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No I wouldn't. Point I was trying to make is I wouldn't stand around videotaping it for social media. I'd leave. What makes him better than those folks eating?
:ohshit2:Oh. My bad playa:yikes1:.

Your point is valid tho. He isn't any better than the gremlins sittin down gigglin and feedin their faces. That's crazy mane.
Let me just post a video of a bodybag and blood on the ground where someone just died and cry to y'all about how desensitized the world is. Like fuck off.

Of course y'all eat that shit up. Hook line and sinker. Try actually paying attention to what's going on.
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People die everyday. Everything in my world is supposed to stop cause some person I don't know got into some fuck shit and got slapped out?

He's there videotaping giving commentary like he's a fucking reporter. If you don't like it leave. Who's keeping you there?

People definitely die every day. But its counterproductive on a societal level not to have a certain reverence for death.

If the respect for life is completely gone, how can we be shocked if another person and by extension the government, treats us like our lives are expendable at their whim?
I hope you're trolling. This is super insensitive and wack. You would cont to order then sit down and eat in a bloody cafeteria like everythang is coo?

It's definitely disturbing, but they're all probably suffering from some degree of PTSD.

Basically, they've just found a way to adapt and cope with the violence around them.
My boy been chopping me up lately. He cracked on me through text and I ain’t think it was funny. I was salty.
His response to my text was:

Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo. I can’t stand this little boy.
Since we in agreement can you remove that wack you gave me?
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Freeman backtracked like a mofo lol

Backtracked how? I put myself in someone else's shoes and niggas ran with the shit.
Why should someone else's fuck shit stop your day if you not involved?
Why should something that bothers dude shut down everything for someone else?
And then dude got the nerve to post video like the dead person doesn't have a family that might see the shit.
Also the people could have just been sitting there cause they were curious about what happened. Not exactly my thing but I wouldn't criticize i'd bounce.
Not my fault some of you are over sensitive and lack comprehension skills. I'm good with what I said.
It's definitely disturbing, but they're all probably suffering from some degree of PTSD.

Basically, they've just found a way to adapt and cope with the violence around them.
I didn't know Queens was such a Warzone, but most of them at the table did look Mexican so maybe they are more prone to such.

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