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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites

Living off the land and industrial farming are worlds apart. Put it like this, you can be a good even a great cook or chef. But that doesn't mean you can run a restaurant. The vast majority if them fail. I hope those people get their land back but it might be decades (maybe never) before they see a profit. Thats just reality.
Loool are you niggas actually readin' what Monk is sayin'? Joke responses man smh


Let some white ppl keep the land that they stole in exchange for showing black ppl how to farm a land and monetize the land.

Read it, Craziest shit I've heard this week.

I'ma still your car, keep it and use it and make money off of it for decades, only for you to get your car back after 100 of years and I (the thief) is suppose to show you how to use the car to make money off it. yea make sense huh

Yea I read it. Black ppl can't learn how to make money off their own land. Only whites can teach them these new ways of making money. Shit is dumb
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Living off the land and industrial farming are worlds apart. Put it like this, you can be a good even a great cook or chef. But that doesn't mean you can run a restaurant. The vast majority if them fail. I hope those people get their land back but it might be decades (maybe never) before they see a profit. Thats just reality.

Let white ppl take something from your grand-mother or grand-father and they get it back. Make sure you hire, keep those same white ppl that stole from your grand-mother and grand-father around so they can show your grandparents the ropes on what to do and how to do something, instead of learning how to do the stuff on your own.

Makes sense huh.

And wha determines how long someone sees a profit? How long do you really think it takes to learn how to farm and trade? You do know Africans are the ones that created the trading system. You do know Africans can trade with other Africans and make money right? You do know growing crops on a mass farm land, the food will sell it self. You do know Africans still believe in bartering, the land is profit within itself, so they are already profiting by getting their land back.

So how will it take decades to make a profit from selling food when ppl over there have to eat everyday?
Let white ppl take something from your grand-mother or grand-father and they get it back. Make sure you hire, keep those same white ppl that stole from your grand-mother and grand-father around so they can show your grandparents the ropes on what to do and how to do something, instead of learning how to do the stuff on your own.

Makes sense huh.

And wha determines how long someone sees a profit? How long do you really think it takes to learn how to farm and trade? You do know Africans are the ones that created the trading system. You do know Africans can trade with other Africans and make money right? You do know growing crops on a mass farm land, the food will sell it self. You do know Africans still believe in bartering, the land is profit within itself, so they are already profiting by getting their land back.

So how will it take decades to make a profit from selling food when ppl over there have to eat everyday?

"The food will sell itself". That is the most naive thing I've ever read. Hilarious.
"Expropriation without compensation would severely undermine the national economy, only hurting poor black people even further.”

Pieter Groenewald, leader of the Freedom Front Plus party representing the white Afrikaner minority, asked what would happen to the land once it was expropriated. “If you continue on this course, I can assure you there is going to be unforeseen consequences that is not in the interest of South Africa,” he said.

Earlier this month, Louis Meintjes, president of the farmers’ group the Transvaal Agricultural Union, warned the country risked going down the same route as Zimbabwe, which plunged into famine after a government-sanctioned purge of white farmers in the 2000s.

“Where in the world has expropriation without compensation coupled to the waste of agricultural land, resulted in foreign confidence, economic growth and increased food production?” Mr Meintjes said.

I definitely agree with this in principle, however, in reality it would ruin South Africa's economy.

Unfortunately, the bolded would be the most likely outcome.
Zimbabwe did this and its fucked up over there.

lol Don't even try. You can't tell these niggas anything. They in here misrepresenting arguments and ignoring facts and then patting themselves on the back for it. The shit I'm saying already has a historical base in South Africa.



The government bought farmland from whites and gave it to the natives in the area, and shit was failing so bad that the government considered giving it back to the whites. But go ahead keeping drumming out the ignorant fantasy you guys are living instead of actually joining us in the real world where change is difficult to accomplish.
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You can't be serious?

When was that article written?

Like I stated, have you even been over there to South Africa and Zimbabwe, physically, and I aint talking bout the 7-11 ppl you know?

