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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

I mean I think a lot of niggas first time was with an older woman and you can see the impact it does them niggas grow up and run through women got issues with women and etc. But a lot of niggas and I mean a lot think having sex at 12 with a 16 year old is winning
Because y'all never acknowledge it ever, that's why. If you serious about stopping rape, then you need to lead by example. Get y'alls house in order before you try to demonize us.

But really tho... Does it even matter when it's brought up? Y'all niggas refuse to take it seriously anyways.

We had whole threads about female teachers fucking their students and nobody gave a shit about any of them. @Young_Chitlin had an entire thread dedicated to the shit back on the IC. No words from the women of the IC, and that includes you, talmbout "stop rape".

Do we have one here? I’ve see comments on it but never a whole thread saw @Chicity say niggas shouldn’t be victims but idk if it’s a whole thread.
This I will agree on. Which is why I said in another thread on here that men absolutely have to speak up about women being inappropriate with them. Cuz victims being silent is what allows the behavior to continue.

Just last week I had to check my nephew's swim teacher cuz I was changing him out of his trunks into regular clothes and she made a comment about his "cute little booty." i told her if she ever made a comment about his anatomy again i was gon beat tf outa her. And i called the gym manager on her.

Look, late last year (2019) I was put in the very fucked up position of having to tell my mother about the shit that happened to me as a kid. By the time I was 10 I had been sexually assaulted/molested by four chicks. Of the four, three were Black. Also had to tell her that by 15 I had three grown ass women in my neighborhood accost me sexually. One was our next door neighbor, one was my moms best friend, all three Black.

I'm damned near 50 and had to have this discussion with her over the phone. I've been in therapy weekly for the last six months because the shit I've been through growing up finally caught up to me.

So, you're right... We do need to speak up. The problem is that we're conditioned to believe that we should want that form of attention from the opposite sex at an early age so it goes unchecked regardless of how it occurs. And it ain't just our fathers, uncles, or other males in our lives that tell us this: It's also our mothers, aunts, and what have you.

Even now, there's shit that's happened that I still haven't discussed with my therapist or moms 'cause I'm still piecing it all together.
And here we go.

Let's tackle one thing at a time or have a plan to tackle them all at once.

I mean I think a lot of niggas first time was with an older woman and you can see the impact it does them niggas grow up and run through women got issues with women and etc. But a lot of niggas and I mean a lot think having sex at 12 with a 16 year old is winning
You are right.....But because of the toxic people race is speaking of..Them kids learn from toxic older dudes to be thankful.

This I will agree on. Which is why I said in another thread on here that men absolutely have to speak up about women being inappropriate with them. Cuz victims being silent is what allows the behavior to continue.

Just last week I had to check my nephew's swim teacher cuz I was changing him out of his trunks into regular clothes and she made a comment about his "cute little booty." i told her if she ever made a comment about his anatomy again i was gon beat tf outa her. And i called the gym manager on her.
An this is what should happen more often.
But the fact she thought it was cool shows she said it before an wasn't checked for it due to some toxic mother taking it as a compliment.

This goes to show ...It's such women an men. And yes we as men need to step up for what's right an stop encouraging toxic shit.
In the process we need to protect each other.
These two Lesbos felt like its on to destroy black men because the image is one that needs destroying. The successful black man has flaws and faults. He's not all that. So he ain't shit.

How many on here agree and push the same ideology? Just in different ways?

Cant be mad now.
But I understand.

All this energy would be helpful if put towards the youngins.

But shout out to all the info an points and ideas.

I don't see this as a total war.

I see it as something to build on.

Thank you Gayle. Ya bitch.
Since we goin down memory lane @konceptjones

Look, late last year (2019) I was put in the very fucked up position of having to tell my mother about the shit that happened to me as a kid. By the time I was 10 I had been sexually assaulted/molested by four chicks. Of the four, three were Black. Also had to tell her that by 15 I had three grown ass women in my neighborhood accost me sexually. One was our next door neighbor, one was my moms best friend, all three Black.

I'm damned near 50 and had to have this discussion with her over the phone. I've been in therapy weekly for the last six months because the shit I've been through growing up finally caught up to me.

So, you're right... We do need to speak up. The problem is that we're conditioned to believe that we should want that form of attention from the opposite sex at an early age so it goes unchecked regardless of how it occurs. And it ain't just our fathers, uncles, or other males in our lives that tell us this: It's also our mothers, aunts, and what have you.

