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The Black Agenda: Reparations

This country has turned a deaf ear and blind eye to the atrocities it committed against our ancestors and continues to do so regarding what it's doing to us.

To that end, we require proper, specific and exclusive atonement for these injustices that were uniquely committed against us.

For starters and exclusively for US:

Home ownership and repair assistance
College tuition assistance
Restoration of the land rights stolen from our ancestors and promised otherwise. Cash payments for the current land value in lieu of.
Funds and resources to develop green practices and technologies directed to AAs within AAs communities
Exemption from state and federal taxes to help our community recoup the lost wealth from free labor. This should at least be for a period of 5 years for every AA
Funds set aside specifically for Black business and black entrepreneurship.
Funds exclusively for implementing career programs for black boy and girls. We got a dope program here in the D that focuses on exposing our youth to STEAM fields. My kids have had all kids of experiences from staying on campus at MI State and MI Tech to the Black Engineer of the Year awards in DC. FOR FREE! We needs federally funded programs like this nationwide.

Just of the top
Not a fan of the no federal tax stuff (which is the only tax that could be realistically administered)

Its not really enough to make a big dent plus i think paying taxes is apart of being an american.

What reparations should be is simple...lost income due to slavery and jim crow plus emotional damages. The best way to do that is through direct cash payments over a period of time. Something similar to ubi but exclusively to black people.

That way reparations benefits everybody of all races (again realistic) by stimulating and putting that money back in the entire economy.
Not a fan of the no federal tax stuff (which is the only tax that could be realistically administered)

Its not really enough to make a big dent plus i think paying taxes is apart of being an american.

What reparations should be is simple...lost income due to slavery and jim crow plus emotional damages. The best way to do that is through direct cash payments over a period of time. Something similar to ubi but exclusively to black people.

That way reparations benefits everybody of all races (again realistic) by stimulating and putting that money back in the entire economy.


Listen, I don't about you, but I pay a shit load in taxes. Do you realize how much that average black americans income would boost just from excluding taxes? The feds and states benefited from free labor so I think that's the least they could do. Not to mentioned these wealthy corps that hand their hands in it too. Are you an immigrant? No disrespect, I simply ask because of the part of being an american part.

And the second we ain't entertaining way to benefit everybody of all races. We talking black americans. By default, our exclusive betterment will help the country anyway

Listen, I don't about you, but I pay a shit load in taxes. Do you realize how much that average black americans income would boost just from excluding taxes? The feds and states benefited from free labor so I think that's the least they could do. Not to mentioned these wealthy corps that hand their hands in it too. Are you an immigrant? No disrespect, I simply ask because of the part of being an american part.

And the second we ain't entertaining way to benefit everybody of all races. We talking black americans. By default, our exclusive betterment will help the country anyway

Yeah, I ain't quite sure what that dude is talking about. Not paying income taxes means thousands of dollars every year for every working black american. People run around here happy as hell when they get a 2K refund back. That's only the overpaid portion. Imagine if they got everything they paid back.

Listen, I don't about you, but I pay a shit load in taxes. Do you realize how much that average black americans income would boost just from excluding taxes? The feds and states benefited from free labor so I think that's the least they could do. Not to mentioned these wealthy corps that hand their hands in it too. Are you an immigrant? No disrespect, I simply ask because of the part of being an american part.

And the second we ain't entertaining way to benefit everybody of all races. We talking black americans. By default, our exclusive betterment will help the country anyway

Not paying state and local taxes aint ever happening. First in most states it would never fly politically. Secondly, if it ever did happen how would states and municipalities get their money...especially in states and cities that are heavily black?

So what you're really talking about is that 25-30% of income tax that comes out of your check. Like i said, not for that. Part of how you justify the oversight and administration of govt services is through taxation. You pay for a service and you expect that service to be administered correctly and fairly. You may think thats worth giving up...i dont. To add, if you increase corporate and capital taxes to a ridiculous degree there wont be any income to draw from...because youll see massive job loss.

Direct payments is essentially and potentially more lucrative way to do the same thing as tax breaks. You wouldnt want just 1000 a month of just cash? Plus its more accurate in terms of how the lost income and damages should be paid.

Plus like i said, that money would go back to the economy to benefit everybody (to be fair so would not paying income tax). You dont think that matters? Good luck then. Because if that doesnt happen theres virtually no way that reparations passes congress. Republicans make up roughly half the congress and theres no way they are going to vote for it as they currently are. Democrats are the majority for the forseeable future...sure. But roughly 15% of those seats are latino (and rising)...why would they want to vote for something like reparations? Same with italian, polish, and jewish dem seats in the northeast. And you know that theres a segment of white protestant suburban democrats that would never go for it no matter how much you plead to their morality. So how exactly do you get them to vote for candidates that support it? With direct cash payments you have a case.
Black folks keep playing, Latinos is passing us up and going to be the majority.

We need more black families
Black folks keep playing, Latinos is passing us up and going to be the majority.

We need more black families

That's misleading. Latino is an ethnicity. Some of those latinos are blacks. If you're talking about natural born American blacks, then it is what it is. All we can do is reproduce whereas they can reproduce and import more. We can't compete with that.
The thing that always kinda concerned me about the idea of reparations is who exactly should benefit from it?
There’s gonna be a slew of cave-dwellers with their hands out demanding their fair share claiming to be “black”!

No other group is more deserving, because no other group lost what black people lost.

That part. These dudes wanna dictate who should get what and how, when it don't matter what they do with it since those undeserving groups aren't these innocent perfect people they're criminals liars cheaters drunks drug addicts rapist pedos like any other group that squanders their benefits. So why would it matter if all black americans get it? Those who squander their reparations is to their detriment.
So you believe all these other groups are more deserving?
Did i say that ? I meant like most ppl r going to get another do somehing proper with thr money they going to buy shit gucci louie and they ca invest and buy the block back