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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

Yall on one today. Lol.

Skpr had the receipts. Knowledge is power. Fact of the matter...if Gayle and Oprah was concerned wit Kobe's past case...then they should've holla at him while he was still walkin this earth.

But to bring it up NOW...then the attempt to get one if his close friends to speak ill of the brotha...class less. And black folks...both men AND women saw thru that shyt.

I dunno what's goin in Oprah's life...but she's been catching L's out here. Doin all this to protect her bestie Harvey...shame. I'm all for exposing muthafuccas who actually commit these atrocities. But don't sit there and expose only your people, and you giving that white muthafucca and other like him a pass. Naw. Folks ain't gonna let you slide wit that.

Props to Double L for seeing thru that shyt and not falling for it.

Props to all the brothas AND sistas who condemned Gayle's interview
And this ladies and gentlemen is what black feminism looks like. Let us not forget the root that this tree grew from.

“I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.”

"The old anti-slavery school says women must stand back and wait until the negroes shall be recognized. But we say, if you will not give the whole loaf of suffrage to the entire people, give it to the most intelligent first. If intelligence, justice, and morality are to have precedence in the government, let the question of the woman be brought up first and that of the negro last.”

Susan B. Anthony

see where yall got me fucked up at is that im really in these streets doing community work. im actually out here helping the youth on the daily and working to make my hood viable and safe for the generations of Black folxs to come. I read with inmates in prison, we discuss social ills, crime and punishment and redemption. real rapist and killers. I volunteer at homeless shelters for the LGBTQIA, I work at a non profit thats smack dab in the roughest part of philly. kids that been molested by the uncles, dads, mommas boyfriends, I teach them how to still have love for the ppl that look like them even if they were their first bully. ive taken a pay cut, some of these niggas up here know I be out here barely getting by because I give Black folks my last. if someone doesnt have money for the train I got them, if niggas dont have food to eat, i got them. im not saying Im moses, but I really love Black ppl and the ones that know me offline can attest to that. when I come up here speaking some shit its not because im trolling, or because i wanna make niggas upset, wellll sometimes I do be bored but its because I really want niggas to get it together. critiquing BM doesnt mean I dont love BM, speaking about sexual assault doesn't mean I think all BM are predators and I just dont go at Black men, I go at everyone in the community. nobody is exempt from accountability, even me or any Black woman for that matter. we do a sit down with mothers to help them unlearn certain shit so they not out here being abusive to their sons and daughters

if you read this whole thread back you would see not once did I speak ill about kobe. I maybe spoke some fly shit about yall, but never about kobe. I started my whole shit saying I hate gayle and oprah.

this subject I already knew would be touchy but to be frank, im high key tired of niggas being so fragile they think every critique of a Black man is trying to bring yall down. How you expect to garner change? how you expect to really shake some shit up if you cant even begin to have conversation about certain shit?

yes I dated a punk ass white boy once, but niggas know that aint my wave. (i mad i even have to make that a talking point lmao) but Im not checking for them. Idc about what they do, thats has nothing to do with me. either way I dont have to be nuanced when Im speaking about rape or abuse or domestic violence.

im not saying kobe raped that woman (maybe he did or didnt), im simply implying kobe had/has the potential to be harmful, because we all do as humans either way that doesnt make someone disposable, whether a celeb or a local nigga.

facts is, some of yall have a passion for silencing BW and immediately defending your faves. its mind boogling, whether its jay z, cosby, or kelly. its automatic “these bitches be lying” and thats freighting for me.

so nah, im not going to be quiet, im not going to stfu, dont care how many bitches you call me because at the end of the day, imma still put my neck on the line for niggas that look me, period.
I read.

Respect your work and sacrifice in the community

But as far as Kobe Bryant I'm not letting you off the mf hook with a (maybe he did maybe he didn't). There's no maybe, he's innocent

To say maybe means maybe that white cunt isn't lying. That's what you need to understand, to discredit him is to credit a white girl

Yes Race, "these bitches be lying"

If you watch this you'll come to the same conclusion

I read.

Respect your work and sacrifice in the community

But as far as Kobe Bryant I'm not letting you off the mf hook with a (maybe he did maybe he didn't). There's no maybe, he's innocent

To say maybe means maybe that white cunt isn't lying. That's what you need to understand, to discredit him is to credit a white girl

Yes Race, "these bitches be lying"

If you watch this you'll come to the same conclusion

Im good.
at the end of the day, your misogyny is whats driving your hate towards gayle and oprah because both of these women been trash.

youre only choosing now to have this corny ass witch-hunt because kobe is on the docket.

gayle always does these type interviews and always discusses stains on ppls past. she did it with charlie rose.

when and if gayle does discuss kirk douglas’ rape allegations y’all will ignore it

just like when yall called for a weinstein documentary and for him to be prosecuted which both happened lmao
theres a concert line of destructive things okra has done but ‘tarnishing the legacy of beautiful black men’ is what tips the scale????

*whew* we got a long fucking way to go
at the end of the day, your misogyny is whats driving your hate towards gayle and oprah because both of these women been trash.

youre only choosing now to have this corny ass witch-hunt because kobe is on the docket.

gayle always does these type interviews and always discusses stains on ppls past. she did it with charlie rose.

when and if gayle does discuss kirk douglas’ rape allegations y’all will ignore it

just like when yall called for a weinstein documentary and for him to be prosecuted which both happened lmao
The fact you'll keep talking about Weinstein to pretend theres equality shows how brainwashed and unaware you are

Where are the docs, interviews and mini series on this slew of me too white predators, huh??

The fact you'll keep talking about Weinstein to pretend theres equality shows how brainwashed and unaware you are

Where are the docs, interviews and mini series on this slew of me too white predators, huh??

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listen, for the 80th time, we are all fully aware that white men are violent and the biggest perpetrators of rape, murder, theft, etc etc

what does this have to do with our community?
please stop using these men as a scapegoat so we dont have to discuss whats going on in our own backyards.

its corny
niggas dont want to admit it but that rape case, sadly, is part of kobe’s story. it is actually the turning point of his life.

why should we shy away from it? or act like it didnt happen? or debate semantics?