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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites

Dude wha?

Blacks don't know shit about farming? Where did you read or hear this at?

Have you even been to South Africa my boy to know what those ppl know and not know?

I'll wait on this answer before I further rip this shit up


is he white?

is he white?

Man I don't know but that response come off as ignorant and white.

Talking about blacks don't know how to farm, when farming is what the majority of the blacks living over there do to make some type of living or eat. smh

I bet he hasn't been to South Africa and spewing that dumb ignorant shit.

Man look Lol
Thats some truly gangsta shit.

I do wonder are they just taking any ol white peoples property?

Or only those that have directly stolen land from africans when they arrived?

Bc i figure any properties/businesses that sprouted legally thereafter technically only exist bc of the initial oppression/land theft before them...or should i just call it good ol fashioned white privelege?

The quote that i think sat with me the most was "the time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice."

Mfs got tired of waiting i see
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This will likely blow up in their faces. The problem is that a lot of the blacks in that area don't know shit about running a farm. So they take the land from the whites and then the shit falls apart. This has actually been happening for a while. The smarter thing to do would have been to take some of the land from the whites, and in exchange for letting them keep some of it, making them bring blacks as farming apprenticeships so that they could learn how to conduct their own farming businesses.
Rip that band aid and move the fuck on. Use resources. Recruit. You can find someone to do anything.

Read the same shit in the article but that half measure shit is not a option. Not going trust them to do right and train someone to take their shit
Dude wha?

Blacks don't know shit about farming? Where did you read or hear this at?

Have you even been to South Africa my boy to know what those ppl know and not know?

I'll wait on this answer before I further rip this shit up

Yes, I have and I work with people from South Africa. Nowhere did I say no black people in the work know anything about farming. I'm saying the particular black people in South Africa who are being given this land don't know how to farm. They haven't traditionally be able to far because the farms in the area are white owned and operated. And we're not talking about small localized farms, we're talking about huge farms. My grandfather was a farmer on 5 acres of land. That doesn't mean he'd have a clue of what to do with a 5000 hectare farm.
Fuck crackers. I would do the same thing buuuuuut after we get our people with knowledge to run these farms at the forefront. Because I really feel the stuff white folks were farming couldnt be good for South Africa in the long run.
Yes, I have and I work with people from South Africa. Nowhere did I say no black people in the work know anything about farming. I'm saying the particular black people in South Africa who are being given this land don't know how to farm. They haven't traditionally be able to far because the farms in the area are white owned and operated.

Breh you stated "a lot of black ppl in that area don't know" and I'm asking you how is this the case when farming and growing crops is taught to kids before they dayum near can read.

Breh just stop it
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Breh you stated "a lot of black ppl in that area don't know" and I'm asking you how is this the case when farming and growing crops is taught to kids before they dayum near can read.

Breh just stop it

Again, knowing how to grow crops and how to run farms of the size that are being discussed are two different things. That's like saying because niggas in the hood come up selling dimes and nicks on the corner in their hoods, they'd automatically know how to run an international drug cartel. Large scale farming requires much more than just knowing how to grow a few crops and the black people out there have been systematically prevented from gaining that upper scale knowledge.
Again, knowing how to grow crops and how to run farms of the size that are being discussed are two different things. That's like saying because niggas in the hood come up selling dimes and nicks on the corner in their hoods, they'd automatically know how to run an international drug cartel.

Niggas come up selling dimes and keys can't work a brick/key? Again your post didn't make sense, at least it didn't to me, maybe to others.

I don't agree with it and it's not accurate and it's no harm about it.

Growing crops is farming

Those families been farming almost as long as the land has been there and now all of a sudden they can't work a farm land?

Breh let's agree to disagree no harm
Thats some truly gangsta shit.

I do wonder are they just taking any ol white peoples property?

Or only those that have directly stolen land from africans when they arrived?

Bc i figure any properties/businesses that sprouted legally thereafter technically only exist bc of the initial oppression/land theft before them...or should i just call it good ol fashioned white privelege?

The quote that i think sat with me the most was "the time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice."

Mfs got tired of waiting i see

All of them stole fam
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Fuck crackers. I would do the same thing buuuuuut after we get our people with knowledge to run these farms at the forefront. Because I really feel the stuff white folks were farming couldnt be good for South Africa in the long run.

you always pop in the thread talking about fuck crackas

relax before you pop a blood vessel lmao
Niggas come up selling dimes and keys can't work a brick/key? Again your post didn't make sense, at least it didn't to me, maybe to others.

I don't agree with it and it's not accurate and it's no harm about it.

Those families being farming almost as long as the land has been there and now all of a sudden they can't work a farm land?

Breh let's agree to disagree no harm

Serious question, are you trolling or something? Because I compare cornerboys to cartels and the difference between those two groups in your mind is dimes vs keys. I have a hard time such a simple point would have flown that far over anyone's head.
Just so its clear what we're talking about. 1000 hectares or ~2500 acres is considered a "small" farm in South Africa. If you think knowing how to grow a few crops is all you need to manage something like that, I don't know what to tell you.