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SOME ABW Men apparently diss black women: thread about passport bros again

The link is broken on abw but it works , they didn’t pay some pro and they started fighting her
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I really dislike it when women try to take a woman’s right to choose who she sexually sleeps around with, and make it seem like the man that she purposefully slept with, is like a pseudo rapist, cuz what the hell is this?

I think she talking about the high amount t of prostitution which is related to sex trafficking. As y’all know people don’t want to support John’s and whores nor do they want to see it
lol I mean I think Colombians and Brazilians have a legit gripe. I mean you Jamaican so I know y’all not viewing sec tourism as a great thing
I'm not talking bout the gangs. They doing what they feel they have to even tho prostitution been rife in those countries and they been making money from it.
I'm talking about the becky making videos. Tf does she care about this shit?
I'm not talking bout the gangs. They doing what they feel they have to even tho prostitution been rife in those countries and they been making money from it.
I'm talking about the becky making videos. Tf does she care about this shit?

Oh yea white folks dgaf about us they don’t want their men getting balled up and burnt out
Because it's the internet, someone somewhere is always going in a tizzy about another person's life choices....
Yeah, but why though? Like I understand getting upset because people you feel like you don’t respect or people are doing things that you don’t like. Then that’s one thing. There really is no reason for him to have this level of passion. I understand why these dudes want to fly overseas. I get it. They want to know what it’s like to have women that are interested in them. They want to know what it’s like to womanize. It’s a deep, dark rabbit hole that I don’t think people care to talk about, because all the sounds like is you just want to use women’s bodies as things to masturbate with. Which isn’t completely false, but there’s a lot of dishonesty in it.

these dudes have very long stretches where women are not interested in them. So it’s like what exactly am I doing all these things for, when I don’t get the kind of woman that I want? A lot of men spend a grand portion of their life, being lonely. The women that they could get, are told that they should try to get the absolute best man available, which is not an issue, but again it just turns into the same rigmarole and conversation that we’ve been having. Water should always seek its own level.