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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites


Let some white ppl keep the land that they stole in exchange for showing black ppl how to farm a land and monetize the land.

Read it, Craziest shit I've heard this week.

I'ma still your car, keep it and use it and make money off of it for decades, only for you to get your car back after 100 of years and I (the thief) is suppose to show you how to use the car to make money off it. yea make sense huh

Yea I read it. Black ppl can't learn how to make money off their own land. Only whites can teach them these new ways of making money. Shit is dumb

This attitude is harmful given the specifics of the situation and it's the reason you seem unable to see Monks argument
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Listen yall pro-Black, race first, “uber consciousness” leanings dont work in this argument. What Im reading from you @Knock_Twice is that your stance is more emotional than anything. I mean I get it, from historical contexts you have every right to feel the way you feel on this subject matter but being emotional doesnt give you a pass to be intellectually lazy or dishonest my love.
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Listen yall pro-Black, race first, “uber consciousness” leanings dont work in this argument. What I reading from you @Knock_Twice is that your stance is more emotional than anything. I mean I get it, from historical contexts you have every right to feel the way you feel on this subject matter but being emotional doesnt give you a pass to be intellectually lazy or dishonest my love.

talkin' to people who have this attitude towards all black and white relations is difficult
Listen yall pro-Black, race first, “uber consciousness” leanings dont work in this argument. What I reading from you @Knock_Twice is that your stance is more emotional than anything. I mean I get it, from historical contexts you have every right to feel the way you feel on this subject matter but being emotional doesnt give you a pass to be intellectually lazy or dishonest my love.

Say what?
I definitely understand what he’s saying I’m just not agreeing

No you don't. You came in here saying:

Black people in South Africa need white people to help them do something they’ve been doing for centuries. You learn something new everyday.

If that's what you're taking from what I'm saying then you don't understand, just like he doesn't understand.
No you don't. You came in here saying:

If that's what you're taking from what I'm saying then you don't understand, just like he doesn't understand.

1. Do you think white ppl should be driven off the stolen land? yes or no

2. Do you think those white ppl that stole the land from the Africans will help them do what you are spewing out what they should do with the land? yes or no.

3. Why do you think (some) whites should keep the stolen land?

Aint no working together, because if that was this whole working together plan, the white ppl that stole land would have included those Africans in their plans so they could benefit too.

You quoted the last part of that link I sent you, about how the country is still struggling but you do know the bigger picture of why the economy struggled right? You do know this right?

Go see how the outside world treated Haiti and you'll see why that economy there has struggled. Same with Zimbabwe

@Race Jones

You can answer those as well, let's see if yall both are on the same page
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Africans was not here before natives.


We gotta stop wit Africans was the first ppl to do everything shit
Niggas are posting articles about Zimbabwe but saying they know Zimbabweans lol funny.. I actually know a Zimbabwean chick and y'all let the media telling y'all shit y'all don't know
They reason Zimbabwe is they way it is. Is because number 1 sanctions 2 mudgae didn't give the land to farmers he gave the land to his people they why it's fuck up and the girl I know knows how to farm