i also am prepared for the blowblack as well...like being called a bitch etc

but dont act like the way i speak is an issue on this forum when the entire first page is grown men referring to oprah as a cunt and a bitch. foh
People still not getting it even though it's been said over and over in here. Gale doing the interview isn't thee problem. Asking the question isn't thee problem. It's how she asked the questions. If she asked LL if the rape should affect his legacy and then left it at "No" as LL said and moved on to the next question, there wouldn't be a problem. It's the "BUT You're his friend so you wouldn't see that side of him..." and then when LL makes the fact that the case was dismissed she did it again, "because the victim didn't testify...". As is if she's trying tie LL up. That's where Gale fucked up.
It has already been pointed out the Gale and Oprah are friends with many others accused of sex assaults. Where are the interviews with those accusers? Oprah built a whole school in Africa for girls, where SHE promised them shelter, security and education but hundreds of them were abused by someone she put there and paid to be there. She is directly responsible for hundreds of girls getting abused. Where's the interviews with those victims? Nobody is saying Russell, MJ or R Kelly shouldn't have a doc. But if their victims have docs why dont the other victims have docs?

gayle let leslie slide with major inaccuracies and honestly thats journalism!!!!!

kobe’s past was complicated, so complicated questions should be asked. i dont see the issue in that.

fact remains, a question or critique doesn’t change kobe’s life or legacy—thats what ppl fail to realize

and if you are this concerned about how someone is viewed after death, you better start holding ppl accountable in the community, including yourself.
again, men want you to cater their ego

So do black men get to frame this as a threat/attack/disrespect of all black men? What's the 'black only' version of misandry? Misandnoir? Can we make that dumb word up and now go on a tear to paint Susan Rice as a monster who is encouraging people to kill Snoop?

honestly, how did you take what she said about snoop dogg and tie into the hatred of ALL Black men? like honestly???
gayle let leslie slide with major inaccuracies and honestly thats journalism!!!!!

kobe’s past was complicated, so complicated questions should be asked. i dont see the issue in that.

fact remains, a question or critique doesn’t change kobe’s life or legacy—thats what ppl fail to realize

and if you are this concerned about how someone is viewed after death, you better start holding ppl accountable in the community, including yourself.

What were the inaccuracies in Lisa's responses? Please give examples. I haven't seen the full interview.

Why is his history so complicated? He was accused by someone who is a proven liar, mentally unstable and promiscuous with malicious intent. Why do you still see her as the victim and not Kobe?

And they are trying to use this 1 situation to define his legacy. Why are we even having this discussion right now if that's not what they're trying to do. Why not speak on his many great accomplishments? All the good he's done? His charity work and family life? All he's won as an athlete?
why do yall do that? I want to know damnit. why is that whenever a Black woman or someone of the community critiques cishetero Black men yall totally bypass the critique and right it off as hatred and slander of all Black men?

where does this level of fragility and victimhood come from? I just dont understand it because all it does is derail important, constructive conversations and leaves right back in the same conditions we found ourselves in.

we cant get anywhere if niggas cant look at themselves critically and understand the majority of the criticisms Black women have for Black men is mainly out of love.

many Black women, including myself, are trying to find better way to address sexual assault beyond a prison-focused response.

so many of us are only asking you to look at the culture and your own behavior to see how we can change certain things and make our hoods viable safe for everyone.
People still not getting it even though it's been said over and over in here. Gale doing the interview isn't thee problem. Asking the question isn't thee problem. It's how she asked the questions. If she asked LL if the rape should affect his legacy and then left it at "No" as LL said and moved on to the next question, there wouldn't be a problem. It's the "BUT You're his friend so you wouldn't see that side of him..." and then when LL makes the fact that the case was dismissed she did it again, "because the victim didn't testify...". As is if she's trying tie LL up. That's where Gale fucked up.
It has already been pointed out the Gale and Oprah are friends with many others accused of sex assaults. Where are the interviews with those accusers? Oprah built a whole school in Africa for girls, where SHE promised them shelter, security and education but hundreds of them were abused by someone she put there and paid to be there. She is directly responsible for hundreds of girls getting abused. Where's the interviews with those victims? Nobody is saying Russell, MJ or R Kelly shouldn't have a doc. But if their victims have docs why dont the other victims have docs?

why do yall do that? I want to know damnit. why is that whenever a Black woman or someone of the community critiques cishetero Black men yall totally bypass the critique and right it off as hatred and slander of all Black men?

where does this level of fragility and victimhood come from? I just dont understand it because all it does is derail important, constructive conversations and leaves right back in the same conditions we found ourselves in.

we cant get anywhere if niggas cant look at themselves critically and understand the majority of the criticisms Black women have for Black men is mainly out of love.

many Black women, including myself, are trying to find better way to address sexual assault beyond a prison-focused response.

so many of us are only asking you to look at the culture and your own behavior to see how we can change certain things and make our hoods viable safe for everyone.
But isn't this what's being done to snoop? Why is everyone focused on his use of the word bitch and not the message he's trying to convey? Do u think because he says bitch he hates all women and wishes death on them? Why can u only see one side?
its clear to me that im probably one of the only ppl up here that 1. live in a predominately Black area that is experiencing severe governmental neglect and high concentrations of poverty

2. doing community activist/work

because we arent looking at this from
a communal standpoint. the comments in this thread are very individualistic and ppl are failing to tie a lot of this shit back to the community. (do yall niggas even live around Black ppl? lol)

its bigger than kobe and its deeper than rap.

we really have the potential to make great changes in our hoods if we cut the dramatics and start looking at this objectively.
Bill cosby is a rapist and his words arent needed until he decides to change his life and stand in his shit. until then he is not of the community anymore and we need not to pay his ass any mind.
What were the inaccuracies in Lisa's responses? Please give examples. I haven't seen the full interview.

Why is his history so complicated? He was accused by someone who is a proven liar, mentally unstable and promiscuous with malicious intent. Why do you still see her as the victim and not Kobe?

And they are trying to use this 1 situation to define his legacy. Why are we even having this discussion right now if that's not what they're trying to do. Why not speak on his many great accomplishments? All the good he's done? His charity work and family life? All he's won as an athlete?

1. lisa stated the case went to trial and that is simply not true.

2. she also implied kobe was acquitted or the case was dismissed which is also not true. a lot of people say that kobe was acquitted; he was NOT acquitted. the trial was dropped when his accuser refused to testify, and it made sense at the time.