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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

I dont give Black men the benefit of the doubt because Black men perpetuate harm, sexual abuse and rape in my neighborhood. I work with abused Black women. I dont have time to coddle the feelings of Black men.

be better, do better.

you do absolutely nothing for yourselves, the community and each other by constantly defending abusers.

it is what it is
wtf are you talking about??? "be better, do better" wtf???? if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about about you would fucking know that 57% of all sexual assaults in this country were committed by WHITE MEN!!! if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about you know that of the 539k cases of child molestation in the us in 2018 259k or 49.5% were committed by WHITE MEN.

you "dont have time to coddle the feelings of black men" and you obviously dont have the time to read either. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! instead of attacking your brothers who you erroneously refereed to as "abusers" why don't you give that same energy to the 57% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 50% of all child molesters in this country who are WHITE!!!

matter of fact why dont you give that same energy to president Donald J. Trump who fucking bragged about committing sexual assault on national tv a few weeks before he was elected to the highest office in the land by an overwhelming majority of WHITE PEOPLE!!! and when you're done with him why don't you go down the street to the supreme court and give that same energy to supreme court justice brett kavanough who has a very sketchy history of sexual assault and who has appointed by the abuser in chief who admitted to sexual assault. im sure you wouldnt hesistae to tell clareamce thomas to "be better, do better". just make sure you dont pull an oprah winfrey and bypass kavanugh on the way out the door.

your ignorance is shocking and dangerous. you are what the kgb used to call a useful idiot. you have no clue what you're talking about and you have no idea how damaging your ill informed and completely WRONG opinions are. you cant even calculate the number of your ancestors that were hung trees, castrated, burned, beaten, defiled and murdered because of the very lies that you are telling right now. black wall st. was destroyed b/c a white woman lied about being raped by a black man. atlanta, the great black mecca, was burned to the ground after white men pillaged, plundered, raped, murdered and robbed wheat st. for days on end based on a white womans lie. and here your ignorant ass is the 21st century running your mouth, telling half truths, and regurgitating full lies. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.






you need to check yourself @Race Jones before you say some more dumb shit like this in presence. we live in the information age and there is no excuse for you to be this completely and totally devoid of factual information. i will not let me ancestors die in vain therefore you will not be allowed to spew complete and utter bullshit in my presence as it relates to my people. don't ever say any stupid shit like this in fucking presence ever again.

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And how is this any different from the white folks who putall black people in a negative light because of the actions of a few from the "hood"?

"they're all murderous thugs!"

youre too concerned with white ppl.

stop centering in them everything you do and we might get somewhere my brotha

That's dumb cause from a legal standpoint the case is resolved but outside of that it's never "resolved". So why even go along with the fake get it over with shit? Shit always comes back to bite them anyway might as well just stand firm and really fight the case.

I see what you saying because in reality shit don’t go away ever. Niggas in this very thread know this. I can see why somebody would plead out but I don’t believe in that all the way. Gives em room to shit on your name
wtf are you talking about??? "be better, do better" wtf???? if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about about you would fucking know that 57% of all sexual assaults in this country were committed by WHITE MEN!!! if you actually knew what th efuck you were talking about you know that of the 539k cases of child molestation in the us in 2018 259k or 49.5% were commited by WHITE MEN.

you "dont have time to coddle the feelings of black men" and you obviously dont have time to read either. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! instead of attacking your brothers who you erroneously refereed to as "abusers" why don't you give that same energy to the 57% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 50% of all child molesters in this country who are WHITE!!! matter of fact why you give that same energy to president Donald J. Trump who fucking bragged about committing sexual assault on national tv a few weeks before he was elected to the highest office in the land by an overwhelming majority of WHITE PEOPLE!!! and when you're done with him why don't you go down the street to the supreme court and give that same energy to supreme court justice brett kavanough who has a very sketchy history of sexual assault and who has appointed by the abuser in chief who admitted to sexual assault. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!

your ignorance is shocking and dangerous. you are what the former kgb leaders would refer to as a useful idiot. you have no clue what you're talking about and you have no idea how damaging your ill informed and completely WRONG opinions are. you cant even calculate the number of your ancestors that were hung trees, castrated, burned, beaten, defiled and murdered because of the very lies that you are telling right now. black wall st. was destroyed a white lied about being raped by a black man. atlanta, the great black mecca, was burned to the ground after white men pillaged, plundered, raped, murdered and robbed wheat st. for days on end based on a white womans lie. and here your ignorant ass is the 21st century running your mouth, telling half truths, telling full lies and NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.






