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South Africa Votes To Take Back Land From Whites

Africans was not here before natives.


We gotta stop wit Africans was the first ppl to do everything shit
Wait, you believe this?

Columbus used moors to navigate America. Saw Africans leaving as they arrived but you think it’s out of the question they were the 1st people there?

Some think those opposite to monk don’t understand his point but it’s understood and disagreed upon. if you know what happened in Zimbabwe, so do they. This ain’t a ground revolt, it’s going through official channels. They can figure out who and what they need and ways to get it w/o compromising
No you don't. You came in here saying:

If that's what you're taking from what I'm saying then you don't understand, just like he doesn't understand.
You said the black South African’s can’t run the farms from a business perspective and they need whitey to teach them. What am I “not understanding”
So black was the first Europeans and Americans.

So we had Africa, the Americas and Europe and we don’t have none of them anymore. We couldn’t hold fronts on 3 different land masses.

Damn bruh. You basically saying we ain’t shit.
1. Do you think white ppl should be driven off the stolen land? yes or no

The stolen land argument is stupid. The Africans had the land. They got challenged for it, and lost. It's fucked up, but that's how every group on earth has managed to claim land. Further, I'm an American that owns property in America. It would be hypocritical for me to say those whites shouldn't be allowed to own any land unless I'm willing to give my land to the next Native American I see. I'm not. That said. The Native Africans are on the rise and want their land back, so they have the right to claim whatever they think is fair. If the want it all back and can take it, then more power to them. I just want them to do what will lead to the most prosperity for them.

2. Do you think those white ppl that stole the land from the Africans will help them do what you are spewing out what they should do with the land? yes or no.

People will do whatever is in their best interests. If the white people in that area are faced with the choice of losing everything like the farmers in Zimbabwe or cooperating with native Africans in order to keep a reasonable plot of land, yes I believe they would help. Do I believe that will do it out of the kindness of their hearts, hell no, I never suggested that.

3. Why do you think (some) whites should keep the stolen land?

See question 1 about the stolen land shit. The whites there have been there for generations now. The people farming those lands are not the ones that stole them. Yes, they are benefitting from stolen goods, but again if we want to play that game, everyone on earth could probably be held accountable. So, I think if those whites put work into building farms into prosperity, they do deserve to keep some of the fruits of their labor. I also think the Native Africans could find a way to fairly redistribute the land that wouldn't completely cut the whites out. That said, it's not my country. If the Africans say "Fuck it, we want it all" then that's their choice. Again, the only thing I want is for them to go about it in a way that guarantees their prosperity.

Aint no working together, because if that was this whole working together plan, the white ppl that stole land would have included those Africans in their plans so they could benefit too.

The white people living there now are not the white ones that excluded the Africans. The white people there are the ones that bequeathed power and have voluntarily give land back. Are they good people, for the most part, probably not. They just saw the writing on the wall and knew they wouldn't be able to keep all those black people in check for much longer. However, to claim that they wouldn't be willing to work with the black africans now because their ancestors didn't hundreds of years ago is illogical.

You quoted the last part of that link I sent you, about how the country is still struggling but you do know the bigger picture of why the economy struggled right? You do know this right?

Go see how the outside world treated Haiti and you'll see why that economy there has struggled. Same with Zimbabwe

Britain did not do to Zimbabwe what France did to Haiti. And yes, the international community frowned on how the farmland was taken back, but the comparison to Haiti is flawed to say the least. I've already explained why their economy is struggling. Due to the transition from the white farmers to the people that took over the land, there was like a 40% drop in production. For a country that makes most of its money from agriculture, that's major. Again, read your own damn link. The president of Zimbabwe has made a commitment to maintaining the land redistribution program, but he also pointed out that the farmers need to be more productive if their country is to recover.
You said the black South African’s can’t run the farms from a business perspective and they need whitey to teach them. What am I “not understanding”

