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The Black Agenda: Reparations

There are native Indian tribes that participated in chattel slavery, regardless of how brutal.
The Five Civilized Tribes owned, captured, and returned black slaves because they sided with the slaveholders, and the Confederacy, to do so.
And when the treaty of 1866 was enacted, Natives Indians did not honor the agreement with blacks enslaved by them.
And them being strict with percentages of Native Indian blood has long been questioned due to the Dawes Rolls and "$5 Indian" scam.
To their credit, in cases like the Seminoles, some Native Indians sided with black slaves.
But if the shoe fits, Native Indians should be held accountable for their participation in the slave trade just like everyone else.

Bruh he knows that already. He's advocating for them because he's a Democrat shill. Biden said similar when speaking on black Americans receiving reparations. The talking points are too similar. All I've done on here was try to make clear the alt right and the left liberals are one and the same white supremacist, they just use different tactics. No reparations for black Americans across the board, no vote.
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There are native Indian tribes that participated in chattel slavery, regardless of how brutal.
The Five Civilized Tribes owned, captured, and returned black slaves because they sided with the slaveholders, and the Confederacy, to do so.
And when the treaty of 1866 was enacted, Natives Indians did not honor the agreement with blacks enslaved by them.
And them being strict with percentages of Native Indian blood has long been questioned due to the Dawes Rolls and "$5 Indian" scam.
To their credit, in cases like the Seminoles, some Native Indians sided with black slaves.
But if the shoe fits, Native Indians should be held accountable for their participation in the slave trade just like everyone else.

That's fair. We should call out those who specifically did it though, not just use Native as a blanket term because there are plenty of tribes that had no part in it. It would be like saying that Africans are genocidal solely because of what happened in the Congo or Rwanda as if all Africans were responsible for that.
The reason for reparations (imo) shouldnt be to uplift anything. Reparations are simply a repayment of lost wages and damages occured. Now would better communities be a byproduct of everybody getting checks? Sure...but at the end of day everybody gotta be responsible for themselves for how they use their money.

I dont see why somebody who makes more money through their employer should get more money. That disproportionately hurts the poor and those that really need it. If people want to try to survive on the reparation check they get every month so be it. But hopefully for most of us, that check provides us the financial security to invest, go to school, start a business, still be a active consumer in retirement, etc. With tax breaks, you're not really shifting the starting point. If somebody cant find a decent job, how do they benefit? You think politicians are gonna be crazy about starting bureacratic programs for people who dont pay taxes? (I HATE the idea of money into these big government programs for blacks mentioned here anyway but thats another story). If everybody gets a check, everybody consumes and invests.

If every black slave descendant gets 12000 a year (1,000 per month) that equals to about 360 billion or about 7 percent of the united states budget per year. If people are investing it and spending it to consume products then it actually can help grow the economy.
Damn good points, didn’t even think of that angle with regard to those who might not work or have a low paying job. Guess taxes is just enriching the already well to do disproportionately.

Then maybe a refundable credit that gets paid out if you black. That way you get the benefit even if you don’t make as much.

I guess a check would kind of be the same. I’d still advocate for some sort of community building incentive though because that’s how we come up as a whole.
SMH @ "giving tax breaks to black business owners"

so only Diddy and Birdman get reparations huh?

Get that capitalist Republican reaganomics bullshit outta here lmao

Give us 5 states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

Our best minds will handle the rest.

Separation is the solution.

My nigga lol. This guy gets it.

Fuck a tax cut. Fuck a tax subsidy for black small business owners. Fuck a job training program. Fuck a check that niggas gonna spend on car notes and debt.

None of that shit would make things right. NO AMOUNT OF MONEY can undue the horrors of the greatest crime in history. And we all know DAMN WELL white people ain't agreeing to a single cent let alone all these wish lists so we might as well focus on building Black Nationalism, just like our parents were before the government started murdering them with drugs and pigs.

(don't need Florida tho, that'd be a pain in the ass. Take the valuable ports on the Panhandle, let the Cubans & Burmese Pythons have the rest)
Lmao at giving us states. When natives have a bigger claim and would be up in arms due to it being their land. Unless we don’t care about what’s fair to who what is owed and we just pick up where white dolls left off by taking that land. If so I’m with it.

Y’all niggas are being so fucking useless with some of these request of reparations though.

Cut the fucking checks and pay us back what is owed and what was taken.
SMH @ "giving tax breaks to black business owners"

so only Diddy and Birdman get reparations huh?

Get that capitalist Republican reaganomics bullshit outta here lmao

My nigga lol. This guy gets it.

Fuck a tax cut. Fuck a tax subsidy for black small business owners. Fuck a job training program. Fuck a check that niggas gonna spend on car notes and debt.

