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The Black Agenda: Reparations

You stay putting the cape on for white supremacist ol turn the other cheek weak kneed goof.

Lol So now the people that almost got wiped out by white people and even now are basically living under third world conditions because of white people are white supremacists? Look man, just stop saying dumb shit. That's all. It's really that simple.
You talk shit the most, but have added absolutely nothing constructive to the conversation.

Contribute something tangible to the conversation that’s not rhetoric or shut the fuck up and go back to the To Vote or Not Vote thread MAGA Yanza.
Bruh you bias as hell I don't expect to get fair treatment from someone who capes for groups that side with white supremacist. I've posted what needs to be posted as far as what black americans should recieve as reparations. You lames refuse to listen to it. Sounds like ya have a personal problem.
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Lol So now the people that almost got wiped out by white people and even now are basically living under third world conditions because of white people are white supremacists? Look man, just stop saying dumb shit. That's all. It's really that simple.
I brought evidence to prove my point you haven't. Show me the red native americans who owned slaves and exiled the black american natives from their own tribes, that are advocating for black americans to get reparations.
Cap. They identify as white and their ancestors own black american slaves and pushed out the black americans from their tribes while embracing the 5 dollar cracker cave monkeys
Not to be that guy yes their are many white claiming native an some Native Tribes like Cherokee had slavery and supported confederacy. But Geronimo and then didn’t own slaves Seminole’s didn’t have slaves I don’t think. But that’s not really the point
*No taxes
*Free schooling to any public or private instution
*Money to upgrade hbcu's facilities and infrastructures
*Money for new houses and repairs
*Money to build up our own communities
*Free healthcare including dental, mental health etc.
*Money to build our own infrastructures like hospitals in our own communities
*Money for our black farmers to buy up more land and better equipment
*Grocery stores from said farmers in our neighborhoods

That's just a little something. I got plenty more
I brought evidence to prove my point you haven't. Show me the red native americans who owned slaves and exiled the black american natives from their own tribes, that are advocating for black americans to get reparations.

Who claimed they were? You're making up shit to argue against.
How about doing calculations about what's owed .......Add interest and whatever inflation.
I’m not for everybody just getting a check. Just because they simply cut a check to other communities doesn’t mean it’s right. They cut a check because they know handing out money will not help the community as a whole and it won’t be sustainable thus keeping those folks under their thumb. It promotes individualism and we need unity and community.

Now if you have incentives to promote black education. black employment, black business ownership, black home ownership, etc., we come up as a community.

That’s why I think the tax thing is a good idea. People got to have a job and doing for themselves to get the funds. For those that don’t work there should be free programs to train and educate. For those that don’t want to do any of this there’s still the current government support programs (WIC, Medicaid, etc.).

Final note, yes, it’s BS that those other groups are getting money and we can’t get reparations. But I’m not going to hate on them for fighting for and getting what they want. Just got to fight for ourselves instead of complaining.

The reason for reparations (imo) shouldnt be to uplift anything. Reparations are simply a repayment of lost wages and damages occured. Now would better communities be a byproduct of everybody getting checks? Sure...but at the end of day everybody gotta be responsible for themselves for how they use their money.

I dont see why somebody who makes more money through their employer should get more money. That disproportionately hurts the poor and those that really need it. If people want to try to survive on the reparation check they get every month so be it. But hopefully for most of us, that check provides us the financial security to invest, go to school, start a business, still be a active consumer in retirement, etc. With tax breaks, you're not really shifting the starting point. If somebody cant find a decent job, how do they benefit? You think politicians are gonna be crazy about starting bureacratic programs for people who dont pay taxes? (I HATE the idea of money into these big government programs for blacks mentioned here anyway but thats another story). If everybody gets a check, everybody consumes and invests.

If every black slave descendant gets 12000 a year (1,000 per month) that equals to about 360 billion or about 7 percent of the united states budget per year. If people are investing it and spending it to consume products then it actually can help grow the economy.
So anyway. Like I said before

I still think the government should pay for and provide any African Americans to be able to track back their lineage as far as possible... and those families that profited off of slavery should be the first ones to pay out cash reparations to descendants of those slaves.

Free higher education, investing into notoriously and intentionally underserved and over-policed black communities.. and of course.. money from the government as well. I wont go as far as to say pay no taxes at all, but it should be a flat rate, and the lowest tax rate for African Americans.

Looking forward to hearing more ideas and not argumentative bullshit
They families that profited is a good idea. Made a thread about it and it got ignored.
Families of slave owners ain’t never gon pay.

That shit would never happen.

just focus on what the the government should do

This reminds me...
Anybody ever feel some type of way when they meet a white person with their last name?
The question of whether their ancestors ever enslaved mine crosses my mind
Always puts a little something extra to the interactions I have with them.
What? They identify as Native. And yes they owned black slaves the same way Africans owned black slaves. It wasn't the same chattel slavery as what whites were doing. And from what I've seen, they are strict about Native percentage for everyone not just those mixed with black. They aren't doing anything different than what those ADOS people are advocating should blacks ever get reparations.

There are native Indian tribes that participated in chattel slavery, regardless of how brutal.
The Five Civilized Tribes owned, captured, and returned black slaves because they sided with the slaveholders, and the Confederacy, to do so.
And when the treaty of 1866 was enacted, Natives Indians did not honor the agreement with blacks enslaved by them.
And them being strict with percentages of Native Indian blood has long been questioned due to the Dawes Rolls and "$5 Indian" scam.
To their credit, in cases like the Seminoles, some Native Indians sided with black slaves.
But if the shoe fits, Native Indians should be held accountable for their participation in the slave trade just like everyone else.