The farms that we are talking about are nothing alike what the natives "have been doing for hundreds of years" like you dudes keep claiming. So either you don't understand my point or you just like spouting stupid shit over and over again. The fact is that if you don't have knowledge on something you need to succeed, you need to get that knowledge, period. If there are other black farmers somewhere that have the expertise and can share it, then bring them. But honestly that wouldn't be as efficient and it wouldn't solve as many problems as what I'm suggesting.
The farms that we are talking about are nothing alike what the natives "have been doing for hundreds of years" like you dudes keep claiming. So either you don't understand my point or you just like spouting stupid shit over and over again. The fact is that if you don't have knowledge on something you need to succeed, you need to get that knowledge, period. If there are other black farmers somewhere that have the expertise and can share it, then bring them. But honestly that wouldn't be as efficient and it wouldn't solve as many problems as what I'm suggesting.
There are no black farmers capable of running a farm in South Africa without white people. Got it.
There are no black farmers capable of running a farm in South Africa without white people. Got it.

When the South African government bought back land from the white farmers and gave it to Native Africans, why did most of them fail? Why are most of those farms still failing? You dudes are talking this shit as if much of what you're proposing hasn't already been tried. So since ya'll know every damn thing. Tell me why the black controlled government that has given money and land to black africans is considering asking the whites to take back some of the derelict land. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. But how about you post some alternative suggestions or solutions to the problems instead of responding with these feminine passive aggressive type replies.

The stolen land argument is stupid,

With that being said and other capping suspected stuff you been saying that's pro white ppl

You're either white or lost

Breh you been caught up and debunk with the stuff you've said, you hanging yo own self at this point to me.

I'll let you and others believe that dumb dumb cracker shit you're spewing

Shit makes no sense

The whole stolen land argument is dumb, how when this is the main reason for why the ppl are getting their land back

Nigga, or whoever you are, you may as well say, the whole argument about slavery is dumb too,

Man, ppl are a trip,
white folks are needed because the ppl over there cant run it because they have been challenged for their land and since its been 100 years, the whites should keep their land

Boy I tell you, I done heard some silly shit this week from niggas outside the boards but this shit here in this thread smh, Lol. Makes what I've heard this outside the board seem like I've been listening to the Minister
When the South African government bought back land from the white farmers and gave it to Native Africans, why did most of them fail? Why are most of those farms still failing? You dudes are talking this shit as if much of what you're proposing hasn't already been tried. So since ya'll know every damn thing. Tell me why the black controlled government that has given money and land to black africans is considering asking the whites to take back some of the derelict land. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. But how about you post some alternative suggestions or solutions to the problems instead of responding with these feminine passive aggressive type replies.
You’re going off on a tangent now. You said blacks in South Africa need white people to teach them because no blacks in South Africa can run a farm business. That’s your words.
You’re going off on a tangent now. You said blacks in South Africa need white people to teach them because no blacks in South Africa can run a farm business. That’s your words.

No those weren't my words. That's bullshit you made up. I said they need the knowledge and expertise, and I suggested they get it from the white people. How is what I just said a tangent? You dudes keep acting like what I'm saying is ridiculous. I pointed out that they have already tried what some of you are suggesting and it's not working because as I've been saying this whole time, the Natives don't have the knowledge or support system necessary to take over those large scale farms. If you have some actual proof otherwise show it, but sarcasm and snark don't make for a valid argument.
No those weren't my words. That's bullshit you made up. I said they need the knowledge and expertise, and I suggested they get it from the white people. How is what I just said a tangent? You dudes keep acting like what I'm saying is ridiculous. I pointed out that they have already tried what some of you are suggesting and it's not working because as I've been saying this whole time, the Natives don't have the knowledge or support system necessary to take over those large scale farms. If you have some actual proof otherwise show it, but sarcasm and snark don't make for a valid argument.
Right no black person has this knowledge to run a farm in South Africa. Got it.
The smarter thing to do would have been to take some of the land from the whites, and in exchange for letting them keep some of it, making them bring blacks as farming apprenticeships so that they could learn how to conduct their own farming businesses.


Bolded sound a bit like this to me ...

It's demeaning to assume Black Africans don't have any large scale farming expertise...

This is coming from someone who's actually lived in the continent