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The Lesbian Duo Oprah & Gayle Mission To Kill Black Men Thread

Ah ok coo. I cant/won't speak for others... but I'm sure when you make statements like ALL YOU NIGGAS AINT SHIT... or all y'all are the same on this site.. that's prolly why you got all these muhfuckas debating/arguing with you.

Blanket statements like that are rarely true, rarely go over well and are rarely met with understanding thas all im sayin lol.

Y'all can get back to arguing tho

because the majority of niggas aint shit up here.

the lack of women should tell you that

Some zesty Oprah fanboy has an opinion...

I really despise social media sometimes....folks stay living in absolutes like there aint a grey area at all. Ur either against Oprah/Gale or you riding with 50/Snoop etc while they bash the other side.

An argument can be made for a journalist to bring up some troubles that came up in Kobes past. Was it tasteful to do it so soon after he passed? That's debatable....

But just because folks are bashing Gale and Oprah for the stances they have taken.. doesn't nullify the fact that when presented with the opportunity.. they stayed absolutely silent on their friend who was/is accused of some fuckery as well and is still alive.

So if you can bring up allegations for Kobe... I think it's a fair question to present to these two why they cant bring that same scrutiny on Weinstein.

Hold folks accountable equally and this whole discussion goes away
Gayle need her ass lite the fuck up.

But it is funny that we dont go after our people that promote that super negative shit to our people with the same energy.

It only seem when it has white supremacy/racist tones above it we got at our own folks neck.

I have noticed that though.
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your dumbass @SKPJR wrote a bibliography basically excusing rape because white men rape. im not even in the mood to unpack that bullshit today.
yes I dated a white man years ago. I was young and bored. wait, hear me out, we didnt even kiss!!!
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Neither was Gayle...

That's not good enough tho

You should be on code and not pile on with the negativity

She's getting 11 million to be wrong and talk down, you're doing it for free...

on code? because we all Black? are you familiar with my ideas up here? lmaooo that aint never been my wave, never will be.

I speak on how i feel. fuck groupthink