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Lil nephew is a savage.. started walkin not to long ago.. yesterday he came over got to where we keep the fruit and sunk his teeth into a banana before i could do anything

So a few hours ago downstairs to get a banana

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Late night vent:

Maybe I have anger issues.

Last Sunday we had an issue at the bar a regular. Dude was getting mad aggressive with staff so I stepped to him on a scrapping tip... You ain't bout to be trying to start shit with staff and right here...

Now I get it, I can be very niggerish when I'm mad...I talk shit irl just like I do here.... But i was in control. Pissed. But in control. Mostly it wasn't an issue. But noted.

Fast forward to tonight. Drunk nigga so drunl he legit tried to give me his ATM card instead of I'd. I tell homie try another night, tonight no good. Mad pleasant like. He don't really like that tho

So we going back n forth for a minute about it, and I think getting me.... Then he start making up shit tryna be tough....

So I'm like I'm done. We done. If don't get it, you don't get it. Have A nice night.

Then this nigga say "iight, you right, cuz if we was anywhere else.... I'd smack the all hell outta you"


So after I smack this nigga he wanna wild out n shit, I'm ready the whole time.

He wanna fight but running. Then he start talking he gonna kill me.

I don't like that, I got kids, don't put death on me.

I mean I ain't gonna say I chased the nigga, but I went after him. And I don't people holding me back its silly....

Well I admit I was pissed, but i think few people feel like I've been outta control lately. I think I was in control. I could have easily zapped...I was just being VERY confrontational.

But now i feel shitty cuz my biggest worry and current concern is my son's temper and him getting into fights.

And realistically how can i help him when I'm doing the same shit??

You were 100% justified.

You've already gave dude numerous chances to bounce on his own. He came with the tough talk, you still tried to be professional. Then he had to try to take one last parting shot talmbout smacking the hell outta you elsewhere.

fuck that.

some niggas don't "get it" until it gets physical.


At the same time, it's prolly time to remove yourself from that environment. Like you said, you have kids and a wife at the crib to think about.

Both times that we were living in that ghetto ass weekly I came face-to-face with beating somebody's ass. Each time I kept having to think "We live in the hood. Ain't no tellin what this muhfucka got goin. My kids and wife are up in here and could get shot or killed, I need to calm the fuck down."

That's what's important; the family. Move in ways to keep them safe. If it means walking away and taking a shot to calm down then do it.
That's an extra 12k a year bruh
And free drinks....I might just do family counseling

Doing bar security ain't for you bro... i doubt you have anything to worry about but technically you opened up your place of employment to a ton of liability legally.

Look at it this way... if they roll the tapes what are they going to see?

I think you should probably just do security at a high rise building or a hotel or some shit, before you get yourself in trouble
RIP to that family.......Out of the photo below I think the lady in blue and the 13 year old were the only survivors.......man I hope they can find the strength to carry on and keep living despite what they went through


Another nigga I got a problem w....Carl Winslow homie was a cop who couldn’t protect and serve his own family .....not only did he not get into any police brutality after they caught the dragons who whooped Effie s ass but the leader ended up dating Laura
Another nigga I got a problem w....Carl Winslow homie was a cop who couldn’t protect and serve his own family .....not only did he not get into any police brutality after they caught the dragons who whooped Effie s ass but the leader ended up dating Laura

Nigga didn’t even put out an Amber Alert when his other daughter just disappeared either lol
These Big 3 basketball games are pretty good.

Just wondering though............

When did Michael Cooper turn into Dr. Khalid Muhammad?

Michael Cooper pic.jpg
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