Even now, there's shit that's happened that I still haven't discussed with my therapist or moms 'cause I'm still piecing it all together.
Congrats on getting the help.
Takes a man to admit he's seeking help an doesn't have it all figured out.

Something I'm still struggling with from two sides.
Seeing people who want to talk to get it out an me being one of those people who needs to get it out.

And I m mad as shit at those not listening . That's why people don't talk.

Now image you dealing with all you went thru and now you see a kid now starting down that same path an parents not listening, old heads brushing it off an streets raiding him.

Shit ain't cool.

Fuck Gayle still tho.
Since we goin down memory lane @konceptjones

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Look, late last year (2019) I was put in the very fucked up position of having to tell my mother about the shit that happened to me as a kid. By the time I was 10 I had been sexually assaulted/molested by four chicks. Of the four, three were Black. Also had to tell her that by 15 I had three grown ass women in my neighborhood accost me sexually. One was our next door neighbor, one was my moms best friend, all three Black.

I'm damned near 50 and had to have this discussion with her over the phone. I've been in therapy weekly for the last six months because the shit I've been through growing up finally caught up to me.

So, you're right... We do need to speak up. The problem is that we're conditioned to believe that we should want that form of attention from the opposite sex at an early age so it goes unchecked regardless of how it occurs. And it ain't just our fathers, uncles, or other males in our lives that tell us this: It's also our mothers, aunts, and what have you.

Even now, there's shit that's happened that I still haven't discussed with my therapist or moms 'cause I'm still piecing it all together.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Sending love through your therapy journey.

Can I ask was it females you knew that did that to you by the time you were 10? Family members and such?
And @shutupGabi I'll be the first to admit that I used to be like a lot of cats on the IC talmbout "where was those teachers when I was growing up"... Might even find a post or two like that on there... But over the last several years, as shit started to rear its head in my life, I've been changing...And getting more angry about it. So that ain't me and it hasn't been that way for some time now.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Sending love through your therapy journey.

Can I ask was it females you knew that did that to you by the time you were 10? Family members and such?

Only one was somewhat unfamiliar to me; the white girl. One of me and my sister's sitter's used to watch the girl every now and then.
Two girls went to the same school I did, one was a classmate and the other was a little older but because I had been going to the same school for a couple of years I was familiar with her.
The fourth was the one of the daughters of our primary babysitter.

Truthfully there's more, but at this point that's all I've brought up to both my therapist and my moms. The others I'm still piecing together. Because me and my younger sister were so tight back then I've been talking to her as well to see what she remembers about some of these girls 'cause she also knew most of them.
And here we go.

Let's tackle one thing at a time or have a plan to tackle them all at once.

You are right.....But because of the toxic people race is speaking of..Them kids learn from toxic older dudes to be thankful.

An this is what should happen more often.
But the fact she thought it was cool shows she said it before an wasn't checked for it due to some toxic mother taking it as a compliment.

This goes to show ...It's such women an men. And yes we as men need to step up for what's right an stop encouraging toxic shit.
In the process we need to protect each other.
These two Lesbos felt like its on to destroy black men because the image is one that needs destroying. The successful black man has flaws and faults. He's not all that. So he ain't shit.

How many on here agree and push the same ideology? Just in different ways?

Cant be mad now.
But I understand.

All this energy would be helpful if put towards the youngins.

But shout out to all the info an points and ideas.

I don't see this as a total war.

I see it as something to build on.

Thank you Gayle. Ya bitch.
I genuinely dont think she meant any harm by it. My nephew got a bubble butt and even I comment on it lol....but as the person who was in charge of him at the time, I cant let that ride from stranger. Had that been my niece or little sister and a grown man had commented on her "cute lol booty" i woulda kicked that nigga in his kneecaps. We can't be extra overprotective of our girls and think the same shit is cute and funny with our boys. That's why shit fucked up now.
Since we goin down memory lane @konceptjones

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also in that thread:

I genuinely dont think she meant any harm by it. My nephew got a bubble butt and even I comment on it lol....but as the person who was in charge of him at the time, I cant let that ride from stranger. Had that been my niece or little sister and a grown man had commented on her "cute lol booty" i woulda kicked that nigga in his kneecaps. We can't be extra overprotective of our girls and think the same shit is cute and funny with our boys. That's why shit fucked up now.
But you as family are not looking at him like that.
It's no telling someone else's intentions.

I had to deal with this with my son.
Wife's friends talking about how cute he was. Teachers saying the same. I'm like he's a boy an why you think that's OK to say.