We all know DAMN WELL white people ain't agreeing to any of this anyhow so we might as well focus on building Black Nationalism, just like our parents were before the government started murdering them with drugs and pigs.

(don't need Florida tho, that'd be a pain in the ass. Take the valuable ports on the Panhandle, let the Cubans & Burmese Pythons have the rest)
Only Diddy and Birdman pay taxes? Could have swore me and 90% of other black people pay taxes too. But you got it, I don’t want smoke, lol.
Lmao at giving us states. When natives have a bigger claim and would be up in arms due to it being their land. Unless we don’t care about what’s fair to who what is owed and we just pick up where white dolls left off by taking that land. If so I’m with it.

Y’all niggas are being so fucking useless with some of these request of reparations though.

Cut the fucking checks and pay us back what is owed and what was taken.
Yeah, giving us states is a non-starter. The US has never, ever given up land. All they’ve done is take land.
Lmao at giving us states. When natives have a bigger claim and would be up in arms due to it being their land.

Yeah, giving us states is a non-starter. The US has never, ever given up land. All they’ve done is take land.

It’s a complete waste of time and really makes the issue to not be taken seriously with demands like that.

Bro we more likely to take land from these cacs than get a reparations check from them lol. Natives ain't gonna do shit.

Who said anything about the U.S giving up land? This would be after Amerikkka collapses and Babylon falls, obviously.

If........*when*.........that happens, what happens to black people? Do we become proud citizens of Mississippi and Georgia? Or do we finally decide to take our destiny into our own hands? I have no illusions about this happening tomorrow btw. This is long term thinking. And I don't think black people as a whole would ever truly quit this country unless a real President Hitler shows up and kills like a million niggas.
To those who believe granting land is not a realistic solution, let me explain a couple things. This is stolen land. Every square inch of it. How dare you bow to the feet of history but laugh in the face of the future? If land was stolen, land can be granted. "But but but massa not gon give us no land."

Shut up.

No one has ever given anyone land anywhere on this planet. Land has been taken by force. Land has been granted by negotiation. But land has never been given. If you are such a coward that you are afraid to bargain for what you are rightfully owed, and if you are foolish enough to take a cash settlement over your own justice and ownership, just sit down, be quiet, and allow brighter, stronger, and better men to build for you.

Nothing of value would exist if its creator held the mindset of "It's not possible! It's not allowed! They won't let us do it!" That is the voice of fear. Of weakness. Of shortsighted cowardice. Not leadership.
African Americans deserved reparations, 100%. I also believe the tribes of Africa (whoever they are) that partake in selling rival tribes as slaves to the white man shouldn’t go unnoticed either.

They to adopted rivals & sold them as collateral in the transatlantic slave trade.

Some of these tribes needs to be research. They all spoke different dialect. Akon ppls probably partake. A lot of slaves was shipped out from Senegalese region.
Since I'm a negative person and I'm not ashamed of it....say we get reparations...

What retaliation against us should we expect? Non blacks we work and live around are gon feel slighted especially in maga areas. How we move post reparations will be important...
Since I'm a negative person and I'm not ashamed of it....say we get reparations...

What retaliation against us should we expect? Non blacks we work and live around are gon feel slighted especially in maga areas. How we move post reparations will be important...

Ideally, let the free market take care of that.

If reparations are a thing and sustainable then corporations, small business, and local governments will have vested interest in keeping blacks happy with our new purchasing power and tax base (which is another reason why im against paying no tax).

Say there's an incident with some employees who work for chevron in mississippi...with social media its easy enough to stage a boycott of those products and use shell, exxon, phillips, etc. Chevron stock price goes down and exxons and the like goes up. Imperfect example i know but thats the idea.

That said, i agree with you. Basic human jealousy is a real thing on the individual level. Its unrealistic to not expect at least some violent retaliation if reperations happen. But if reperations are that unpopular then theyre not getting through congress anyway. And again, if done right, they benefit everyone on some level which gives everyone an interest to protect them.
No one has ever given anyone land anywhere on this planet. Land has been taken by force. Land has been granted by negotiation. But land has never been given. If you are such a coward that you are afraid to bargain for what you are rightfully owed, and if you are foolish enough to take a cash settlement over your own justice and ownership, just sit down, be quiet, and allow brighter, stronger, and better men to build for you.
Direct force is a non-option, as there's always a force bigger, and stronger that can shut down those plans. All modern powers pack heat. What we need is the ability to influence those who pack the heat. Negotiation would be the best avenue, but to be done successfully in this age it would need to be done with the aid of religion (God) imo. But too many of us can't feel that.
It’s a complete waste of time and really makes the issue to not be taken seriously with demands like that.

Plus they only choosing southern states deep southern ones like it literally not niggas everywhere I get the gist but no my family from Tidewater I wouldn’t move to GA