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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

So do black men get to frame this as a threat/attack/disrespect of all black men? What's the 'black only' version of misandry? Misandnoir? Can we make that dumb word up and now go on a tear to paint Susan Rice as a monster who is encouraging people to kill Snoop?
Y'all keep parroting that, but... yeah, it's really about sex.

It’s a power thing if it was just lack of sex those incel dudes would be doing rapes instead of shooting people. If it was just sex there are prostitutes in every city why rape when you can just pay some money and have a much less serious crime?
Thats subjective and besides the point

lol look if your starting point is mostly false how the fuck can I take you serious? You’re whole mindset is hoes be lying why would a rich famous person rape somebody when they can get pussy easy?

that sounds like a viewpoint of a teen aged kid can’t respect it
People still not getting it even though it's been said over and over in here. Gale doing the interview isn't thee problem. Asking the question isn't thee problem. It's how she asked the questions. If she asked LL if the rape should affect his legacy and then left it at "No" as LL said and moved on to the next question, there wouldn't be a problem. It's the "BUT You're his friend so you wouldn't see that side of him..." and then when LL makes the fact that the case was dismissed she did it again, "because the victim didn't testify...". As is if she's trying tie LL up. That's where Gale fucked up.
It has already been pointed out the Gale and Oprah are friends with many others accused of sex assaults. Where are the interviews with those accusers? Oprah built a whole school in Africa for girls, where SHE promised them shelter, security and education but hundreds of them were abused by someone she put there and paid to be there. She is directly responsible for hundreds of girls getting abused. Where's the interviews with those victims? Nobody is saying Russell, MJ or R Kelly shouldn't have a doc. But if their victims have docs why dont the other victims have docs?