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Talk about it Tuesday: She/He is cool but..

to add to all that truth @ChiCity telling him, i told him that i place extreme value on my time and the fact that this person continues to violate and be inconsiderate of my time tells me what she thinks of me
Nah man we just shooting the shits, fucking around and what he was saying and some of yall (which yall are not wrong) was something I couldn't swallow. Like man the chick just dingy/bubbly/goofy/doing that shit/ about not texting or calling before she came over, and if she's doing 100 good things and aint on some fuckery, why end it over something that petty. (that was my whole fuss) my way aint right either.

Just shooting the shits again.
The min she got in her head she was gonna pop up she should have texted him

This ain't the 80-90's, where you got to find a pay phone, hope the person in the house, hope they get to it b4 vm kick in. Ain't no reason an adult doesn't text b4 hand

I'll even accept me missing a text as long as she can prove she sent it. But to just show up.......man I might not be in the mood for company and react more harsher than the situation calls for.

Text first at least is all I'm saying
The min she got in her head she was gonna pop up she should have texted him

This ain't the 80-90's, where you got to find a pay phone, hope the person in the house, hope they get to it b4 vm kick in. Ain't no reason an adult doesn't text b4 hand

I'll even accept me missing a text as long as she can prove she sent it. But to just show up.......man I might not be in the mood for company and react more harsher than the situation calls for.

Text first at least is all I'm saying




@Judge Dread

So is a break-up/cut off on auto-mode, if someone doesn't fix an issue yall have a problem with?

Can the person not have one C on their report card/flaw report and everything else be A's and yall be good?
to add to all that truth @ChiCity telling him, i told him that i place extreme value on my time and the fact that this person continues to violate and be inconsiderate of my time tells me what she thinks of me
its disrespectful to go into an immediate relative's room without knocking first, why can't u text or call before inviting yourself to a love interest's spot? basic respect.



@Judge Dread

So is a break-up/cut off on auto-mode, if someone doesn't fix an issue yall have a problem with?

Can the person not have one C on their report card/flaw report and everything else be A's and yall be good?
I don't think anyone expects perfection. People just have things they're not willing to deal with. my deal breaker might be another person's "eh, I wouldn't mind.".

DSGDA? If so move her to small forward and keep her on the team just in case.

Lol, nah this is 100 yards/miles away from it being about me.

But I can't see niggas giving Nia Long/or Thick RiRi the boot after she shows up to the crib unannounced 3 or 4 times outta 8

I guess you keep living to keep learning
to add to all that truth @ChiCity telling him, i told him that i place extreme value on my time and the fact that this person continues to violate and be inconsiderate of my time tells me what she thinks of me

Man, again that's you and how you deal with it, but why does it have to be on that tip?

You're putting too much into it breh (to me) she just has a problem with that act, everything else is on go with her, but you're punishing her for that petty act, which to me is crazy and picky and making it all about you
i would get in on this, but i'm a hypocrite of the highest calibre....

i'll pop-up on anybody, but i hate people to pop-up on me.....

i ain't even gonna try to explain it.....cuz i just did.....
its disrespectful to go into an immediate relative's room without knocking first, why can't u text or call before inviting yourself to a love interest's spot? basic respect.

I don't think anyone expects perfection. People just have things they're not willing to deal with. my deal breaker might be another person's "eh, I wouldn't mind.".

From these responses ppl are expecting it, and nothing is wrong with it. I'm just trying to understand if you got something that's gold, why you're trading it in? that's what I'm trying to understand?

100 good things and she's doing sniffing coke with 1 dollar bills then I can understand, but something on some I'm leaving because she forgets to put gas in my car when I let her use it...that's a bit extreme (to me)
i would get in on this, but i'm a hypocrite of the highest calibre....

i'll pop-up on anybody, but i hate people to pop-up on me.....

i ain't even gonna try to explain it.....cuz i just did.....
This is me. I'll pop up on her in minute be like ayye I was in the area and just come over.
Man, again that's you and how you deal with it, but why does it have to be on that tip?

