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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites

Serious question, are you trolling or something? Because I compare cornerboys to cartels and the difference between those two groups in your mind is dimes vs keys. I have a hard time such a simple point would have flown that far over anyone's head.

I don't troll breh.

Corner boys don't know how to work a key or multiple keys? Yes or No
This will likely blow up in their faces. The problem is that a lot of the blacks in that area don't know shit about running a farm. So they take the land from the whites and then the shit falls apart. This has actually been happening for a while. The smarter thing to do would have been to take some of the land from the whites, and in exchange for letting them keep some of it, making them bring blacks as farming apprenticeships so that they could learn how to conduct their own farming businesses.
Great point but Africans were farming the land before the whites took the best land for themselves. They will learn to farm again. The re distribution of the land just has to be down in an organized fashion. What you don’t need is chaos as to who know owns a and lives on the land.
Just so its clear what we're talking about. 1000 hectares or ~2500 acres is considered a "small" farm in South Africa. If you think knowing how to grow a few crops is all you need to manage something like that, I don't know what to tell you.

ok but the real question remains...

Are you white? :oreally:
Thats some truly gangsta shit.

I do wonder are they just taking any ol white peoples property?

Or only those that have directly stolen land from africans when they arrived?

Bc i figure any properties/businesses that sprouted legally thereafter technically only exist bc of the initial oppression/land theft before them...or should i just call it good ol fashioned white privelege?

The quote that i think sat with me the most was "the time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice."

Mfs got tired of waiting i see
All of them stole the land from Africans. Not one of them paid for anything.
Living in the west and areas with heavy west influence Im not surprised of using white tactics of oppression against them. Although raping and killing for land is not soley a European concept.
The thing is people can get stuck between becoming the oppressors by emulating oppressive ways. Or they can end up being too nice too forgiving and not gaining anything.
I don't troll breh.

Corner boys don't know how to work a key or multiple keys? Yes or No

lol Some might, but the point is that running a cartel isn't just about working multiple keys. You're talking about thousands of keys, hundreds maybe thousands of underlings, hands in the growing and manufacturing of the drug, distribution of the drug across international lines, dealing with politicians and law enforcement on an international level, etc...

Let's try another analogy. Just because you can sell the hell out of some shoes at Footlocker doesn't mean you have what it takes to be the CEO of Nike. Does that one work better?
I am not saying farming is easy but if I can teach myself to grow different herbs in my apartment in Brooklyn I am sure there are a lot smarter than I that can teach real farmers to farm.
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lol Some might, but the point is that running a cartel isn't just about working multiple keys. You're talking about thousands of keys, hundreds maybe thousands of underlings, hands in the growing and manufacturing of the drug, distribution of the drug across international lines, dealing with politicians and law enforcement on an international level, etc...

Let's try another analogy. Just because you can sell the hell out of some shoes at Footlocker doesn't mean you have what it takes to be the CEO of Nike. Does that one work better?

You veering off the road breh Lol

Let's just agree to disagree mane, no harm wit it.

It's all gravy breh
lol Some might, but the point is that running a cartel isn't just about working multiple keys. You're talking about thousands of keys, hundreds maybe thousands of underlings, hands in the growing and manufacturing of the drug, distribution of the drug across international lines, dealing with politicians and law enforcement on an international level, etc...

Let's try another analogy. Just because you can sell the hell out of some shoes at Footlocker doesn't mean you have what it takes to be the CEO of Nike. Does that one work better?
But you are making it seem like it is individuals. If you take all the employees of Footlocker from line salespeople to managers to store owners Yes they can be the CEO of Nike.
It’s really a moot point

They don’t need others to maintain it

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. No one is saying they need anyone to maintain it. I'm saying that large scale farming is a business like anything else. It's difficult for people to jump into it without understanding of how it works. Because of systemic discrimination in that country, blacks haven't traditionally been able to get that higher level understanding. I'm sure the goal is so that the ownership of the farmland better reflects the racial demographics of the country, but you can't just do that instantly. You have to do it in a way that ensures everyone is successful. Giving a bunch of people farming plots that are hundreds of times bigger than anything they've ever dealt with and expecting them to just "figure it out" isn't fair to them and doesn't set them up for success.

But you are making it seem like it is individuals. If you take all the employees of Footlocker from line salespeople to managers to store owners Yes they can be the CEO of Nike.

Yes, but the point is that the positioning of blacks along that chain was restricted. So you don't really have a bunch of managers and store owners to go along with the salespeople. You just have a bunch of salespeople who are expected to now take on the roles of manger, owner, and CEO. You guys are acting like I'm against the blacks. lol I'm not. I'm saying what I'm saying because I want the transition to be successful for the blacks.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. No one is saying they need anyone to maintain it. I'm saying that large scale farming is a business like anything else. It's difficult for people to jump into it without understanding of how it works. Because of systemic discrimination in that country, blacks haven't traditionally been able to get that higher level understanding. I'm sure the goal is so that the ownership of the farmland better reflects the racial demographics of the country, but you can't just do that instantly. You have to do it in a way that ensures everyone is successful. Giving a bunch of people farming plots that are hundreds of times bigger than anything they've ever dealt with and expecting them to just "figure it out" isn't fair to them and doesn't set them up for success.

