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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

U got a post round these parts referring to some Becky friend

Unless u made it up

Don't see a need for u to do that tho

ohhh yes, i had a white girl that i use to do activist work with in Brooklyn, that i considered a friend at a point but we were only cool because her girlfriend and i were close who happened to be Black. they broke up and out of respect for my friend i ended our friendship but we rarely hung out, mainly did activist work in Brooklyn and worked on a few projects in DC.
ohhh yes, i had a white girl that i use to do activist work with in Brooklyn, that i considered a friend at a point but we were only cool because her girlfriend and i were close who happened to be Black. they broke up and out of respect for my friend i ended our friendship but we rarely hung out, mainly did activist work in Brooklyn and worked on a few projects in DC.
Don't Malcom x ya white friends

That was the old testament
ohhh yes, i had a white girl that i use to do activist work with in Brooklyn, that i considered a friend at a point but we were only cool because her girlfriend and i were close who happened to be Black. they broke up and out of respect for my friend i ended our friendship but we rarely hung out, mainly did activist work in Brooklyn and worked on a few projects in DC.
N was this the chick u referring to?
@Race Jones .

There's a few things you're not taking into consideration in your arguments

1.. the fact that rape statistics shouldnt really apply to celebrities. There are inherent reasons for false accusations against them. Obviously. Money, clout, to bring them down, embarrass them etc. Also celebrities like kobe tupac and Tyson can snap their fingers and have another groupie on their dick in 15 minutes, they don't have to take pussy

2, it's as if you see every black man you hate in Kobe and you refuse to differentiate the man from the average philly nigga. He's a from a 2 parent home, hhis dad was in the NBA so he grew up with more money than the next kid. He was very cultured, well traveled, speaks several different languages, a family man and spent most of his time perfecting his GAME to become one of the greatest ever. That's not to say hes not capable of rape because of those things but come on where's your common sense and LOGIC at? He's an overachiever all his life but he has to stoop to stealing sex? Does not compute.

And what was the white whore doing in a room with him anyway?? Were they discussing the triangle offense or were they there to FUCK? She's a groupie. Use common sense

3 Like I told @Inori and @Hellczar it's not just about Gale asking tough questions as a journalist. She is carrying water for white supremacy by only coming for black men while ignoring her white predator FRIENDS. Peak HYPOCRISY. This is bigger than just journalism. This is a racist agenda being carried out and you are fully supporting it

nobody has to take pussy. Rape is not about lack of sex.
and @DOS_patos you was just in here during my hiatus acting like a crabby patty because i be at your neck in these threads because of your soft shoeing and headassery

i aint gon act like that i didnt see that bs either
It was meant for you to see.

Fact is ...Your way of communicating is toxic even when your point is valid.

I agree with you on so many things.....But you see too much thru toxic glasses and your internalizing what you see an do with helping others an it comes out as who you are.
I'm not blind an I see you are not toxic.. you have a lot of potential....Focus damn it.
.You just feel you need to be that way because what your around, don't allow any other way to speak to people.

I get it.
Your message can be received by more if you tweak that `tude.

And if you listen more ...You would see the very thing you asking for is present. But maybe is not looking like what you think it should look like.
