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Should Eddie Murphy apologize for his old jokes?

America still havent made amends for slavery but gays get their way at all corners.

1. True.
2. What does one have to do with the other?
3. No one is talking about Eddie Murphy 'making amends' for anything. So that's a false equivalency.
4. The post is about him APOLOGIZING. And even that is inaccurate, because he didn't apologize in the articles I've read.
Why apologize?

Dude made jokes about MJ, where's that tweet/article about him apologizing to MJ? That's what comedians do, hell ppl do, judge other ppl, crack on other ppl. Find humor with anything and anyone. Nobody's exempt in the comedy world, even in reality at times.

Gays joke about other gays smh. Gays joke about str8 ppl.

Dude had gay friends, hell he worked in Hollywood, I assuming some took offensive back then and some didn't, so why now?

Just don't stop at gays, apologize to everybody else you did wrong when you were young. Agenda is unfolding.

We always place gays as this so call "hurt ass group" Gays get more sympathy than slaves
My question would be why WOULDN'T you think he's sorry. Not saying he is or isn't, but for everyone saying that he isn't, I don't know what that is based on. You read the article? Everything in it makes sense.

Eddie is 58 years old. I don't know a single nigga that age who wasn't aware that they didn't know a gotdamn thing 35 years ago and prolly said and did some things that they regret. I just feel like we gotta stop assigning motives and feelings to other people based on how WE feel. Reading the article, it sounds like he was a nigga who was feeling himself because he knew he was the young, hot, funny nigga in Hollywood who could do no wrong, but didn't know shit about life or have any life experiences to draw on so he picked the lowest hanging fruit and made mean-spirited jokes about gay niggas.

I dunno, man.

I'm not assuming anything. I didn't say whether he is sorry or not sorry. I just asked if anyone actually thinks he is. Sure, people change and grow, but dude wasn't some political pundit that was giving out false information. He was telling jokes. If he was actually sorry about those jokes, he could have said that a long time ago. It could be the cynic in me, but I find it more readily believable that he's reading the room and reacting to that than him being legitimately sorry for some jokes he told years ago. Like I said, he's announced that he's making a stand-up comeback, and now all of a sudden he's realized he's sorry for some of his jokes back in the day. Seems might convenient.
I'm not assuming anything. I didn't say whether he is sorry or not sorry. I just asked if anyone actually thinks he is. Sure, people change and grow, but dude wasn't some political pundit that was giving out false information. He was telling jokes. If he was actually sorry about those jokes, he could have said that a long time ago. It could be the cynic in me, but I find it more readily believable that he's reading the room and reacting to that than him being legitimately sorry for some jokes he told years ago. Like I said, he's announced that he's making a stand-up comeback, and now all of a sudden he's realized he's sorry for some of his jokes back in the day. Seems might convenient.

We're on to two totally different pages and talking about two separate concepts. All good.
Nah. Best not open that shit up.

Next thing you know he's labeled anti Semitic for the barbershop scenes in Coming to America. And y'all know I'm not lying.

I can see the media now jumping on that shit

I again I think he wanted to jump ahead of this. He doesn't want anything derailing Dolomite, his comedy special, or Coming to America.
And this is what separates Chappelle from the rest in regards to stand up

I forgot what interview I saw it in, but someone made a good point about how Dave has the luxury of a "fuck it" approach to his comedy right now.
Most celebrities, most people, don't have that.
Remember he stated his career couldn't survive a picture with OJ at one point. I'd wager that's changed since then.

Eddie has at least 2, maybe more, projects he's about to have out
His last projects might not have been as commercially successful as hoped
He's been out the loop for a while
Has to make himself known to a whole new generation and that leaves a lot "ifs" on the table.

I won't say it isn't a genuine statement from him. Cool if it is
BUT it also makes sense to play it safe and get ahead of the inevitable
I could see a person getting old and regretting the shit they said when they were younger.

So I get where he coming from.

If he wants to akcnowledge that he said some ignant shit, thats cool. Apologizing is a bit much though.
Fuck no...if a joke is funny, its funny... regardless of who its about.

These soft ass everybody gets a trophy safe space having mfs need to do some push ups.

That specials been out longer than most of them have been alive, and now it's a prob. That's more than likely the only reason hes on this apology shit.

I hate how corporate all this stuff has become. Bottom line aaaaaaall of this shit comes down to sponsors. Cant upset the gays, they have a loud voice and we'll lose sponsors.