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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

your dumbass @SKPJR wrote a bibliography basically excusing rape because white men rape. im not even in the mood to unpack that bullshit today.
riiiiiight. b/c that's exactly what i said. smmfh

wtf are you talking about??? "be better, do better" wtf???? if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about about you would fucking know that 57% of all sexual assaults in this country were committed by WHITE MEN!!! if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about you know that of the 539k cases of child molestation in the us in 2018 259k or 49.5% were committed by WHITE MEN.

you "dont have time to coddle the feelings of black men" and you obviously dont have the time to read either. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! instead of attacking your brothers who you erroneously refereed to as "abusers" why don't you give that same energy to the 57% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 50% of all child molesters in this country who are WHITE!!!

matter of fact why dont you give that same energy to president Donald J. Trump who fucking bragged about committing sexual assault on national tv a few weeks before he was elected to the highest office in the land by an overwhelming majority of WHITE PEOPLE!!! and when you're done with him why don't you go down the street to the supreme court and give that same energy to supreme court justice brett kavanough who has a very sketchy history of sexual assault and who has appointed by the abuser in chief who admitted to sexual assault. im sure you wouldnt hesistae to tell clareamce thomas to "be better, do better". just make sure you dont pull an oprah winfrey and bypass kavanugh on the way out the door.

your ignorance is shocking and dangerous. you are what the kgb used to call a useful idiot. you have no clue what you're talking about and you have no idea how damaging your ill informed and completely WRONG opinions are. you cant even calculate the number of your ancestors that were hung trees, castrated, burned, beaten, defiled and murdered because of the very lies that you are telling right now. black wall st. was destroyed b/c a white woman lied about being raped by a black man. atlanta, the great black mecca, was burned to the ground after white men pillaged, plundered, raped, murdered and robbed wheat st. for days on end based on a white womans lie. and here your ignorant ass is the 21st century running your mouth, telling half truths, and regurgitating full lies. YOU DO NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.






you need to check yourself @Race Jones before you say some more dumb shit like this in presence. we live in the information age and there is no excuse for you to be this completely and totally devoid of factual information. i will not let me ancestors die in vain therefore you will not be allowed to spew complete and utter bullshit in my presence as it relates to my people. don't ever say any stupid shit like this in fucking presence ever again.

She was violated by a black man, which is completely uncalled for and foul, but she’s used that to hate black men ever since

...thought you would be busy gouging your eyes out. Gotdamn, you couldn’t even accomplish that.

nah got bored and decided to humor myself with this thread
Black people are being used to slander an innocent dead man. What's funny about that?
I appreciate the proper use of slander

but you don't get to dictate what I find funny lol

I'm reading both sides of the discussion and I'm entertained whether I agree or not

good day sir
on code? because we all Black? are you unfamiliar with with my ideas up here? lmaooo that aint never been my wave, never will be.

I speak on how i feel. fuck groupthink
You should be on code for your..race because white supremacists are on code against your race. Simple

Ya know I saw maga republicans on Twitter defending that nakers bitch and she works for liberal MSNBC. They HAAATE liberals and they feel the liberal media are their enemies but they were on code with the lakers being called niggers on national television because they feel the same way.

They were on code because it benefits white supremacy

You being off code only benefits white supremacy, not yourself
riiiiiight. b/c that's exactly what i said. smmfh

let me break it down for you, without the dramatics and charged up photos. nothing you said was facts. it was emotional, word vomit.

holding rapists and abusers in our community accountable (even if not in carceral, punitive ways) should be an inherent part of any Pro-Black politic.

Im not concerned with how many white men rape, or how many white men get away with rape, or why the national conversation isnt centered on white male violence. im fully aware that i live in an anti-Black society that glorifies white violence. I dont need to do comparisons because my verision of justice, mainly restorative justice is not based on Black men “getting off” because white men get off.

Anyone who denounces rape as long as its intraracial is not pro-Black. Period. They are pro violence. Pro misogyny. Pro the State. They’re upholding the traditions of colonizers. So no they ain’t pro Black, no matter how much they feel they are, including yourself.

You need to be able to contextualize and nuance the fact that anti-Blackness that dehumanizes us as a community doesn't absolve BM or BW accountability from rape.

BM claiming they're defending themselves from anti-Blackness by suggesting no BM rape and silencing BW? That's NOT defense. It's misogynoir.

if Black men think "freedom" is Black men being able to harass, rape, beat "equally" to White men? we are all doomed.
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yeah her shtick isnt very funny considering that a falsely accused man that was exonerated of a heinous crimes which has a diabolical legacy in our community was just recently laid to rest with his child following an epic tragedy. forgive me if i cant find the humor here.

never spoke ill about kobe. read the thread again
let me break it down for you, without the dramatics and charged up photos. nothing you said was facts. it was emotional, word vomit.

holding rapists and abusers in our community accountable (even if not in carceral, punitive ways) should be an inherent part of any Pro-Black politic.

Im not concerned with how many white men rape, or how many white men get away with rape, or why the national conversation isnt centered on white male violence. im fully aware that i live in an anti-Black society that glorifies white violence. I dont need to do comparisons because my verision of justice, mainly restorative justice is not based on Black men “getting off” because white men get off.

Anyone who denounces rape as long as its intraracial is not pro-Black. Period. They are pro violence. Pro misogyny. Pro the State. They’re upholding the traditions of colonizers. So no they ain’t pro Black, no matter how much they feel they are, including yourself.

You need to be able to contextualize and nuance the fact that anti-Blackness that dehumanizes us as community doesn't absolve BM or BW accountability from rape.

BM claiming they're defending themselves from anti-Blackness by suggesting no BM rape and silencing BW? That's NOT defense. It's misogynoir.

if Black men think "freedom" is Black men being able to harass, rape, beat "equally" to White men? we are all doomed.
stopped reading after the bolded. yall can have her. im not entertained or amused.
stopped reading after the bolded.

ok so youre choosing not to have a educated conversation.

thats on you. posting statistics doesnt change what i said.

im not concerned with white men, not even the one i “dated” :kobe:

i am however concerned with the way you think since you are of the community.
and you still wipe from back to front. so here we are dickhead
worry about not getting played for once before I really embarrass you up here. keep quiet.
You big mad you got called a troll? In a thread, where you trolling? Dats how the streets raised you slime?

Keep bumping ya guns and bust ya guns, I promise you you'll end up on a mini vacation trying to show out before I do.
You big mad you got called a troll? In a thread, where you trolling? Dats how the streets raised you slime?

Keep bumping ya guns and bust ya guns, I promise you you'll end up on a mini vacation trying to show out before I do.

Im not trolling clown. thats what you dont get. you only hold power on abw. not in the real world or in your own household.

im not your slime pussy.