Yes, but the point is that the positioning of blacks along that chain was restricted. So you don't really have a bunch of managers and store owners to go along with the salespeople. You just have a bunch of salespeople who are expected to now take on the roles of manger, owner, and CEO. You guys are acting like I'm against the blacks. lol I'm not. I'm saying what I'm saying because I want the transition to be successful for the blacks.
No disrespect but can you please refer to people as Black people or better yet Africans. When you use a color to describe people it may be offensive. Also you are not giving the people enough credit as to what they can do with Their Land. You have to remember. It is the same people and land that was their before the colonizers came and took it. Do you think generations of people forgot what to do with their land? We are not talking about something that has to be learned in school or anything like that. We are talking about doing what they were doing for 100’s of years. Africa is one of the richest( natural resources) places in the world. Africans don’t need white people to tell them how/what to do with their land. They fell for that once and that time is done. The white people can leave and the IMF should be burnt to a crisp.
No disrespect but can you please refer to people as Black people or better yet Africans. When you use a color to describe people it may be offensive. Also you are not giving the people enough credit as to what they can do with Their Land. You have to remember. It is the same people and land that was their before the colonizers came and took it. Do you think generations of people forgot what to do with their land? We are not talking about something that has to be learned in school or anything like that. We are talking about doing what they were doing for 100’s of years. Africa is one of the richest( natural resources) places in the world. Africans don’t need white people to tell them how/what to do with their land. They fell for that once and that time is done. The white people can leave and the IMF should be burnt to a crisp.

Whites have had control over much of that land for more than a hundred years. In that time farming practices have changed, international relationships have changed, technology has changed, etc... Modern farming isn't now, what it used to be, so again, assuming that those people could just pick up these modern farms and run them as was done 150 years ago makes no sense. And that's assuming that the native South Africans are as knowledgeable as you say. 100-150 years ago the average black person in the South in the US probably knew something about farming. Do you think that's still true today? Once again, I'm not arguing that indigenous South Africans don't know how to grow crops. They are likely the ones that taught the white people how to do it. I'm saying that those people aren't necessarily equipped to handle this modern farmland, which is much bigger than they have traditionally dealt with.
Whites have had control over much of that land for more than a hundred years. In that time farming practices have changed, international relationships have changed, technology has changed, etc... Modern farming isn't now, what it used to be, so again, assuming that those people could just pick up these modern farms and run them as was done 150 years ago makes no sense. And that's assuming that the native South Africans are as knowledgeable as you say. 100-150 years ago the average black person in the South in the US probably knew something about farming. Do you think that's still true today? Once again, I'm not arguing that indigenous South Africans don't know how to grow crops. They are likely the ones that taught the white people how to do it. I'm saying that those people aren't necessarily equipped to handle this modern farmland, which is much bigger than they have traditionally dealt with.
You are talking about the business of farming and not actual farming.
You are talking about the business of farming and not actual farming.

Yes, but also the farming itself. Again, growing crops on a 100 acre plot of land to feed you village and growing crops on a 2500 acre plot of land to fulfill contracts with vendors across a nation and even internationally are two different things. Are the indigenous farmers capable of scaling up like that without any help, maybe (although history hasn't exactly shown that), but do you seriously think their chances of survival wouldn't be improved by having them work side by side with the people who already have successful systems in place?
Yes, but also the farming itself. Again, growing crops on a 100 acre plot of land to feed you village and growing crops on a 2500 acre plot of land to fulfill contracts with vendors across a nation and even internationally are two different things. Are the indigenous farmers capable of scaling up like that without any help, maybe (although history hasn't exactly shown that), but do you seriously think their chances of survival wouldn't be improved by having them work side by side with the people who already have successful systems in place?
Those people are not there to help. What do you think their help is going to cost? You think they are going to play nice knowing they are being cut out. You probably know them better than I do but I don’t think so. They didnt take land , rob , rape and kill and now they are going to be nice and help. Again we have seen what happens when they help before. History has taught us that their help comes at too high a price.
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Yes, but also the farming itself. Again, growing crops on a 100 acre plot of land to feed you village and growing crops on a 2500 acre plot of land to fulfill contracts with vendors across a nation and even internationally are two different things. Are the indigenous farmers capable of scaling up like that without any help, maybe (although history hasn't exactly shown that), but do you seriously think their chances of survival wouldn't be improved by having them work side by side with the people who already have successful systems in place?

Let me ask you a silly but wonderful question

When the day comes when Native Americans get into office over here in the U.S., and they decide to take this land and give it to their folks and black ppl. Should cacs still own parts of it too and (help) out?

Black folks was supposed to be awarded land because of the treaty that was signed that awarded us land.

But guess who stopped that from happening? Them $5.00 Indians.