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Sad ass fuck to hear about those people dying in Missouri when the duck boat capsized 11 out of 13 people in one family died..
The level of negligence is ridiculous..Those boats should have never been out there
Late night vent:

Maybe I have anger issues.

Last Sunday we had an issue at the bar a regular. Dude was getting mad aggressive with staff so I stepped to him on a scrapping tip... You ain't bout to be trying to start shit with staff and right here...

Now I get it, I can be very niggerish when I'm mad...I talk shit irl just like I do here.... But i was in control. Pissed. But in control. Mostly it wasn't an issue. But noted.

Fast forward to tonight. Drunk nigga so drunl he legit tried to give me his ATM card instead of I'd. I tell homie try another night, tonight no good. Mad pleasant like. He don't really like that tho

So we going back n forth for a minute about it, and I think getting me.... Then he start making up shit tryna be tough....

So I'm like I'm done. We done. If don't get it, you don't get it. Have A nice night.

Then this nigga say "iight, you right, cuz if we was anywhere else.... I'd smack the all hell outta you"


So after I smack this nigga he wanna wild out n shit, I'm ready the whole time.

He wanna fight but running. Then he start talking he gonna kill me.

I don't like that, I got kids, don't put death on me.

I mean I ain't gonna say I chased the nigga, but I went after him. And I don't people holding me back its silly....

Well I admit I was pissed, but i think few people feel like I've been outta control lately. I think I was in control. I could have easily zapped...I was just being VERY confrontational.

But now i feel shitty cuz my biggest worry and current concern is my son's temper and him getting into fights.

And realistically how can i help him when I'm doing the same shit??

I mean fam as a bouncer you cant slap people cause they said they was gonna smack you.

You only should put hands on people that are bout to put hands on you and other people.
Late night vent:

Maybe I have anger issues.

Last Sunday we had an issue at the bar a regular. Dude was getting mad aggressive with staff so I stepped to him on a scrapping tip... You ain't bout to be trying to start shit with staff and right here...

Now I get it, I can be very niggerish when I'm mad...I talk shit irl just like I do here.... But i was in control. Pissed. But in control. Mostly it wasn't an issue. But noted.

Fast forward to tonight. Drunk nigga so drunl he legit tried to give me his ATM card instead of I'd. I tell homie try another night, tonight no good. Mad pleasant like. He don't really like that tho

So we going back n forth for a minute about it, and I think getting me.... Then he start making up shit tryna be tough....

So I'm like I'm done. We done. If don't get it, you don't get it. Have A nice night.

Then this nigga say "iight, you right, cuz if we was anywhere else.... I'd smack the all hell outta you"


So after I smack this nigga he wanna wild out n shit, I'm ready the whole time.

He wanna fight but running. Then he start talking he gonna kill me.

I don't like that, I got kids, don't put death on me.

I mean I ain't gonna say I chased the nigga, but I went after him. And I don't people holding me back its silly....

Well I admit I was pissed, but i think few people feel like I've been outta control lately. I think I was in control. I could have easily zapped...I was just being VERY confrontational.

But now i feel shitty cuz my biggest worry and current concern is my son's temper and him getting into fights.

And realistically how can i help him when I'm doing the same shit??
Counselling with him. You already his superhero so I think letting him see you struggle with ya temper is something yall share. The caveat is saying 'here's how I'm able to function around it. That im still working on it 30+yrs later.'

Let him know it ain't a quick fix but something that he gonna have to manage forever
you cant slap people cause they said they was gonna smack you.
You say that.....

But it's haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddd to let such blatant disrespect ride

I can't handle being spit on
Racist shit
Death threats
Or Niggaz stepping to me like they legit tryna scrap...

I told homie bring that same energy to my block.... Gave him directions everything. God help the nigga who show up on my street looking for action.
You say that.....

But it's haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddd to let such blatant disrespect ride

I can't handle being spit on
Racist shit
Death threats
Or Niggaz stepping to me like they legit tryna scrap...

I told homie bring that same energy to my block.... Gave him directions everything. God help the nigga who show up on my street looking for action.

You aint afraid of getting shot
You say that.....

But it's haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddd to let such blatant disrespect ride

I can't handle being spit on
Racist shit
Death threats
Or Niggaz stepping to me like they legit tryna scrap...

I told homie bring that same energy to my block.... Gave him directions everything. God help the nigga who show up on my street looking for action.

Spit on and racist shit makes sense. But being a bouncer i mean thats a job where niggas legit want to fight you.
Spit on and racist shit makes sense. But being a bouncer i mean thats a job where niggas legit want to fight you.
Most people recognize it's just a job and don't take shit personal... Especially if your're as laid back as me.

I sit there reading books & comics most of the time if I'm not fucking with y'all on my phone. Or streaming something.

Maybe once or twice a month out of the thousands of people who come through there who are real jerks.... Sometimes less than that. But it's been more frequent recently.
You say that.....

But it's haaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddd to let such blatant disrespect ride

I can't handle being spit on
Racist shit
Death threats
Or Niggaz stepping to me like they legit tryna scrap...

I told homie bring that same energy to my block.... Gave him directions everything. God help the nigga who show up on my street looking for action.

I feel you bruh. Not judging. Im known to do dumb shit in the face of disrespect that I later regret, but still. The first three things you listed, you got every right to beat someones ass for. That last one you gotta let go.
Sad ass fuck to hear about those people dying in Missouri when the duck boat capsized 11 out of 13 people in one family died..
The level of negligence is ridiculous..Those boats should have never been out there

RIP to that family.......Out of the photo below I think the lady in blue and the 13 year old were the only survivors.......man I hope they can find the strength to carry on and keep living despite what they went through

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I mean fam as a bouncer you cant slap people cause they said they was gonna smack you.

You only should put hands on people that are bout to put hands on you and other people.

Ehh depends on the places you bounce at.

In my city they’ll try and slap you if you look at them funny.

My boy got clocked by a bouncer cus he thought he said something, even tho it was a guy across the street. Looked like he was hit with a cricket ball for a week, funny as fuck.
A signed of a washed up rapper is when you haven't dropped anything in 19 years but your comeback song is a remix to your last hit song in 99'
Watching Good Times the black Jesus episode...Florida was cooking heavy....low key she was the reason they were struggling....had James been a single father they prolly be living in the suburbs....

Florida always had tha mentality of “we always gonna be in tha projects no matter what” and James died trying to get them out smh
I like Cardi B, it's refreshing in music that someone is themselves for once in a long fucking time. Last person that had personality and was themselves, in my opinion was Busta Rhymes when he first dropped.

Everybody tryna be this image of what's cool instead of being the cool version of themselves. Why every nigga and bitch cool with being the same nigga or bitch. Fuck makes u interesting?

He got pink dreds and I got blue

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