you need to check yourself @Race Jones before you say some more dumb shit like this in presence. we live in the information age and there is no excuse for you to be this completely and totally devoid of factual information. i will not let me ancestors die in vain therefore you will not be allowed to spew complete and utter bullshit in my presence as it relates to my people. don't ever say any stupid shit like this in fucking presence ever again.

wtf are you talking about??? "be better, do better" wtf???? if you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about about you would fucking know that 57% of all sexual assaults in this country were committed by WHITE MEN!!! if you actually knew what th efuck you were talking about you know that of the 539k cases of child molestation in the us in 2018 259k or 49.5% were commited by WHITE MEN.

you "dont have time to coddle the feelings of black men" and you obviously dont have time to read either. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! instead of attacking your brothers who you erroneously refereed to as "abusers" why don't you give that same energy to the 57% of sexual abuse perpetrators and 50% of all child molesters in this country who are WHITE!!! matter of fact why you give that same energy to president Donald J. Trump who fucking bragged about committing sexual assault on national tv a few weeks before he was elected to the highest office in the land by an overwhelming majority of WHITE PEOPLE!!! and when you're done with him why don't you go down the street to the supreme court and give that same energy to supreme court justice brett kavanough who has a very sketchy history of sexual assault and who has appointed by the abuser in chief who admitted to sexual assault. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!

your ignorance is shocking and dangerous. you are what the former kgb leaders would refer to as a useful idiot. you have no clue what you're talking about and you have no idea how damaging your ill informed and completely WRONG opinions are. you cant even calculate the number of your ancestors that were hung trees, castrated, burned, beaten, defiled and murdered because of the very lies that you are telling right now. black wall st. was destroyed a white lied about being raped by a black man. atlanta, the great black mecca, was burned to the ground after white men pillaged, plundered, raped, murdered and robbed wheat st. for days on end based on a white womans lie. and here your ignorant ass is the 21st century running your mouth, telling half truths, telling full lies and NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.






you need to check yourself @Race Jones before you say some more dumb shit like this in presence. we live in the information age and there is no excuse for you to be this completely and totally devoid of factual information. i will not let me ancestors die in vain therefore you will not be allowed to spew complete and utter bullshit in my presence as it relates to my people. don't ever say any stupid shit like this in fucking presence ever again.


This is my stop.
Nothing more to say. Kids get ya coats.....We out.
posted this in the wrong thread a couple minutes ago...lol

Jokes aside though.. unless I missed something I don't think anyone in here is condoning rape culture or anything like that.

Seems like folks are saying... Kobe was ACCUSED but it was never proven that he did what ol girl accused him of... so... since he wasn't proven guilty... what is the point of bringing the subject up when he passes other than what seems like intentionally shittin on his legacy?

I'm not even a Kobe or basketball fan by the way
posted this in the wrong thread a couple minutes ago...lol

Jokes aside though.. unless I missed something I don't think anyone in here is condoning rape culture or anything like that.

Seems like folks are saying... Kobe was ACCUSED but it was never proven that he did what ol girl accused him of... so... since he wasn't proven guilty... what is the point of bringing the subject up when he passes other than what seems like intentionally shittin on his legacy?

I'm not even a Kobe or basketball fan by the way

this would stand if niggas didnt do this in every single thread when the topic is rape and sexual assault
posted this in the wrong thread a couple minutes ago...lol

Jokes aside though.. unless I missed something I don't think anyone in here is condoning rape culture or anything like that.

Seems like folks are saying... Kobe was ACCUSED but it was never proven that he did what ol girl accused him of... so... since he wasn't proven guilty... what is the point of bringing the subject up when he passes other than what seems like intentionally shittin on his legacy?

I'm not even a Kobe or basketball fan by the way
Black men are never just accused.
We are guilty until the evidence is found.
And if no evidence is found....Someone must missed it.....So we still guilty.

We guilty of shit we wasn't even present at.


Once attached its always attached. Even if innocent.

this would stand if niggas didnt do this in every single thread when the topic is rape and sexual assault

Ah ok coo. I cant/won't speak for others... but I'm sure when you make statements like ALL YOU NIGGAS AINT SHIT... or all y'all are the same on this site.. that's prolly why you got all these muhfuckas debating/arguing with you.

Blanket statements like that are rarely true, rarely go over well and are rarely met with understanding thas all im sayin lol.

Y'all can get back to arguing tho

In a statement to Mediaite, a CBS spokesperson said: “Gayle conducted a thoughtful, wide-ranging interview with Lisa Leslie about the legacy of Kobe Bryant. An excerpt was posted that did not reflect the nature and tone of the full interview. We are addressing the internal process that led to this and changes have already been made.”