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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites

Those people are not there to help. What do you think their help is going to cost? You think they are going to play nice knowing they are being cut out. You probably know them better than I do but I don’t think so. They didnt take land , rob , rape and kill and now they are going to be nice and help. Again we have seen what happens when they help before. History has taught us that their help comes at too high a price.

I don't think you read my initial post. They'd be helping because it would be legally necessary for them to maintain legal ownership of anything. Even the most evil of people will do good deeds when their livelihood depends on it. Also, why must we act like every white person now is the same as the white colonizers. No question, a lot of the white South Africans are super shitty, but acting like the farmers that are being killed and kicked of their land are the ones that raped and killed to get the land is inaccurate and slanderous to some extent. We all agree that the blacks deserve the come up, we can leave it there without exaggerating how bad everyone on the other side is.
I don't think you read my initial post. They'd be helping because it would be legally necessary for them to maintain legal ownership of anything. Even the most evil of people will do good deeds when their livelihood depends on it. Also, why must we act like every white person now is the same as the white colonizers. No question, a lot of the white South Africans are super shitty, but acting like the farmers that are being killed and kicked of their land are the ones that raped and killed to get the land is inaccurate and slanderous to some extent. We all agree that the blacks deserve the come up, we can leave it there without exaggerating how bad everyone on the other side is.
But they should not have legal ownership of anything because they didn’t acquire it legally!
Let me ask you a silly but wonderful question

When the day comes when Native Americans get into office over here in the U.S., and they decide to take this land and give it to their folks and black ppl. Should cacs still own parts of it too and (help) out?

Black folks was supposed to be awarded land because of the treaty that was signed that awarded us land.

But guess who stopped that from happening? Them $5.00 Indians.

If the 500 Native Americans that the whites left alive somehow manage to take over this country, yeah, I'm guessing they will want white people to help with it unless they are just good with the majority of the country falling to ruin. What kinda question is that man? And for the record, it's not even like Natives had a problem with whites being on the land. Initially, whites were welcomed by several tribes. White people just did what white people tend to do, which is make nonwhites regret ever being cool with them.
If the 500 Native Americans that the whites left alive somehow manage to take over this country, yeah, I'm guessing they will want white people to help with it unless they are just good with the majority of the country falling to ruin. What kinda question is that man? And for the record, it's not even like Natives had a problem with whites being on the land. Initially, whites were welcomed by several tribes. White people just did what white people tend to do, which is make nonwhites regret ever being cool with them.

It's the same question that is posted in the OP, same thing but we are talking about America being the land and N.A. and black ppl getting the land back.

The question is clear.

Why are you insisting that ppl need white ppl help?

Noone but you in this thread is caping for white ppl.

They stole the land and you in here saying that they should keep this stolen land, what kind of backward ass shit is that?

The land was stolen my boy. They shouldn't keep shit IMO.

I have no pity
It's the same question that is posted in the OP, same thing but we are talking about America being the land and N.A. and black ppl getting the land back.

The question is clear.

Why are you insisting that ppl need white ppl help?

Noone but you in this thread is caping for white ppl.

They stole the land and you in here saying that they should keep this stolen land, what kind of backward ass shit is that?

The land was stolen my boy. They shouldn't keep shit IMO.

I have no pity

I'm not caping for anyone, you're just letting your white hatred blind you. I don't care about white people. I just acknowledge that in this case, they are the ones with the expertise in working that land because they have been the ones doing it. If blacks want to take 50%, 80%, or 100% of the land back, I don't give a fuck. I'm saying they should do it in a way that ensures their success and not just murder a bunch of people and leave themselves clueless.

But like you said let's just agree to disagree. You seem to think knowing how to grow some squash and tomatoes in a corner of your backyard gives you everything you need to know to take over a farm the size of Downtown Atlanta. We're never going to see eye to eye on that.
I'm not caping for anyone, you're just letting your white hatred blind you. I don't care about white people. I just acknowledge that in this case, they are the ones with the expertise in working that land because they have been the ones doing it. If blacks want to take 50%, 80%, or 100% of the land back, I don't give a fuck. I'm saying they should do it in a way that ensures their success and not just murder a bunch of people and leave themselves clueless.

But like you said let's just agree to disagree. You seem to think knowing how to grow some squash and tomatoes in a corner of your backyard gives you everything you need to know to take over a farm the size of Downtown Atlanta. We're never going to see eye to eye on that.
How do you know the Africans didnt teach the white people how to do it. The farms in Europe aren’t exactly winning. Your assumption that the white people are better at anything is a bit much.
I dont know why yall are arguing with @The Lonious Monk

he wasnt trying to demean or undermine Black people.

reality is alot of us dont know shit when it comes to farming, agriculture and plant sustainability.