You're putting too much into it breh (to me) she just has a problem with that act, everything else is on go with her, but you're punishing her for that petty act, which to me is crazy and picky and making it all about you
ending it with someone due to an incompatibility isn't a punishment. dating is generally to see if you'd be suitable for a relationship together.

no longer viewing someone as a prospect cuz of incompatible habits is perfectly valid.
From these responses ppl are expecting it, and nothing is wrong with it. I'm just trying to understand if you got something that's gold, why you're trading it in? that's what I'm trying to understand?

100 good things and she's doing sniffing coke with 1 dollar bills then I can understand, but something on some I'm leaving because she forgets to put gas in my car when I let her use it...that's a bit extreme (to me)
having things u wont put up with is not expecting perfection.

some guys will drop a chick if they find out they've had plastic surgery (which to me is petty but to them is valid). some women wont stay with men they find out they recreationally use steroids. a good number of ppl won't be with sum1 who smokes herb.

the spectrum is big. deeming something an incompatibility doesn't mean they're seeking perfection. u prolly have "nono"s too. ur nonos r just different to theirs.



@Judge Dread

So is a break-up/cut off on auto-mode, if someone doesn't fix an issue yall have a problem with?

Can the person not have one C on their report card/flaw report and everything else be A's and yall be good?
It depends on that C. Ther are things that my wife does or feels that I would probably give her a C if I were grading but her A's outweigh her C. Like if you are in school and studying to be a doctor does it matter if you barely passed music. No. But if you fail biology we have a problem.
Lol, nah this is 100 yards/miles away from it being about me.

But I can't see niggas giving Nia Long/or Thick RiRi the boot after she shows up to the crib unannounced 3 or 4 times outta 8

I guess you keep living to keep learning
This an unfair twist b

I been crushing on Rihanna like 7-8 yrs strong. We damn near married at this point so yeah she can pop up whenever she like.
This is me. I'll pop up on her in minute be like ayye I was in the area and just come over.
I don't agree with you either brother Cain. Wouldn't it be easier to say I am going to be in the area later and if you are free I will let you know the time so we can link. Or as you are in your way hey I am headed in that direction can w link?
This an unfair twist b

I been crushing on Rihanna like 7-8 yrs strong. We damn near married at this point so yeah she can pop up whenever she like.
Even Rihanna would be just like every other woman or whoever I was crushing on. Don't show up unannounced period. I dated woman who didn't live in New York and they couldn't just show up now they may not have been Rihanna to you but they weren't bad in my opinion
ending it with someone due to an incompatibility isn't a punishment. dating is generally to see if you'd be suitable for a relationship together.

no longer viewing someone as a prospect cuz of incompatible habits is perfectly valid.

having things u wont put up with is not expecting perfection.

some guys will drop a chick if they find out they've had plastic surgery (which to me is petty but to them is valid). some women wont stay with men they find out they recreationally use steroids. a good number of ppl won't be with sum1 who smokes herb.

the spectrum is big. deeming something an incompatibility doesn't mean they're seeking perfection. u prolly have "nono"s too. ur nonos r just different to theirs.

Understand, but where does the line stop when we are being ridiculous and cutting ppl out of our lives on some silly stuff.

Again, I stated the coke snorting, and there are things that we just wouldn't put up with, but to leave someone on some petty act, and the whole it may be petty to me and it's not to you, can be discuss, because there are universal petty things we all can agree on, such as not filling the gas tank, Like come on now? We breaking hearts over that in 2017 or the last person outta the bed in the morning and not making the bed, we really breaking up or stop calling folks over that dumb shit?.

As @AP21 would put it, "she isn't valuing our rules and my feelings" or whatever shit he stated
I don't agree with you either brother Cain. Wouldn't it be easier to say I am going to be in the area later and if you are free I will let you know the time so we can link. Or as you are in your way hey I am headed in that direction can w link?
Easier yeah but I don't do easy. Plus this fall under one of my glorious rules.

Clears throat............. WOMEN CAN'T DO WHAT MEN CAN DO