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SOME ABW Men apparently diss black women: thread about passport bros again

Idk why y'all are feigning shock. Just like there men who have a complete distain for women, there are women who have hatred for men. This lady looks like hasn't been loved in about a good 10 years and uses SM as an outlet.

Yeah I'll never understand the rationale of posting an obvious unstable person saying some crazy shit as if that proves a point or constitutes a majority or even a movement. And then when challenged they hit you with some shit like but "a girl I was walking next to at the CVS to said the same thing to whoever she was on the phone with so obviously it's a problem"
Yeah I'll never understand the rationale of posting an obvious unstable person saying some crazy shit as if that proves a point or constitutes a majority or even a movement. And then when challenged they hit you with some shit like but "a girl I was walking next to at the CVS to said the same thing to whoever she was on the phone with so obviously it's a problem"

This is abw on every gender topic
This is abw on every gender topic

Granted, the loud minority does get too much attention on here. Some of ya'll niggas do act like these people are unicorns in a fantasy land and don't actually exist in real life. That lady is bonkers, but some of the sentiment she's expressing is held by chicks that aren't considered crazy.

Do ya'll think these dudes are lying when they recount the experiences that made them believe it's better to leave the country to look for love/pussy rather than deal with the women here?
Granted, the loud minority does get too much attention on here. Some of ya'll niggas do act like these people are unicorns in a fantasy land and don't actually exist in real life. That lady is bonkers, but some of the sentiment she's expressing is held by chicks that aren't considered crazy.

Do ya'll think these dudes are lying when they recount the experiences that made them believe it's better to leave the country to look for love/pussy rather than deal with the women here?

"a girl I was walking next to at the CVS to said the same thing to whoever she was on the phone with so obviously it's a problem"
Granted, the loud minority does get too much attention on here. Some of ya'll niggas do act like these people are unicorns in a fantasy land and don't actually exist in real life. That lady is bonkers, but some of the sentiment she's expressing is held by chicks that aren't considered crazy.

Do ya'll think these dudes are lying when they recount the experiences that made them believe it's better to leave the country to look for love/pussy rather than deal with the women here?

I just don’t think men born and raised in the US all of a sudden can’t deal with their own culture. And y’all keep posting niggas tricking and nobody that actually has a lasting relationship. Military niggas marry foreign women and don’t brag about the shit. Tricking on Colombian women is fine if that’s what they wanna do.
I just don’t think men born and raised in the US all of a sudden can’t deal with their own culture. And y’all keep posting niggas tricking and nobody that actually has a lasting relationship. Military niggas marry foreign women and don’t brag about the shit. Tricking on Colombian women is fine if that’s what they wanna do.

Bruh, there are plenty of dudes out there making videos about their relationships. Lol If you want to believe that everyone with a different life experience than you is lying,, go for it. But it's not like this gender war between black men and women just started. It's just intensified in the social media era.
Bruh, there are plenty of dudes out there making videos about their relationships. Lol If you want to believe that everyone with a different life experience than you is lying,, go for it. But it's not like this gender war between black men and women just started. It's just intensified in the social media era.

I didn’t say it just started but it’s millions of people who dgaf about a gender war. You married for how long to an American woman right. Most of us are gonna marry American women. Again show me some passport bros having actual relationships and not tricking in foreign pussy I’d believe you.

If they feel they gotta move then fine but I’m think it’s lame.
Nobody is saying stay in America. I’m saying don’t use foreign women as better than American women. Getting a foreign spouse is fine I’m just saying don’t use random Colombian hoes or random foreign women as one big group that’s a better option than your actual culture that you’re trying to bring her into.
Thing is in countries with high sex trafficking people fell less sorry. Cuz it looks a certain way. I don’t think they lining up just any ole tourists.