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The Gender Wars (Black Men vs Black Women)

Ahh gotcha. Well in that case to the black women they should dismiss the black men who do have clear contempt and vice versa.

Well the difference is that men who have contempt for Black women often cross the line into expressing that discontent in some way that physically harms women. So it's not really some equal reaction tit for tat shit. Women who say men ain't shit is basically the end of it. Men on the other hand will start tossing out rape threats like Halloween candy to express their dislike.
This whole black men don’t take accountability is some made up shit too.

Also. I swear y’all take the loudest shit and present it as what’s really happening in the community.

Y’all are out of touch with reality

There's two parts to your first sentence. Niggas don't like having to take accountability for another man's actions. And there's validity to that. But there's also the part of the spectrum where some men won't even acknowledge the fact that there are niggas who say and do some extremely fucked up shit and have some wild ass attitudes towards women.
Well the difference is that men who have contempt for Black women often cross the line into expressing that discontent in some way that physically harms women. So it's not really some equal reaction tit for tat shit. Women who say men ain't shit is basically the end of it. Men on the other hand will start tossing out rape threats like Halloween candy to express their dislike.
Now we’re speaking in absolutes.
The problem has always been that a lot of dudes out here, have a "woe is me" mentality and see every black men that get THEMSELVES hemmed up with their OWN (questionable) actions as victims, use that as a call to arms against The MAN.

From the R. Kellys to the Bill Cosbys to the Chris Browns, to the Da Babys etc. They feel they can "relate" to these men and the fact the only reason these men are even in their respective predicaments is because of their actions. But they can't distinguish the difference between karma and systemic racism.

For ex.
Bill Cosby a was lying, hypocritical self- righteous Holier Than Thou adulterous. Had he kept his ass home with black wife, who was by all accounts loyal to him, instead out partying,fucking and drugging it up with all those white women, one can reasonably conclude The Man would have nothing on Bill to ""stop him from buying NBC".

Had R. Kelly NOT been a sick twisted mfer, who likes young girls & boys, one could reasonably conclude he would still be the best R&B artist ruing the charts

Anyone with an inkley of understanding of spiritual universal karmic laws, common sense, whatever the hell you want to call it could see that considering his passed actions, something like this was bound to happen to DaBaby had he not change his behavior.

And it's not about judging anyone, or being some moral police, but I'm not jumping on my sword for any & every mfer that clearly has a pattern of scumbag'ness simply because we share the same skin color.

a word!
“The problem has always been that a lot of dudes out here, have a "woe is me" mentality and see every black men that get THEMSELVES hemmed up with their OWN (questionable) actions as victims, use that as a call to arms against The MAN.

From the R. Kellys to the Bill Cosbys to the Chris Browns, to the Da Babys etc. They feel they can "relate" to these men and the fact the only reason these men are even in their respective predicaments is because of their actions. But they can't distinguish the difference between karma and systemic racism.

For ex.
Bill Cosby a was lying, hypocritical self- righteous Holier Than Thou adulterous. Had he kept his ass home with black wife, who was by all accounts loyal to him, instead out partying,fucking and drugging it up with all those white women, one can reasonably conclude The Man would have nothing on Bill to ""stop him from buying NBC".

Had R. Kelly NOT been a sick twisted mfer, who likes young girls & boys, one could reasonably conclude he would still be the best R&B artist ruing the charts

Anyone with an inkley of understanding of spiritual universal karmic laws, common sense, whatever the hell you want to call it could see that considering his passed actions, something like this was bound to happen to DaBaby had he not change his behavior.

And it's not about judging anyone, or being some moral police, but I'm not jumping on my sword for any & every mfer that clearly has a pattern of scumbag'ness simply because we share the same skin color.”

- A MAN!!!!
So you missed the word "often" which would be the opposite of an absolute statement and qualifies the rest of that?
That’s still in absolutes because not every black man with contempt for black women are getting physical with them. Just like every black woman that has contempt for black men aren’t getting physical with them either.
That’s still in absolutes because not every black man with contempt for black women are getting physical with them. Just like every black woman that has contempt for black men aren’t getting physical with them either.

Often isn't an absolute. It denotes a certain frequency of occurrence. Words mean things
Anyone with an inkley of understanding of spiritual universal karmic laws, common sense, whatever the hell you want to call it could see that considering his passed actions, something like this was bound to happen to DaBaby had he not change his behavior.

And it's not about judging anyone, or being some moral police, but I'm not jumping on my sword for any & every mfer that clearly has a pattern of scumbag'ness simply because we share the same skin color.”

- A MAN!!!!

This right here! I strongly believe in hermetic laws. And imo every situation and every body we encounter as humans is a mirror of the energy/vibrations we put off. The 1st question I am learning and believe every black man and woman will benefit from. Is asking yourself what role did I play in this? What thoughts did I have that brought this energy to me. If everyone would stop looking externally and really focus on the internal...growth and balance will happen. But this is easier said than done.

So the question is what can I think, feel and do to unite my black community men and women
In regards to the thread topic, I've come to realize that most of that nonsense only exists on black youtube and other forms of social media.
I doubt Tory Lanes has much credibility on social issues to anyone right now.
But what's notable is nowhere in his post did he specifically refer to "attack on black kings" in the context of BM vs BW.
The thread-starter is the one that did that.
Followed by thread-starter and other posters using lies, conjecture, deflection, hypocrisy, and jokes at the idea of misandry against black men.
Literally projecting and being the thing they claim to hate.
I doubt this thread was even created to be an actual healthy discussion in the first place.

The first page actually backfires as evidence of who is really waging a gender war.
i have no tolerence for the Black mans fragility towards accountability

yall hate police but also hate when members of the community hold yall accountable

the math aint mathing

There's a difference between holding someone accountable and then nitpicking and being petty and combative for no reason. There's a difference but many don't seem to know the line 💯. And many who perpetrate wouldn't be able to take
There's a difference between holding someone accountable and then nitpicking and being petty and combative for no reason. There's a difference but many don't seem to know the line 💯. And many who perpetrate wouldn't be able to take

yall consider any and everythinh nitpicking

grow up!