My friend is a botantist/urban farming in the BK and the field is mainly white

thats why I laugh when niggas be like “lets move and start our own Black nation”

how? we dont know how to handle the land.

Niggas still talking about they dont want to go outside in fear of getting too Black foh
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How do you know the Africans didnt teach the white people how to do it. The farms in Europe aren’t exactly winning. Your assumption that the white people are better at anything is a bit much.


Whites have had control over much of that land for more than a hundred years. In that time farming practices have changed, international relationships have changed, technology has changed, etc... Modern farming isn't now, what it used to be, so again, assuming that those people could just pick up these modern farms and run them as was done 150 years ago makes no sense. And that's assuming that the native South Africans are as knowledgeable as you say. 100-150 years ago the average black person in the South in the US probably knew something about farming. Do you think that's still true today? Once again, I'm not arguing that indigenous South Africans don't know how to grow crops. They are likely the ones that taught the white people how to do it. I'm saying that those people aren't necessarily equipped to handle this modern farmland, which is much bigger than they have traditionally dealt with.

lol I'm done. Ya'll got it.
I dont know why yall are arguing with @The Lonious Monk

he wasnt trying to demean or undermine Black people.

reality is alot of us dont know shit when it comes to farming, agriculture and plant sustainability.

My friend is a botantist in the Bronx and the field is mainly white

thats why I laugh when niggas be like “lets move and start our own Black nation”

how? we dont how to handle the land.

Niggas still talking about they dont want to go outside in fear getting too Black foh
the natives would know
Good afternoon Sistren @Race Jones . We are not talking about taking people that don’t farm and making them farmers. We are talking about giving farmers back the best land to farm.
I dont know why yall are arguing with @The Lonious Monk

he wasnt trying to demean or undermine Black people.

reality is alot of us dont know shit when it comes to farming, agriculture and plant sustainability.

My friend is a botantist in the Bronx and the field is mainly white

thats why I laugh when niggas be like “lets move and start our own Black nation”

how? we dont how to handle the land.

Niggas still talking about they dont want to go outside in fear getting too Black foh

A lot of truth in this post.
the natives would know

Black people, especially here in states, are so far removed from the land.

which can be attributed to a multitude of things but I know for certain I dont believe there are alot of us that know how to maintain a farm.

thats why education is key and I think thats what Lonious was getting at.
Black people, especially here in states, are so far removed from the land.

which can be attributed to a multitude of things but I know for certain I dont believe there are alot of us that know how to maintain a farm.

thats why education is key and I think thats what Lonious was getting at.
they may not need to be adept because there would be ppl there who are already expert farmers
I dont know why yall are arguing with @The Lonious Monk

he wasnt trying to demean or undermine Black people.

reality is alot of us dont know shit when it comes to farming, agriculture and plant sustainability.

My friend is a botantist in the Bronx and the field is mainly white

thats why I laugh when niggas be like “lets move and start our own Black nation”

how? we dont how to handle the land.

Niggas still talking about they dont want to go outside in fear getting too Black foh

Get the land back.

Just don’t rape.

And blacks in the states need to have connection to the Motherland but we don’t have to be just like them.

We have our culture here that we made.
This will likely blow up in their faces. The problem is that a lot of the blacks in that area don't know shit about running a farm. So they take the land from the whites and then the shit falls apart. This has actually been happening for a while. The smarter thing to do would have been to take some of the land from the whites, and in exchange for letting them keep some of it, making them bring blacks as farming apprenticeships so that they could learn how to conduct their own farming businesses.

Are you saying that Africans in Africa didn't know how to live off the land before white folks got there? Are you not aware of black African women leading the way with agriculture in ancient time? Hundreds of indigenous tribes that have been living off the land long before colonizers arrived and to this day? Them white folks were'nt working those fields themselves anyway. I guarantee you it's the cheap labor of black Africans working them fields. Remember that story of how Black Africans were farming chocolate and had never even tasted it before?

Them people don't need white folks for that. And I wouldn't be so quick to believe every negative thing the media puts out about how badly White Africans are treated by the Black Africans. For one, a lot of that shit is rooted in apartheid. No telling what those white Africans took part in to get what they had in the first place. Also, you best believe the media is gonna do whatever it takes to bring sympathy upon white people, especially when up against black people.
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