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The Gender Wars (Black Men vs Black Women)

Are you just arguing to argue here?

no I’m trying to tell why you get the feedback you get. And trying to understand the need to defend the destructive mindsets in the community. Y’all are saying he shouldn’t get backlash or be held accountable on any level for being loud and wrong because he a brother.
no I’m trying to tell why you get the feedback you get. And trying to understand the need to defend the destructive mindsets in the community. Y’all are saying he shouldn’t get backlash or be held accountable on any level for being loud and wrong because he a brother.
“Destructive mindset of the community”? Im asking you at what point can black men say our peace? It simply boils down to people not caring about what we have to say or feel. While being told we must understand and placate people who don’t care about us regardless of what we do. That doesn’t seem fair to me.
“Destructive mindset of the community”? Im asking you at what point can black men say our peace? It simply boils down to people not caring about what we have to say or feel. While being told we must understand and placate people who don’t care about us regardless of what we do. That doesn’t seem fair to me.

bruh I’m telling you when been saying our peace we see two different things
bruh I’m telling you when been saying our peace we see two different things
I’m telling you this is coming from people that have contempt for black men. Like would you take Tommy Sotomayor’s opinion seriously on black women? Exactly.
Personally I think this idea that black women are attackin' black men is so sad smh I mean goodness.

And this trash clone nogga Tory shot a black woman and niggas eat up his "they comin' for me" crap
It's delusional bro. Like THIS ain't the hill to die on lol. Like do Black men have some concerns and real issues that plague us? Yes. But niggas don't realize when they lack accountability in immature moments or co-sign bullshit that it weakens our argument in real moments. Example. When Black folks like Stephen Jackson was doubling down on some anti sematic shit with Desean Jackson, and then when pushback came Stephen was on some "We under attack shit". Like bro noooo, whenever real moments come up now folks won't take you serious since you on some ignorant shit.
It's delusional bro. Like THIS ain't the hill to die on lol. Like do Black men have some concerns and real issues that plague us? Yes. But niggas don't realize when they lack accountability in immature moments or co-sign bullshit that it weakens our argument in real moments. Example. When Black folks like Stephen Jackson was doubling down on some anti sematic shit with Desean Jackson, and then when pushback came Stephen was on some "We under attack shit". Like bro noooo, whenever real moments come up now folks won't take you serious since you on some ignorant shit.

Niggas often pick the worst examples to hold up on actual issues that do affect men. Niggas wanna talk about Black men being the face of negative shit and using examples of people actually guilty of doing foul shit never helps.
i dont have it in me to debate with niggas that still shake their dick to r kelly, still champion bill cosby and refer to Black women as bedwenches and thots on why they arent the most attacked in the community

yall are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to Black men and Im glad the majority of yalls dimwitted ideas can only be found on here
This whole black men don’t take accountability is some made up shit too.

Also. I swear y’all take the loudest shit and present it as what’s really happening in the community.

Y’all are out of touch with reality
I'm saying the same way you're saying to dismiss Tommy Sotomayor opinion on black women because he has contempt for them why would you entertain the same from the opposite pov? Just dismiss it right?
Ahh gotcha. Well in that case to the black women they should dismiss the black men who do have clear contempt and vice versa.