Zimbabwe have black owned, business has picked up and the land is good, it's a beautiful place. Those ppl have turned things around over there. Ppl are investing over there.

Again, have you been over there?

You can't be serious?

When was that article written?

Like I stated, have you even been over there to South Africa and Zimbabwe, physically, and I aint talking bout the 7-11 ppl you know?

Zimbabwe have black owned, business has picked up and the land is good, it's a beautiful place. Those ppl have turned things around over there. Ppl are investing over there.

Again, have you been over there?

Yes, mutha fucker, I've been there and work with people that are active in this shit everyday. I just put up another article from 2016 that says the problem still exists. And Zimbabwe is still going through problems. Whether it's a beautiful place or not doesn't mean shit when people are still struggling. It's still bad enough to the point where Zimbabwe is actually inviting white farmers back.


The white dude came back and the blacks are over there cheering like he's the black panther, but yeah let's keep on acting like a policy of "Fuck Whitey" and nothing else is actually productive. And since you think date checking invalidates arguments, that one is from last year.
Yes, mutha fucker, I've been there and work with people that are active in this shit everyday. I just put up another article from 2016 that says the problem still exists. And Zimbabwe is still going through problems. Whether it's a beautiful place or not doesn't mean shit when people are still struggling. It's still bad enough to the point where Zimbabwe is actually inviting white farmers back.


The white dude came back and the blacks are over there cheering like he's the black panther, but yeah let's keep on acting like a policy of "Fuck Whitey" and nothing else is actually productive. And since you think date checking invalidates arguments, that one is from last year.

Here you go playboy

Let me shut yo shit down right fast, cuz you spewing false shit.

These are from this year (2-18) last month

Keep up with the news, but you're active and work with the ppl that are active and in the shit everyday but you give me some old ass article from last year? And I just stamp'd (2) from this year that says otherwise? Ok, yea you're active everyday and in the know.

Nigga you x'd out, whatever you say from now on, others can entertain it who don't dig, but that shit is dumb dumb to me. Smh


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Here you go playboy

Let me shut yo shit down right fast, cuz you spewing false shit.

These are from this year (2-18) last month

Keep up with the news, but you're active and work with the ppl that are active and in the shit everyday

Nigga you x'd out, whatever you say from now on, others can entertain it who don't dig, but that shit is dumb dumb to me. Smh



You haven't shut anything down. Some white families have been invited back and the ones that never left are being protected. What your sources are saying is that the Land Reform project won't be undone. So they don't plan on just giving all the land back to the white farmers. No one ever claimed that was going to happen. That doesn't change the fact that they are facing a ton of problems and are looking to white farmers for assistance and even considering compensating them.


So yes, you're right that they aren't just bringing the whites back and giving them land. You're also right that the native farmers know how to grow crops and have had success. No one ever argued either of those points. The problem is that growing crops and running huge farms aren't the same as I've said a million times. There are other things to consider. For example, in Zimbabwe, most of the native farmers took over the land divided it up and they all started growing tobacco. Problems arose from that. For one, they tend to make enough money for their families, but overall the country has lost a lot of revenue because the little farms aren't as proficient as the big ones they replaced, so the country is going into debt. Second, now most of the crops the farmers grow are tobacco, cotton, and things like that. You know what crops they aren't growing very much of anymore? Food. As a result, a country that used to have an overabundance of food now has had to resort to asking for food aid. This is why stuff has to be planned out because important considerations can be missed when you're whole motivation for taking an action is spite and hatred.
Oh and you can't read nigga. I don't work on this shit. I said I work with people from the area that are active in this shit everyday because it's what they do for a living. But you know nigga. Your own source ends with this quote from the president of Zimbabwe:

Our economy is struggling, unemployment is high, our youth lack opportunities, too many people are unable to afford essential goods for their families and our infrastructure is stuck in the past

So yeah, you're right, shit is all good over there. A country whose economy was primarily agricultural is now struggling, but the farmers are somehow killing it out there. You got it. lol